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XVI. Fill in the table:




Musical instruments



XVII. Work in groups. Find out from your partners:

– what holiday is celebrated in Belarus from Christmas till Epiphany;

  • what they know about the origin of this holiday;

  • what is prepared for ritual suppers and why;

  • whether they have such suppers in their families;

– whether they take part in "Kalyady" and what they do during this holiday.

XVIII. Prove that:

– "Kalyady" is a jolly time:

– our theatre has some roots in the holiday of "Kalyady".

XIX. Comment on:

– the behaviour of young boys and girls in the streets during "Kalyady";

  • the origin of the word "Batleyka'";

– the purpose of "Kalyady".

XX. Imagine that:

– You are preparing for "Kalyady". Your friend from America has come to visit you. It goes without saying that he knows nothing about this holiday. You want him to take part in the procession of "Kalyadovschchiki." Role-play a dia­logue with your partner.

– You are an organizer of "Kalyady" in your class. Try to talk your friends in taking part in the celebration. Then distribute the roles among them. Role-play a dialogue with your partners.

XXI. Comprehension check. Choose the best alternative according to the text;

1. Orthodox Christians celebrate "Kalyady"

  1. from December, 25 to January, 6;

  1. from January, 1 to January, 7;

  1. from January, 7 to January, 19.

2. People consider that "Kalyady " is

  1. a dull holiday and never celebrate it;

  1. is a holiday for small children only;

  1. a merry holiday and celebrate it with pleasure.

3. During "Kalyady", groups of merry young boys and girls

  1. organize rock music concerts in Belarusian villages and towns;

  1. go carol-singing in Belarusian villages and towns;

  1. make snowmen in Belarusian villages and towns.

4. Each of the carol-singers

  1. has a present for passers-by;

  1. suggests his project of this holiday;

  1. plays a part according to his personality.

5. Amateur actors

  1. are disguised or wear masks;

  1. treat hosts and hostesses to delicious thing;

  1. cook "Kuttzya" and treat passers-by to it.

6. Amateur musicians

  1. play the accordion or beat the tambourine;

  1. thank hosts and hostesses for carol-singing;

  1. teach passers-by to play the accordion.

7. The host and the hostess usually treat "Ka/yadovschchiki"

  1. with suspicion;

  1. to tasty things;

  1. as if they were mad.

8. Three ritual suppers are prepared in every Belarusian home

  1. during "Kalyady";

  1. on the New Year Eve;

  1. on Christmas Eve.

9. Our ancestors were convinced that "Kuttzya " was sacred food which

  1. could protect people from the evil eye;

  1. was necessary for people to live long;

  1. was blessed food.

10. So "Kuttzya" was

  1. a symbol of rich life;

  1. served in the morning;

  1. a symbol of everlasting life.

  1. On "Kalyady" Belarusians

  1. never celebrate weddings because of the superstitions;

  1. like to entertain themselves and celebrate weddings;

  1. like to stay at home and cook "Kuttzya" every evening.

12. The pagan holiday of "Kalyady " coincided later with

  1. Christmas;

  1. Epiphany;

  1. New Year.

13. The main purpose of "Kalyady" is

  1. to organize the processions of "Kalyadovschchiki";

  1. to do away with bad things and to start a new period of life cheerfully;

  1. to demonstrate national Belarusian traditions to people all over the world.