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49. Project task.

There are some programmes for graduates who speak English very well and got a diploma after 2002. They have an opportunity to study in Germany from 10 months till 2 years and get a German higher education certificate. To be admitted to a degree programme, you have to send an application either to the university of your choice or to uni-assist and enclose some documents. But please note that other or additional papers may also be required, depending on the university and degree programme in question. If your papers are incomplete, your admission may be rejected.

Try to prepare some of the following documents to help one of your students to study in a German university:

  1. Бланк заявки с приклеенной фотографией;

  2. автобиография (CV);

  3. список научных публикаций, если они имеются;

  4. подробное обоснование необходимости учебы в Германии и выбора конкретного учебного курса;

  5. распечатка из Интернета условий участия в данной программе последипломного обучения, которая должна включать:

-точное наименование учебного курса;

-условия допуска к обучению по данной программе;

-предполагаемый учебный план и предполагаемую продолжительность обучения;

-плату за обучение.

В случае получения соискателем стипендии, до начала обучения (01.10.2009) необходимо представить в DAAD подтверждение немецкого вуза о зачислении (Zulassungsbescheid). В противном случае стипендия отзывается!

  1. рекомендации от двух преподавателей российского вуза по специальности (бланк в Интернете:


  1. копии свидетельств об образовании и их перевод на немецкий или английский язык (переводы могут быть заверены по месту нынешней учебы или работы; для отборов достаточно и самостоятельно сделанного перевода без заверения):

  а) копия диплома о высшем образовании вместе с Приложением к диплому с результатами промежуточных и итоговых экзаменов (если его еще нет, то копию зачетной книжки за весь период обучения; копия диплома предоставляется в этом случае не позднее момента начала стипендии);   б) копия аттестата о среднем (полном) образовании с табелем итоговых оценок успеваемости;

  1. справка о знаниях немецкого или английского языка;

  2. адресный листок (1 экземпляр) следует положить между первым и вторым комплектами документов, в нем необходимо указать название города с почтовым индексом, номер дома, корпуса и квартиры, телефоны с кодом города и действующий адрес электронной почты.

50. There are a lot of Russian student go abroad not only to study but to get work experience. What such projects do you know? Have you ever gone to another country to work? Your friends?

51. Match each of the following lines of words with one of the words below:

job money experience schedule skills

________________ available, summer, low-level

________________ basic, management, communication

________________ work, flexible, train

________________ earned, big, pocket

________________ work, previous, practical

52. Read the following information about jobs available for students. Think of a job, describe it and let the rest of the group guess it.

Work and travel program

Through the Work & Travel USA Program you can work in just about any job available in the US for up to four months during your summer vacation. The Work & Travel USA Program benefits you by allowing you to immerse yourself in U.S. culture, earn money and act as a student ambassador for your home country. Not to mention that work experience abroad looks great on your CV!

Types of Jobs

Resort Work

Resorts provide many summer jobs and some winter jobs, and depend heavily upon students seeking seasonal work. The most common jobs in resorts are waiter or waitress, dishwasher, chambermaid or other hotel work. Though your duties may not be very exciting, you are being paid to work in what is often a beautiful and peaceful work environment where you can befriend many Americans.

Hotel Work

Hotel work is similar to resort work, and the jobs are often low-level. Most are for chambermaids, but there are also positions as bellboys and valets, at the front desk, in the hotel laundry, in restaurant facilities, hotel maintenance, etc. The salaries for most of the jobs are lower as you are expected to improve your wages by earning tips.

Restaurant Work

Restaurant work is easy to find. It might be tiring to do, but you come into contact with different types of people, and can make good money through tips. Expensive restaurants have greater competition for jobs, which usually offer better salaries and larger tips. In coffee shops and diners, counterpersons or waitstaff are needed. Large restaurants need bussers to clear the tables, and kitchen and dishwashing staff. Most restaurant jobs are found by walking in and speaking to the restaurant manager.

Department Stores

The American department store offers a variety of employment opportunities. The most common job is sales assistant, helping customers or working the cash registers. Large department stores are open six or seven days a week, and many are open in the evenings. This will enable you to arrange a fairly flexible working schedule. Many stores hire extra workers during the busy Christmas shopping season, which begins around Thanksgiving (late November). Supermarkets have high staff demands for workers. Most openings are for cashiers, baggers, stock clerk, and sales assistant. The best way to find these jobs is to walk in with your Resumé and ask to see the manager.

Temporary Office Work

Many offices take on help for a short period of time. If you have special office skills such as typing or computer skills, your changes of being hired are good. (Keep in mind that the keyboard used in the U.S. may differ from those of other countries).

Commission Sales

These are jobs with income based partly or entirely on the amount of goods you sell. Be very careful about these jobs, because you are not guaranteed income. If you are extremely outgoing, have sales experience, and are willing to work long hours, you may be successful and earn good money.

Theme Parks

America has many theme parks, such as Disney World, Six Flags, and Busch Gardens, which all hire a lot of students each summer. The work opportunities vary from operating the amusement park rides to selling popcorn and candy, to working in various souvenir shops.

Security Guard

Business establishments, construction sites, apartment houses, and many other locations require someone on the premises to deter petty theft and vandalism. This work is easy but slow. Check in the Yellow Pages under "Guards" or "Security" or in the classified advertisement section of the newspapers.

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