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Health service in the usa. Part II

Task 1 Learn the following words:

accessible доступний

gap розрив, прогалина, відставання

timid несміливий, боязкий, неріщучий

adapt пристосовyвати, налагоджувати

emerge виникати, появлятися

shift міняти, змінювати, переміна

decent пристойний, гідний, солідний

vulnerable уразливий

rely покладатись, довіряти

predict пророкувати, передбачати

Task 2 Find Ukrainian equivalents:

1 accelerate a) частина, частка

2 sufficient b) протистояти

3 benefit c) дорогий, цінний

4 predict d) добробут

5 fraction e) достатній

6 confront f) законодавство

7 costly g) пророкувати

8 welfare h) користь

9 transfer i) прискорювати

10 legislation j) переносити

11 access k) поразка

12 defeat l) доступ, вхід

Task 3 Read the text:


The Public Health Service in the USA supplies knowledge, facilities and specialists to the health sector.

If one wants to improve a population’s health, the quality of health care must be improved. This is achieved through the application of increased health resources.

The United States took actions to develop health resources in their efforts to improve the health of their population. In the 50s, the United States accelerated the development of hospital resources with Hill-Burton Program. The country soon realized that health care resources were not sufficiently accessible to ensure people who needed health care. A second set of actions followed. Assuring financial and geographic access to health services became the chosen way to improve a population’s health.

Gaps in access to and quality of care for large segments of the population remained a major weakness of the health care system.

With the introduction of Medicaid and Medicare in the 60s, the United States also took actions, also timidly, to improve access to health services. In the United States the work remains incomplete. A main aim of Clinton health care reform proposals was to create access to health care to all Americans, no matter their employment or health status. Unfortunately, his proposals failed due to resistance of the health care sector.

No matter the resources available, health care system has great difficulties adapting to emerging health problems such as AIDS, medical care of mental patients, and to the needs of growing segments of the population-the elderly, single parent families, and cultural, ethnic and racial minorities.

At least five major challenges confront health care system in the USA. The most fundamental is how to shift from providing health care to producing health. Housing, minimum decent income, food, education, good social and physical environment must reach all, including the most vulnerable groups of the population.

The next challenge is to focus on providing cost-effective information systems, which can monitor the costs and the effectiveness of health services. The third is to control health care expenditures. The fourth is to cope with resistance to fundamental changes from within the health care sector. Recent examples, such as the defeat of Clinton’s health proposals, illustrate how important reform frequently fails due to resistance from within. Finally, the United States are challenged to transfer the resources liberated from health care to other sectors that can contribute to health.

Task 4 Complete the sentences using active vocabulary:

1 The country soon realized that health care resources were not sufficiently …

2 … remained a major weakness of the health care system.

3 With the introduction of Medicare and Medicaid the United States also took actions …

4 The most fundamental challenge is …

5 The third challenge is to control …

Task 5 Read the text and say whether the following statements are true:

1 If one wants to improve the quality of health care, he must increase health resources.

2 The increased health resources guarantee the access of all groups of the population to health care.

3 The financial capability of the USA allows the country to have the most expensive healthcare system in the world.

4 At least 5 challenges confront health care system in the USA.

5 Housing, minimum decent income, food, education, good social and physical environment are the factors that help to improve health of the nation.

Task 6 Read the text closely and answer the following questions:

1 What actions did the USA take to improve health care?

2 What difficulties does health care system in the USA have?

3 What is the most fundamental challenge confronting health care system in the USA?

4 What will be improved with providing information systems capable of monitoring the cost and effectiveness of health services?

5 Does the health care sector resist to fundamental changes in the health care system of the country? Prove it.

6 Is it useful for the health of the nation when the part of resources liberated from health care is transferred to the sectors that can contribute to health?

Task 7 Ask another student

1) about the actions of the USA to improve the health care system;

2) about the problems facing health care of the USA at present;

3) about the challenges confronting health care system in the USA.

Task 8 Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of Passive Voice:

1 A new procedure has been introduced for the treatment of elevated blood pressure.

2 The relief of headache in the hypertension has been used as a criterion for a good result in treatment.

3 Many intensive care units have been established in hospitals to care the patients in extreme state.

4 Various risk factors have been identified that increase the likelihood for ulcer development.

5 Disease incidence has been considerably reduced by recent introduction of some efficient drugs into clinical practice.

6 Some rare complications such as myocarditis, parotitis and glomerulonephritis have been described in the convalescent stage of influenza.

Task 9 Use the following statements as a plan for text rendering:

1) Development of health resources.

2) A main aim of Clinton’s health care reform.

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