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II. How well have you read? Can you answer the following questions?

1. What did Christopher Columbus do in 1492?

2. Why did Christopher Columbus call the people on the first island

“los Indios"?

3. When did the people come first to North America?

4. What were the Iroquois occupied with?

5. Why do we consider many Indians to be fine craftsworkers?

6. What calendar did the Indians develop?

7. Why was the Indian way of life changed?

  1. Give Russian equivalents to the following English word combinations:

To set sail; to obtain access to; to make one's living by smth; to fight for smth; to be affected by smth; ice age; fierce warriors; to fight for the glory; the vehicle; sophisticated calendar; to take into account.

IV. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

Коренное население; возделывать пшеницу; отправиться в поисках нового морского пути; получить доступ к богатству; уви­деть землю; высадиться в Новом Свете; быть разбросанным по всему континенту; ледниковый период; численно увеличиться; миролюбивые племена; храбрые воины; сражаться во славу племе­ни; искусные мастера; огнестрельное оружие; изменить образ жизни.

V. Put all types of questions to the text.

  1. Retell the text, using expressions, given in Task 3.

VII. Translate into English:

В 1497 г. судно под начальством Джона Каббота в поисках морского пути в Китай прибыло к острову Ньюфаундленд. Затем французы Вераццано (1524) и Картье (1535) открыли устье р. Гуд­зон и устье р. Св.Лаврентия. Поиски морских путей в Китай и Ин­дию на севере продолжались в ХVI и ХVII вв. Четыре плавания с этой целью предпринял Генри Гудзон. Он пытался отыскать про­ход в обход Северной Америки. К половине ХVII века очертания Нового Света были определены на всем протяжении от Огненной Земли до Калифорнии на западе и до Баффиновой Земли на Ат­лантическом побережье.

Lesson XI. Black america

The story of blacks in North America began in August 1691, when a small Dutch warship sailed up the James River to the young English colony of Jamestown, Virginia.

The Dutch ship had captured a Spanish ship in the Carribean Sea carrying black men and women to Spanish colonies in South America. At that time, the Jamestown colony was only 12 years old, and the colonists were short of workers to help clear and till the land, and build houses. So the Jamestown settlers welcomed the blacks as a source of free labour.

The 20 blacks worked at Jamestown, clearing fields, planting crops, making roads and building houses. Near the end of the 17th century, the demand for black labour was great. To satisfy this demand, special ships were built to transport captive blacks directly from the west coast of Africa to the slave markets of North America.

During the late 1600s and early 1700s, slavery existed in practically all the North American colonies. Many small farmers and tradespeople wanted cost-free labour.

The plantation economy was based on the large scale production of cash crops, such as tobacco and cotton, through the use of very cheap labour. Any change in the institution of slavery could cause the economic and social collapse of those regions.

During the 1770s and '80s the American colonists fought for independence from Britain. They called for self-determination, democracy, equality and recognition of the natural rights of man. Some colonists said that while they personally deplored slavery they had to accept it as an economic necessity. Others argued that blacks were secure and happy as slaves.

All these attempts to justify slavery in a land where personal freedom was highly valued created a barrier between black and white communities.

Over the years, several black men and women achieved fame and fortune in the arts, sciences, religion and commerce. Some had high standing in colonial society.

Many names stand out. One was Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) who gained fame as an astronomer, mathematician, author and inventor. PauI Cuffe (1759-1817) was one of 10 children of a former slave. Growing up free, but poor, Cuffe gradually gained wealth through farming and shipping. He was one of the wealthiest men in Massachusetts. Cuffe worked hard to end slavery. He helped to free many individual slaves. But as he saw that many free blacks ended up in conditions of inequality and poverty, he concluded that freedom alone was not enough. In his opinion the answer was in Africa, the continent of their ancestors.


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