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Text D. Some effective engineering protection environmental methods. Proposals and opinions.

The second and far more potent way to reduce C02 emissions is to get more work out of fossil fuels, to burn them more efficiently. Efficiency improvements could cut C02 emissions dramatically. A World Resources Institute study concluded11 that developed countries could halve fossil-fuel usage by implementing new conservation and efficiency initiatives.

Increased energy-efficiency would help a lot by minimizing such environmental problems as urban smog and acid rain. Developing new efficiency and renewable technologies will do little good, however, unless they can be widely used in poor countries. To stop global warming, the industrially developed rich countries may have to help them create a sustainable energy future. This effort will take money - lots of it.

The scientists suggest that we redefine security in ecological, not military terms, and spend the enormous military budget on environmental defense. Global warming is the common enemy. The globe needs tree-planters more than soldiers.

"Plant a tree, cool the globe." That's the slogan of Global Relief, a reforestation program launched by the American Forestry Association (AFA). As trees grow, they recycle CO: a fast-growing tree can "fix" as much as 48 pounds of C02 each year. A tree's ability to shade buildings, especially in urban concrete16 jungles, can save 15 times that amount indirectly in avoided energy costs. A 667,000-square-mile tract (an area bigger than Alaska) would remove about 15 per cent of the world's annual C02 emissions. Even if a program of this scope could be implemented, stabilizing the climate would still require big cuts in fossil-fuel use. Planting trees is a stopgap, not a panacea.

Stopping deforestation is another vital task. When a tree burns or decays it releases the carbon it has absorbed over its entire lifetime. The deforestation of tropical rainforests - now ongoing at a race of 50 acres per minute - accounts for about 20 per cent of the world's C02 emissions. The United Nations Noel Brown says that developed countries should relieve Third World countries of the $1.3-trillion debt18 that is the reason for much of this destruction: "Swapping that debt for rainforest preservation would be an investment in the future of the planet."

A century from now historians may conclude that the threat of global warming was the best thing that ever happened to the environment. Humanity has an enormous investment in a stable climate, and global warming gives us a compelling, selfish economic stimulus to change patterns of energy use that have proved so harmful to Earth's beauty and biodiversity. But will global warming galvanize us? Can mankind mobilize human energy and creativity in defense of Earth?

If the answer is "Yes", we will solve many other environmental problems - everything from acid rain to urban smog. If it is "No", these problems will accumulate until they overwhelm the biosphere. From an ecological perspective, only two outcomes are possible: a big win... or an even bigger loss.