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Англійська мова - методичка .doc
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Vocabulary Notes

rating ['reItIN] оцінка

subjective [sqb'GekIv] — суб’єктивний

judgment ['GAGmqnt] — судження

to come down — зводити(сь), доходити до

preferences ['prqfqrqnsIz]— вподобання

to tend to — схилятися, мати тенденцію

loyal ['lOIql] — вірний, відданий

to prevent [prI'vent] — запобігати

elsewhere ['els'wFq] — (десь) в іншому місті

superior to [sjH'pIqrIq] — перевершувати (щось)

in comparison to [kqm'pxrIsn] — порівняно з

preconceived ['prJkqn'sJvd] — складений заздалегідь

eventually [I'venCqlI] — в результаті, в кінцевому рахунку, зрештою

acoustic coupler [q'kHstIk 'kAplq] — акустичний з’єднувач

modem — модем

telephone circuit ['sWkIt] — телефонна мережа

cluster controller ['klAstq 'kqn'trqulq] — контролер кластера

multiplexor ['mAltI"plFksq] — мультиплексор (multiplexor, multiplexer, MUX) - прилад, який об’єднує кілька вузькосмугових (низькошвидкісних) комунікаційних каналів у широкосмуговий або високошвидкісний канал.

dataframe — широкосмуговий канал

gateway ['geItweI] — міжмережевий шлюз (програмно-апаратний засіб, який реалізує трансляцію одного мережного протоколу в інший, що дозволяє об'єднати мережі з різними протоколами, і завдяки чому між ними стає можливий обмін даними).

incompatible ["Inkqm'pxtqbl] — несумісний


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) Rating of a particular service over another is quite objective. 2) Users want to change their ‘home’ online service to more convenient one. 3) Very often users don’t want to see the advantages of another service. 4) The service that has what you want and is easy for you to use, is considered to be the best one. 5) We needn’t use more than one service to find everything we need. 6) A modem can convert incoming analog signals back into digital signals. 7) A cluster controller may act as a translator between incompatible networks, protocols, or software.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) What is the attitude of users to their ‘home’ online service?

a) they tend to change the best one;

b) they tend to be loyal;

c) they don’t care.

2) What should be taken into consideration while choosing a service?

a) you should know what the service offers and how it meets your needs;

b) you should know which online is ‘best’;

c) you should know the advantages of a specific service.

3) Can one online service satisfy all our needs?

a) most of us have to be loyal to our ‘home’ online service;

b) most of us have to prevent ourselves from seeing the advantages of a specific service;

c) we should go to more than one service to find everything we need.

4) How does an acoustic coupler operate?

a) it combines the electrical signals in dataframes for transmission on a single high-speed line;

b) it converts the electrical signals from the computer into a coded sound signal;

c) it coverts a digital bit stream into an analog signal.

5) How does a cluster controller operate?

a) it converts incoming analog signals back into digital signals.

b) it operates as a translator between incompatible networks;

c) it controls several terminals in one location, connecting each of them to a modem.

6) How does a gateway operate?

a) it separates dataframes;

b) it interconnects two or more networks;

c) it works as a modem.