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Unit 2. Global warming as number two international problem.

Предтекстовое задание. По своему выбору выпишите предложения, перевод которых соответствует грамматическим конструкциям, приведенным перед текстом. Обоснуйте в соответствии с грамматическими правилами.


The Passive Voice.

The Perfect Tenses

Text A. The Ozone Layer and the greenhouse effect

The ozone layer and the greenhouse effect. There are a number of connections between the ozone layer and the greenhouse effect:

CFCs are greenhouse gases, as well as ozone depletes. A molecule of CFC 12 is 10,000 times more effective as a greenhouse gas than a molecule of carbon dioxide.

Depletion of the ozone layer allows more radiation to hit the earth, thus increasing the input of heat to global warming.

Some of the substitutes for CFCs are themselves greenhouse gases (e. g., the hydrocarbons, and some partially halogenated CFCs).

Because of the quantity of CFCs in the stratosphere, CFCs will contribute to ozone depletion and global warming long after their production and use has been banned.

In March 1989, the number of signatories to the Montreal Protocol increased, and the EEC and USA agreed to phase out CFCs altogether by the end of the century. But the environment movement is calling for the abolition of all ozone depletes as quickly as possible.

VI. What can we do?

CFCs in domestic fridges and freezers are used in enclosed system as coolants so they get into the atmosphere only when the appliances are discarded and damaged. CFCs in air conditioning systems are also discharged into the air if a leak develops or when the system is destroyed. A cause for concern is that there is, as yet, no economical, effective way of disposing of these refrigerants, but recycling is a possibility. Most aerosols, now, do not contain CFCs. Some rely on a pump action (with no propellant gas at all) to expel their contents. Others use gases which are less damaging than CFCs.

If aerosol is CFC-free it has an 'Ozone Friendly' or 'Environment Friendly' symbol. It is also possible to use roll-on or stick deodorants instead of aerosols. Most


shops have now started to use foam packaging which has been produced either without CFCs at all or with a less damaging CFC. Most of the new refrigerators and air-conditioning systems use a more ozone-friendly gas. It is important for refrigeration service engineers to check all equipment regularly and, when disposing of old equipment, to collect the CFC gas carefully in cylinders which are to be sealed for safe disposal.

Ex.1.Read and translate the text.

Ex.2. Find out the sentences which are false to the text:

1.A molecule of CFC 12 is 10.000 times less effective as a greenhouse gas than a molecule of carbon dioxide.

2.Depletion of the ozone layer does not allow more radiation to hit the earth, thus diminishing the input of hit to global warming.

3.Most aerosols use gases which are more damaging than CFCs.

4.It is not possible to use roll-on or stick deodorants instead of aerosols.

Text B. The greenhouse effect

Предтекстовое задание. По своему выбору выпишите предложения, перевод которых соответствует грамматическим конструкциям, приведенным перед текстом. Обоснуйте в соответствии с грамматическими правилами.


The Participle 1 (v+ing)

The Infinitive.

The Gerund

The greenhouse effect describes the build-up in the atmosphere of pollutant gases which heat coming from the earth, sending the heat back to the earth's surface rather than allowing it to escape into space. The consequences of the resulting increase in global temperature could be extremely disturbing.

I. How the greenhouse effect works

The sun is the most important source of energy for the earth, sending a spectrum of radiation to the planet, as X-rays, ultraviolet and visible light, infra-red radiation, microwaves and radio waves. Much of this energy arrives as visible light. Carbon dioxide, which is present in small quantities in the earth's atmosphere, allows visible light to pass through it. The light waves are absorbed by the earth, which in turn emits radiation, but mostly of a longer wavelength — as infra-red radiation. Carbon dioxide (C02) absorbs infra-red radiation, or reflects it back to where it came from.

C02 thus works in the same way as glass in a greenhouse, allowing solar radiation to pass through it, but then holding back the longer wavelength radiation


that attempts to return. The result is a warmer temperature in the greenhouse than outside it.

This is a natural process, and an essential system for maintaining the earth's temperature. Without carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the earth's surface would cool very rapidly at night, much more rapidly than at present. On the other hand, increasing or reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere 'could increase or slow down the speed at which this greenhouse effect occurs. This appears to be happening at the moment: and the process is exacerbated by the presence in the atmosphere of other substances which act in the same way as C02.

Carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere partly by burning wood but primarily by burning fossil fuels (i.e., coal and oil). This is a significant annual addition to the C02 already in the atmosphere.

If the greenhouse theory is correct, then a build-up of carbon dioxide in the air would be accompanied by an increase in temperature around the world.

Ex.1. Read and translate the text.

Ex.2. Answer the question: What is the definition of the Greenhouse effect? Use chemical terms mentioned in the text.

Text C. To stop the greenhouse effect

Предтекстовое задание. По своему выбору выпишите предложения, перевод которых соответствует грамматическим конструкциям, приведенным перед текстом. Обоснуйте в соответствии с грамматическими правилами.


The Conditional sentences.

The Present Infinitive.

Active and Passive Voice.

No one has yet developed the solution to the greenhouse effect — the sources of pollution are widespread, ranging from transport to electricity to gas to oil to agriculture to deforestation; and the solution to global warming lies not in the hands of one country, but of all. Savings in carbon emissions in one part of the world are useless if negated in another.

The greenhouse effect is largely the product of the industrialized nations, however, as they are the world's largest energy users, CFC producers and consumers, car manufacturers and users, and enthusiasts for nitrogen fertilizers. The solution to the greenhouse effect needs a radical rethink of the entire Western industrialized lifestyle — and of the financial interrelationships between the North and South.

The solutions to the greenhouse effect will be difficult, expensive, and involve some sacrifice.


While some warming of climate now seems inevitable due to past actions, the rate and degree of future warming could be profoundly affected by government policies on energy conservation, use of fossil fuels, and the emission of some greenhouse gases.

About 13 per cent of the gas emitted from coal-burning power stations, for instance, is C02. Equipment exists to remove C02 from these emissions. If all power stations in the USA used this equipment, C02 emissions would, be cut by 10 per cent. If the whole world used the technology, emissions would drop by 30 per cent

“A more attractive solution would be to redesign power stations, and make better use of energy in factories, homes and on the roads. If these were planned in an effort to conserve energy, rather than using energy as a disposable throwaway product, fossil fuel demand could be reduced by up to 50 per cent”.

The technology for minimizing nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbon emissions from motor vehicles is already well-established, and has been fitted to a third of the world's car fleet. Technology for reductions of nitrogen oxides from power stations is already being introduced into Japan.

But it is important to realize that these measures help only to reduce the effect

.The key to the solution of the greenhouse effect is not in cleaning up greenhouse emissions: this is not possible on the scale that is necessary. The solution is not to emit the pollutant in the first place. This would mean refusal from wide-spread things like internal combustion engine, nitrogen fertilizers, coal-fired power stations and many other things people use every day. The refusal from all these things presupposes a change of philosophy in planners, politicians, and energy suppliers.

Ex.1. Read and translate the text.

Ex.2. What is by your opinion the very effective among the others engineering ecological protection method in the process of stopping the greenhouse effect? Learn the verbs and use them actively in your answer to the keyquestion below: “What does it mean to stop the greenhouse effect in details?’’

To develop; to spread; to agriculture; to save; to use; to need; to involve; to burn; to remove; to redesign; to make better use of; to conserve; to minimize; to introduce; to measure; to reduce; to clean up; to emit; to mean; to change.

Text D. The green house gases

It is not just carbon dioxide that contributes to the greenhouse effect: there are four other pollutants that are credited with contributing to global warming; Carbon Dioxide 50% Methane 18% Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)1 14% Tropospheric