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38. А) Разделите текст в на логические части. Озаглавьте каждую часть текста.

6) Выделите ключевые слова в каждом абзаце текста в. Сфор­мулируйте основную мысль абзаца по ключевым словам.

39. Обсудите следующие проблемы:

  1. Thick seam mining and problems connected with their re­ covery.

  2. Mechanization used in mining thick seams.

  3. Underground methane drainage problems.


Вы прослушали лекции по геологии, горному делу, изучили соответст­вующие уроки данного учебника (Уроки 4-8). Теперь вам представляется возможность принять участие в обсуждении проблем, связанных с горным производством в целом. Для этого необходимо 1) ознакомиться с общей схемой горного производства; 2) изучить содержание статьи "An Overview of the Mining Industry". Желательно, чтобы студенты группы разделились на геологов и горных инженеров-разработчиков. Задача таких групп — осветить сферу своей деятельности в будущем на основании изученного материала.

Слова для понимания статьи:

to Identify — опознавать appraisal — оценка susceptibility — чувствительность concealed — скрытый, не выходя­щий на поверхность crusher — дробилка concentration — обогащение blending — смешивание; составле­ние шихты screen — сортировать (обыден.

уголь); просеивать froth floatation — пенная флотация

core drilling — колонковое бурение

to delineate — обрисовывать, опи­сывать

lender — заимодавец

feasibility — возможность

In situ mining — повторная разра­ботка месторождения в массиве

screening — просеивание; грохоче­ние

processing — обработка, разделение минералов

An Overview of the Mining Industry

(General Characteristics)

According to the broadest definition, mining includes discover­ing, extracting and processing of all nonrenewable resources up to the point at which they are used for fabricating or for producing

Unit 8 211

energy. This broad definition includes the energy minerals such as coal, petroleum and natural gas; refined or processed metals such as copper, steel and the ferroalloys; and nonminerals such as dia­monds, phosphate and potash. A much narrower definition of mining includes only crude or nonprocessed mine products, such as mineral ores and coal, and excludes petroleum and natural gas. We deal mainly with the major metals from the exploration and mining stages to the processing stage from which they are normally marketed for use in manufacturing.

The production of useful minerals involves several stages that are generally carried on by large mining firms, although small mining operations may engage in the initial stage. The first stage is exploration of areas identified by geological reports as possessing potential mineral resources. Modern exploration methods are quite sophisticated and include geological, geochemical and geophysical investigation; three-dimensional sampling by core drilling or other methods; laboratory analyses, including ore treatment, concentra­tion, and recovery tests; and economic appraisal. The objective is to discover and evaluate an orebody that can be economically ex­ploited.

Geochemical exploration is used to measure the chemical properties of the area surrounding the deposit in order to delineate abnormal chemical patterns that may be related to potentially eco­nomic mineral deposits. Geophysical investigations employ elec­tronic equipment that can detect contrasts in such physical prop­erties as specific gravity, electrical conductivity, heat conductivity, seismic velocity and magnetic susceptibility. Where much of the bedrock is concealed, telegeologic or remote sensing techniques measure various geologic properties from aircraft or satellites. Ex­ploration is commonly carried on by teams of specialists that in­clude geologists, geochemists and geophysicists. There are different levels of exploration beginning with regional geologic mapping of areas up to 50,000 square km (20,000 square miles) and ending with intensive investigations of orebodies by means of numerous drillings to obtain bulk samples which are then metallurgically tested to determine the dimensions and character of the orebody.

If the results of exploration activities suggest that an economi­cal deposit has been found, the second stage involves engineering and economic evaluations of the mining project. It is on the basis of this study that companies decide whether to go ahead with a mining project; the study may also be reviewed by prospective

212 Unit 8

lenders. The feasibility study for a large mining project may be quite costly, running to $25 million or more in some cases. The total cost of exploration and the feasibility study for a large mine may run to $50 million or more. It is uncertain whether a profit­able mine will be constructed until all the stages have been com­pleted. In the initial exploration stage, several million dollars may be spent with less than a 10 per cent chance of a successful out­come.

The third stage is the construction of the mine, the metallurgi­cal plant, and infrastructure. There are two basic types of opera­tions to extract mineral ores: open-pit or surface mining, and un­derground mining. An open-pit mine is largely a quarrying opera­tion that handles a large volume of material. Such mining involves drilling and blasting the ore and hauling it out of the pit in large trucks with capacities ranging up to 200 tons, or in ore trains. The ore is hauled to crushers and then to the metallurgical plant. In un­derground mining, shafts are dug into ore deposits below the sur­face, from which ore is drilled, blasted and removed through un­derground passages to the surface. Iron, bauxite and copper ores are extracted by means of open-pit mining, while lead, zinc, sil­ver and gold are largely extracted by underground mining. There are also some underground copper mines. Economies of scale in open-pit mining permit the mining of relatively low-grade ores. As much as 100,000 tons of ore per day containing less than 1 per cent metal are extracted in the larger open-pit operations. Higher ore grades are necessary for underground mining to be profitable.

One recent advance in mining and processing of lower-grade ores is in situ mining. In situ mining may be defined as the extrac­tion of metals from ores located within a mine (broken or fractured ore, caved material, slag heaps, etc.). These materials represent an enormous potential source of all types of metals.

Large mines involve huge capital outlays running to a billion dollars or more. The mining complexes usually include concentra­tion of ores for production of concentrates with 25 per cent or higher metal content. In the case of copper, large mine complexes include plants for smelting copper or for producing copper metal by hydrometallurgical methods, but in the case of other metals such as gold, lead, zinc, tin and iron, metal is produced in sepa­rate plants which may or may not be owned by the mining com­pany. The degree of processing that usually takes place at the mine differs widely among metals, but refining the product for market-

Unit 8


ing to fabricators nearly always takes place in separate plants that refine the products of several mines.

As is known, modern methods of processing are dense medium separation, jigging and froth floatation. Operations prior to coal preparation include: blending, screening, crushing, dewatering and others. The aim is to get clean coal for metallurgical plants, etc.

Since mines tend to be located far away from developed areas, infrastructure is often a substantial proportion of capital cost. It is frequently necessary to provide sources of power and water, as well as highways, railroads and port facilities. In addition the min­ing company may be responsible for constructing living quarters for workers and their families and for providing education and other public services required by the mining community.

PHASE I Before Mining


PHASE III After Mining


Finding Proving Planning Opening and Developing


Surface Underground Dredging

Ore to processing


To further processing or

consumer products

Drilling Sampling Shaft Sinking or

Tunnelling Stripping Underground or

Surface Construction

Breaking Loading Transporting Unloading

Size reduction




Thermal Drying



На обсуждение выносятся следующие вопросы:

  1. Using the scheme above speak about the main divisions of mining activities. What are they?

  2. What definition can you give to mining in general?

  3. You are a geologist. What can you say about the main objec­ tives of 1) exploration; 2) evaluation?


Unit 8

  1. What is the difference between exploration and evaluation?

  2. What else do you think "before mining activities include"?

  3. Now we come to mining. What are the main mining meth­ ods? What factors should be taken into account in choosing this or that method of mining?

  4. What is the role of economic factors in choosing a method of mining?

  5. Do you know anything about in situ mining? When can it be used? What is the economic factor in using in situ mining?

  6. Can you say a few words about processing?

  1. What does infrastructure involve?

  2. What conclusion can be drawn from what has been said? Sum up opinions of the participants in the conference.

Теперь выбирайте ведущего я начинайте обсуждение. Желаем успеха!

Фразы, которые помогут вам:

As a matter of fact

Broadly speaking

But this is what I mean

As I have said

I want to add

In conclusion let me say

Let me call your attention to

The discussion is due to

begin (to finish) To sum up all that has

been said

As far as I know

But the fact is

Coming back to the main

problem (subject) I have nothing more to say In this brief survey (обзор) The next point is Time limit will not permit us

to continue the discussion Well, the problem is

UNIT 9 Mining and Environment

А. Грамматика

Независимый причастный оборот (The Absolute

Participle Construction). Текст A. Open-cast Mining.

Б. Грамматика

Текст Б. В. Текст В.

  1. Сложное предложение.

  2. Согласование времен в косвенной речи. Ore Mining.

Mining and the Environment.


Независимый причастный оборот (The Absolute Participle Construction)

Обычно субъект причастного оборота совпадает с подле­жащим предложения:

Not knowing what to do,

I telephoned the police. (=Because I didn't know what to do, ...)

He зная, что делать, я позвонил в полицию.

Однако в научно-технической литературе вы можете встретить независимые причастные обороты.

В независимом причастном обороте имеется существитель­ное без предлога (реже местоимение в именительном падеже), которое стоит перед причастием и по смыслу является субъек­том действия, выраженного причастием. От основной части предложения этот оборот всегда отделяется запятой:

Oil consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons, some other compounds being also present.

Нефть состоит из смеси уг­леводородов, кроме того, в ней присутствуют так­же некоторые другие со­единения.


Unit 9

Если независимый причастный оборот стоит в начале предложения, то он переводится на русский язык обстоя­тельственным придаточным предложением причины, времени или условия.

Если независимый причастный оборот стоит в конце предложения, то он переводится на русский язык предложе­нием, вводимым союзами причем, а, и:

Good results having been obtained, the researchers could continue the ex­periment.

At this mine the method of working is longwall, the faces being rather long.

После того как (Когда) были получены хорошие резуль­таты, исследователи смогли продолжить экс­перимент.

На этой шахте применяет­ся система разработки длинными столбами, при­чем забои бывают доста­точно длинными.

Субъект независимого причастного оборота может также вводиться предлогом with:

With Peter working in Так как Питер работал в

London, the house Лондоне, дом совсем

seemed empty. опустел.