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Health servce in the usa. Part I

Task 1 Form the words adding suffixes or prefixes:

1) adjective forming suffixes: -able(ible) flexible

-y biliary

health, circulation, saliva, access, starch, terror, response, sense, express;

2) adverb-forming suffixes: -ly consciously

final, sufficient, timid, hard, simple, like, active, serious, frequent;

3) prefix of the opposite meaning: -dis disappear

agree, ability, able, arm, balance, charge, close.

Task 2 Identify:

1) the prefixes in the words:

disabling, predict, immature, inactive, indigested, incomplete;

2) the suffixes in the words:

vulnerable, capable, accessible, available, eligible, reliable, demonstrably, eventually, terminally, needy, voluntary, sufficiently, costly, timidly.

Task 3 The suffix –cide means “to eliminate, to destroy, to kill”. Identify the suffix and translate the words:

herbicide, insecticide, pesticide, homicide, suicide.

Task 4 Learn the following words:

private doctor приватний лікар

inoculate робити щеплення

consulting physician лікар-консультант

emergency unit відділення швидкої допомоги

pastoral пасторальний, церковний

medical care медичне обслуговування

Medicaid соціальна урядова програма, яка

забезпечує безкоштовне медичне

обслуговуваннябідним та


Medicare урядова програма, яка передбачає

часткову оплату медичного

обслуговування літніх - за рахунок

страхування, решти – за рахунок


per capita на душу населення

Gross National product валовий продукт країни

sоphisticated складний

expenditure споживання, трата

challenge проблема, виклик, складне

завдання; кидати виклик, піддавати сумніву

costly дорогий, цінний

insurance страхування

disability непрацездатність

retirement вихід на пенсію, пенсійний вік

racial расовий

income прибуток, заробіток

Task 5 Find the corresponding definitions to the following words:

1 expenditure a) to cause (something) to occur faster or happen earlier, to become faster, increase quickly

2 challenge a) a government organization responsible for a certain area of administration

3 agency b) unlawful killing of a person

4 accelerate c) something new and difficult which requires great efforts and determination

5 sophisticate d) the spending of money on something or the money that is spent on something

6 homicide e) to say that an event will happen, to say something in advance

7 predict f) more advanced or complex than others, more intelligent and more informed than others (methods, device, machine)

Task 6 Use the following words and word combinations in your own sentences or find the sentences with them in the text and read them:

To arrange for, to receive pay from, health care to the sick and injured, government-financed, to stuff by, pastoral care is available, per capita, fraction of Gross National Product, rate of increase of expenditures, the financial capability, health insurance, to force to develop, racial background, the poverty level, the death rate, the leading killer.

Task 7 Read the text:


Health care in the USA is organized in three levels: family doctor, the medical institution or hospital and the USA Public Health Service.

A private doctor, they call him a family doctor, gives his patients regular examinations and inoculations. In case professional service and care is needed the family doctor arranges for the specialist or a hospital for his patient. The family doctor receives pay directly from the patient. A family doctor either has his own private office or works with several other doctors in the so-called group practice. Many Americans have no family doctor and they come directly to hospital for all their medical needs.

The hospital provides health care to the sick and injured. There are government-financed and propriety hospitals. The patients are admitted to hospitals or clinics staffed by consulting physicians, residents, interns and highly skilled nurses. In some hospitals pastoral care is available, and pastors visit their parishioners at any time. Most hospitals have at least the following major medical departments and units: surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and general medicine. They may also have trauma and intensive care unit, renal care unit and psychiatric unit. Emergency units are very special areas in the hospital. Emergency patients require immediate attention.

The Public Health Service in the USA is the leading agency in the policy to supply knowledge, facilities and professionals to the health sector.

The United States have the most expensive health care system in the world in dollars per capita and fraction of Gross National Product. The dynamics of health care system drives them to use more and more services that are more and more sophisticated and more and more costly. As a result, the annual rate of increase of health care expenditures seriously challenges the financial capability of the United States.

Most of the population have private health insurance. Approximately 75 per cent of the population have their health insurance, life insurance, disability protection and retirement benefits at their place of employment. Most employers and their families now pay more than 50 per cent of the cost of health insurance. The great cost of medical care in the country and a great number of people who could not pay for it had forced the federal government to develop two programs – Medicaid and Medicare. Medicaid, started in 1966, is a federal-state program, providing free medical care for the poor and aged, for the blind and dependent children. Medicare, started in 1967, is a federal program providing free medical care for aged Americans over 65, those who in the past had the greatest medical expenses.

The chief scientific problems facing American medicine are the same as those facing the Ukrainian medicine; they are heart diseases and cancer. The chief causes of suffering and death today are cancer and diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including hypertension, stroke, and atherosclerosis. Also of major importance in America are illnesses of aging and disabilities caused by arthritis, mental diseases, drug addiction and genetic problems.

Serious problems continue to exist among people of different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Children who live near or below the poverty level see a physician less frequently than children in families with higher income. The death rate for black adults aged 25-44 years is more than 2.5 times higher than for white adults. HIV infection is the leading killer of black adults aged 25-44 years and the second leading killer among Hispanic adults. The homicide rate is highest among black youth aged 15-24 years and is eight times higher for black youth than for white youth.

To solve all these problems is a very important task facing the health care system in the USA.

Task 8 Read the text once again. Look up all new items in a dictionary or vocabulary; then say whether the following statements are true:

1 Family doctor, the medical institution (hospital), the USA Public Health Service are the three levels of the Nation’s Health Care in the USA.

2 All Americans have family doctors.

3 In the USA there are government-financed and propriety hospitals.

4 The financial capability of the USA allows the country to have the most expensive health care system in the world.

5 Medicare is a federal program providing free medical care for the poor and aged, blind and dependent children.

6 The chief scientific problems facing American medicine differ greatly from the problems of medicine in Ukraine.

7 HIV infection is the leading killer of black adults aged 25-44 years.

Task 9 Make correct sentences by matching the information in 2 lists below:

1 The Public Health Service in the USA is

2 The family doctor

3 The hospital provides

4 The United States have

5 Most of the population

6 Medicaid is a program

7 Medicare is a federal program

a) health care to the sick and injured.

b) the most expensive health care system in the world.

c) providing free medical care for the poor and aged.

d) receives pay directly from the patient.

e) the leading agency in the policy to supply knowledge, facilities and professionals to the health sector.

f) have private health insurance.

g) providing free medical care for aged Americans over 65.

Task 10 Complete the sentences using information from the text:

1 Health care in the USA is organized in three levels: …

2 A family doctor gives his patients …

3 The patients are admitted to hospitals or clinics staffed by …

4 … is a leading agency in the policy to supply knowledge, facilities and professionals to the health sector.

5 The United States have the most expensive …

6 The great cost of medical care in the country and a great number of people who could not pay for it had forced …

7 Children who live near or below the poverty level …

Task 11 Read the text closely and answer the questions:

1 In what levels is health care in the USA organized?

2 What does each level provide?

3 Is health care system in the USA expensive or cheap?

4 What forced the federal government to develop such programs as Medicaid and Medicare?

5 What are the chief causes of suffering and death in the USA today?

6 What serious problems continue to exist in the USA?

Task 12 Answer your friend’s questions. Use words and word combinations given in brackets in your answers. Work in pairs:

1 What kinds of hospitals are there in America? (government-financed, private)

2 What is the staff of hospitals or clinics in America? (consulting physicians, residents, interns, highly skilled nurses, pastoral care)

3 What departments are there at American hospital? (surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, general medicine, neurosurgery, a renal care unit, a psychiatric unit, an emergency unit)

4 What is Medicaid? (a federal state program, to provide free medical care, the poor, the blind, dependent children)

5 What is Medicare? (a federal program, a health insurance program, the elderly and disabled, to provide free medical care, aged Americans)

Task 13 Read and translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1 The federal government provides Medicare health insurance for everybody over 65 and for some chronically disabled people.

2 Some dental benefits are also provided under Medicaid which provides for good basic dental care.

3 Medicaid insurance is actually good in providing almost 100 per cent coverage for most medical problems.

4 Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is a new type of insurance company.

5 Insurance company pays for all medical care for a set fee which is paid at the beginning of the year.

6 A start for medical care (federal health insurance for senior citizens) was made in 1984 and came up with 486 diagnostically related groups.

7 Faithful work is being done by various associations for the promotion of public health.

Task 14 Read the sentences and transformations from active into passive voice:

1 Preventive therapeutic advances are controlling such diseases as diphtheria, rickets and pneumonia.

2 Our scientists brought to an end the natural transmission of malaria.

3 Prosperity and high standard of living reduce the disease incidence.

4 the doctor made the clinical diagnosis of angina and myocardial infarction.

5 A surgeon noted a 3 cm laceration in the right ventricle.

6 The duty doctor is admitting the patient with a wound in the left anterior chest.

7 A family doctor gives his patients regular examinations and inoculations.

Task 15 Render the text according to the scheme:

1 What does the text deal with?

2 What is the title of the text?

3 What is the subject of the information?

4 What are the main aspects? (use the outline you’ve made in Task 8)

5 Whom is this information useful for?

Task 16 Discuss:

1 Compare such two levels of organization of medical care in the USA as family doctor and hospital. Which of them is more convenient to the patient and why? Whom would the American patient address to if he is seriously ill? (if his problem is not a very serious one?)

2 Analyze:

a) health care expenditures in the country;

b) the cost of medical care in the USA.

3 Discuss with your friends the chief scientific problems, facing American medicine and compare them with scientific problems of Ukrainian medicine.

4 Prove that serious problems exist among people of different ethnic and socioeconomic background in the USA.

Task 17 Make dialogues. Ask your American friend about:

1) the organization of medical service in the country;

2) his expenditures on health care;

3) federal programs – Medicaid and Medicare;

4) problems facing American medicine;

5) problems existing among people of different racial, ethnic, socioeconomic backgrounds.

Use the expressions:

A. Hello (name). I’m glad to meet you.

You see, I’m interested in the problem of …

Will you tell me some facts about …

B. With pleasure. As far as you know (it’s a common


C. You see, the matter is that …

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