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3.15 Read the dialogue "Asking the way" and answer the following questions:

1. Why did the woman ask for help? 2. What buildings did the man show her first? 3. What explanations did the man make on the doctor's residence and his work? 4. Why was the man such a good guide?

  1. Speak on:

a) why the lady asked for help. Make use the prompts in brackets (to find the way round; stranger; to appreciate; to get some information; the name of the street; to miss; to be lucky);

b) what information the mayor gave the lady when he was showing her around the town (the building with the clock; the building with a large green globe in the window; to live next door; to have one's office; two blocks a way; at the end of Independence Avenue; to be of any help)

3.17 Read the dialogue "Getting Home".

Joe and Susan a few days in Seattle last month. They left the car at home and stayed in a good hotel in downtown Seattle. They spent a lot of money. This is what happened the day they were leaving for home.

Susan: Why do we have to walk to the bus station? And where is it?

Joe: It's just down this street ... I think.

Susan: Look! There's a policeman! Ask him how to get there.

Joe: All right! Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the bus station?

Policeman: Yes. Walk down this street and turn left at the second traffic light. Then walk until you come to the river and ...

Joe: The river?

Policeman: Yes. When you come to the river, there's a bridge. Just walk across it. It's a narrow bridge, so watch traffic. Follow the signs that say "To Westside Bus Terminal". You can't miss it.

Joe: And is it very far? I mean how long does it take to walk there?

Policeman: About fifteen minutes, if you walk fast.

Joe: I see. Thank you very much.

Policeman: Not at all.

Susan: Fifteen minutes! And with these heavy, suitcases too! I think we ought to take a taxi!

Joe: Not at this hour! Look at the traffic, it's moving very slowly. We can get there just as quickly on foot.

Susan: Well, I can't possibly carry this suitcase any further.

Joe: Yes, I can. The suitcases aren't that heavy... hmm!

Susan: You see! They are heavier than you thought.

Joe: Perhaps it's not such a bad idea after all.

Susan: What isn't such a bad idea?

Joe: Taxi! Taxi!

3.18 Find the sentences used.

  1. for asking the way; giving instructions how to find the way.

3.19 Answer the following questions.

  1. Where are Joe and Susan directing to? 2. What are the policeman's instructions? 3. How long does the policeman say it'll take them to get to the station? 4. What does Susan think they ought to do and why? 5. Why doesn't Joe want to do it? 6. Why does Joe think it's not a bad idea to take a taxi after all?

3.20 Speak on:

  1. why Susan thought they ought to take a taxi to get to the station; b) the instructions the policeman gave them how to get to the station; c) the reasons that made Joe agree to take a taxi.

3.21 Read the dialogues below. Learn them and act them out:

1.Brian:Excuse me.

Woman: Yes?

Brian: Sorry to bother you, but could you tell me the way to Castle Road please?

Woman: I'm afraid I've no idea. I'm a stranger here myself.

Brian: Oh! Well, thank you anyway.

Woman: Sorry I couldn't help.

Brian: Excuse me.

Taxi driver: Yes?

Brian: Could you tell me how to get to Castle Road, please?

Taxi drive: Castle Road? Let me think, now... Yes... Go along this road as far as Tesco's - that's a large supermarket - then turn left and Castle Road is the first turning on the right.

Brian: I see. Straight on as far as the supermarket, turn left, then right.

Taxi driver: Yes, that's right.

Brian: It's not too far from here, is it?

Taxi driver: Oh, no, only a few minutes.

Brian: Oh, good. Well, thank you very much!

Taxi driver: Not at all.

2 . - Excuse me, can you tell me where South Street is, please?

- Take the second turn on the left and then ask again.

- Is it far?

- No, it's only about five minutes' walk.

- Many thanks.

- Not at all.

3- Excuse me, please. Could you tell me the way to the station?

- Turn round and turn left at the traffic lights.

- Will it take me long to get there?

- No, it is no distance at all.

- Thank you.

- That's o'key.

4- Does this bus go to the station?

- No, you'll have to get off at the bank and take a 192.

- Can you tell me where to get off?

- It's the next stop but one.

5- Am I o'key for St. Mary's Church?

- No, we only go as far as the park, but you can walk from there.

- How much further is it?

- It's quite a way yet, but I'll tell you in good time.

6- Excuse me, sir. I'm afraid I'm lost. Can you help me?

- Where do you want to go?

- I have to be at Fifth Avenue at 2 o'clock. I have to meet my husband there.

- Let me see. Oh, yes. It's around 5 blocks. Walk down this street as far as the light. Do you see it?

- Yes, I do. Over there?

- Yes, turn left at the light and go three blocks. You'll get Fifth Avenue there.

- O.K. Thanks a lot.

7- Excuse me!

- Yes?

- I'm lost. Is this the way to Brighton?

- No, I'm afraid it isn't. You are going the wrong way. This is the Portsmouth Road.

- Oh, dear. Can you tell me the way to Brighton?

- Yes, turn round and go back to the round about. Take the third exit ... that's the A 272.

- The A 272.

- That's right. You'll see signposts to Brighton from there.