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The Scheme Language

(edit:clear-selection) (edit:add-selection (entity 1))

(property:apply-material (entity 1) "SCHOTT" "BK7" (gvector 0 0 0))



To recall this function, load the file using Macro|Execute and select Macro1.scm, and enter the command in the Macro Window “(Macro1)”. You can add arguments to use the recorded commands as a template or use the macro as recorded to return to a known model state.

Macro Command Examples

The following sections give a few examples of how Scheme commands can be used in TracePro. There are two ways to use Scheme commands:

1.As part of a Scheme program stored in a text file (with default extension

*.scm), or

2.entered at the command line at the bottom of the message/macro window.

All the commands in the following sections can be entered at the command line to illustrate their effect.

Running a Macro Command from the Command Line

To issue a macro command, open the Macro Window that lets you run commands from the command line: select from the Macros menu, Macros|Output.

To enter a command, type into the one-line text box at the bottom of the Message/ Macro window, Figure 8.1. To run a command, select the Execute button.

Note: All commands must be enclosed in parentheses.

The Message/Macro window can be re-sized by dragging a corner or edge with the mouse. It can be maximized or minimized using standard Windows buttons and menus.

FIGURE 8.1 - The Message/Macro Dialog Box

TracePro 5.0 User’s Manual


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