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12. Complete the sentences with the phrases and combinations from the text.

1. A man in ancient Greece who possessed a good pair of legs and strong voice ....

2. These tradesmen, therefore, sometimes employed a crier to walk through their city ....

3. Such signs were useful because they could be understood even by those who....

4. Plays were advertised in the same way, and the Romans had a kind ....

5. It was more of a newspaper than an advertise, though ....

6. This was a fairly effective ... in these days.

7. The shopkeepers themselves used their strong voices in the .... 8.... the efforts of town crier were helped by ... in England.

9. They were often roughly painted but some were ....

10. ... a lot more for such work, but the ... that came this way increased the profit.

11. Signboards were ... outside inns.

12. The troubles caused by swinging signboards ... that laws for the shopkeepers were passed.

13. Work in pairs. Take it in turns to interview each other using the word combinations.

1. trade mark

2. advertising agency

3. a weekly newspaper

4. extra trade

5. a way of advertising

6. a chance of employment

7. to increase profits

8. the effects of advertisement

9. private notices

10. a profitable company

14. Describe your favourite advertisement using the following phrases and word combinations.

Successful campaign Attractive design Sense of humour Bright colouring Witty slogan Extra trade

15. Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases.

1. Эта компания имеет запоминающийся торговый знак.

2. Частные объявление занимают большую часть этого журнала.

3. Чтобы увеличить доходы нам необходимо увеличить количество клиентов.

4. Эта ежедневная газета пользуется большой популярностью среди москвичей.

5. Рекламная компания этой фирмы была особенно заметной на центральных улицах города.

6. Его шансы получить работу очень высоки, так как рекламная компания нуждается в профессионалах как он.

7. Нельзя сказать, что эта реклама имеет высокую художественную ценность, но она эффективна.

8. Данное еженедельное издание считается самым авторитетным в мире бизнеса.

9. Способы рекламы спиртных напитков довольно разнообразны.

10. Данная рекламная компания развилась из одного успешного рекламного проекта.

16. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.

1. A strong voice and a pair of good legs were not enough to be employed.

2. All the shops had equal chances to sell their goods.

3. The human voice and the signboards were the most popular ways of advertising.

4. First signboards appeared in ancient Greece.

5. Picture signs were the most popular signs.

6. Even ancient newspapers contained private notices.

7. People started to complain about the noise and soon the bellmen were prohibited by law.

8. Signboards were of great artistic value.

9. A signboard was nearly the only thing by which one could recognize the house.

10. There was a time when the street advertisements became dangerous for possible clients.

17. Match these phrases with their definitions.

1. advertising business a man who rings the bell informing

of news

2. a signboard a system of signs made with the hands

for people who are unable to speak, often used by people with disabilities (deaf and dumb)

3. public place money that you make by selling

something or from your business

4. record of events the aesthetic merit of literature, music

or painting shown in monetary worth

5. a bellman a flat obj ect with words or pictures on it.

6. sign language the business of making advertisements

7. artistic value an area or building which is open to all


8. profit a special design that family, organization

or a place used as its own sign

9. coats of arms documentation (in newspapers, books,

or on film happened)