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The immediate effects of alcohol depend upon the amount of alcohol in the blood and whether the person is an experienced drinker. As the blood alcohol rises, drinkers feel more relaxed and are often more talkative. They become less aware of their behaviour and judgement is often impaired. Loss of co-ordination and drowsiness may occur. The risk of accidents rises, particularly for those involved in operating machinery and driving cars. An individual with a blood alcohol level of 0.05 has twice the risk of having a motor vehicle accident as one with a blood alcohol level of zero.

Long term effects


Ability to drink progressively larger amounts without apparent intoxication.


Anxiety, agitation, confusion, shakes, fits etc which occur when alcohol consumption is suddenly stopped.

Alcohol seeking behaviour

Craving, continuing to drink despite adverse effects.

Medical Liver disease

Liver inflammation and fat deposition. These may progress to liver failure. Cirrhosis (scarring)

Stomach and bowel diseases

Heartburn and indigestion due to an inflamed gullet (reflux) or stomach (gastritis). Diarrhoea. Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) leading to abdominal pain or inability to absorb food. Cancer of the liver, gullet, bowel.

Brain damage

Memory loss and difficulty learning (dementia) Poor co-ordination and balance

Other neurological diseases

Damage to nerves, leading to numbness in the legs and difficulty walking

Heart & blood vessel diseases

Heart failure (leading to shortness of breath and ankle swelling) Palpitations High blood pressure (hypertension)

Sexual & reproductive disorders

Damage to the testicles leading to impotence Damage to the unborn baby

Bone & joint disorders

Gout (painful swelling of the joints, most commonly the big toe) Osteoporosis - thinning of the bones which may lead to fractures (broken bones)


Head injury Blood clots around the brain Broken bones (especially the ribs) Road accidents Accidents at work or home


Malnutrition Obesity


Interactions with other drugs e.g. drugs used to treat epilepsy.


Difficulty sleeping Anxiety and agitation Depression and inability to cope Confusion and panic attacks Alcoholic 'blackouts' Suicide

Social Domestic problems

Loss of friends Difficulties in marriage or others significant relationships Separation and divorce Neglect of children


Lateness or absences from work Demotion/failure to gain promotion

Financial problems

Loss of regular income from employment Hardship from money spent on alcohol Gambling debts

Legal problems

Drink-driving offences/loss of licence Property crime Assault Homicide

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