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IV. Read and translate the text: Prehistoric communities.

The history of mankind begins with the primitive community. The appearance of new tools and new methods of labour led to the replacement of the human herd by the clan. Several clans, that is communities, of related individuals formed a tribe. Both the tribe and the clan were governed by the elders who were chosen for their life experience and knowledge. The human herd and the clan were two consecutive stages in the development of primitive society. The related members of the clan jointly owned their hunting grounds and the lands they tilled. They lived and worked together and consumed in common the products of their labour.

The primitive human herd possessed in common the simpliest tools: a hand-axe, a digging stick and a wooden club. Thousands of years passed before stone tools were replaced by those made of metal (bronze, iron).

When people invented the harpoon, they took up fishing. The invention of bows and arrows helped to start cattle - breeding and axes made it possible to go over to farming.


both the tribe and the clan - и род и племя

two consecutive stages - два последовательных этапа

consumed in common - сообща распределяли

took up fishing - занимались рыболовством

made it possible - сделало возможным


  1. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

The primitive community; led to the replacement; the human herd; were governed by elders; life experience; related members; hunting grounds; in common; to start cattle - breeding.

II. Suggest the English for:

Усовершенствование орудий труда; несколько родов; каменные орудия; продукты труда; первобытное стадо; заняться рыболов­ством; перейти к земледелию.

III. Express agreement or disagreement with the following saying:

Yes, you are right (- it is correct)

No, you are not right (- you are wrong)

1. The history of mankind begins with the slave system.

2. Members of the clan consumed in common the products of their labour.

3. The primitive human herd possessed in common the complex tools.

4. When people invented the harpoon they took up fishing.

IV. Insert the missing words:

1. the history of mankind begins with......

2. several clans formed ....

3. the clan jointly ... the hunting grounds.

4. ...herd possessed the simpliest tools.

5. ... tools were replaced by those made of metal.

V. Complete the following sentences:

1. The appearance of new tools ....

2. Both the tribe and the clan ... .

3. They lived and worked together ... .

4. Thousands of years passed before ....

VI. Find in the text the sentences with these words and translate them:

Human herd, elders, hunting grounds, in common, stone tools, harpoon.

VII. Sum up the contents of the text by answering the following questions:

1. What does the history of mankind begin with?

2. What led to a replacement of the human herd by the clan?

3. Who governed the clan?

4. What did the clan own?

5. Did they consume in common the products of their labour?

6. What tools had the people?

7. When were stone tools replaced by metal ones?

8. What was people's main occupation?

VIII. Read the text; describe the life of ancient Egyptians in Russian.

Ancient Egypt lay in the Nile Valley. The people lived in family communes and tribes. The family was governed by elders. Like the people of the primitive communal society, the Egyptians looked for food, hunted and fished. In the 4Ih millenium B.C. farming and cattle breeding were the main occupations in Egypt.


1. Read and translate the following international words. Mind the pronunciation:

Territorial, expansion, gladiator, arena, leader, army, finally, train.

2. Read and translate the derivatives. Mind the suffixes.

territory - territorial

to expand - expansion

to exist - existence

to depend - dependent


to amuse - amusement

to camp-camping

to lead - leader

final - finally

history - historical

III. Active vocabulary:

1. a slave-раб

2. a slave-owner - рабовладелец

3. a mine- шахта

4. a palace - дворец

5. a temple-храм

6. existence - существование

7. to defeat - наносить поражение

8. to hate - ненавидеть

9. arms - оружие

10. amusement -развлечение

11. a spectator - зритель

12. to join - присоединяться

13. to depend (on) - зависеть (от)

14. to capture - захватить, взять (город), взять в плен

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