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The type and amount of oil to be used are specified for every engine and these recommendations should be followed exactly for greatest satisfaction and freedom from trouble. Engine oil is used inside the engine. We know engine oil to reduce friction, transfer heat, seal compression and keep the inside of the engine clean. It works under heat and pressure in the presence of air. These conditions tend to change the composition of the oil, other products are formed which render the oil not only almost useless for the job it is to do but positively dangerous to the engine.

It follows that good quality oil, with the correct specification for aspecific engine should be used in sufficient quantity and then should be dumped before its character is changed and it is dangerous to the life of engine.

The lubrication system could not be simple, it contains neither filter, nor pump. The correct grade of clean oil being kept to the recommended level and renewed every 100 working hours, the dipper on the connecting-rod cap will do the rest.

Lubricants used by a tractor are of two types- oils and greases. In general, oil is used in the crankcase of the engine and in the gear cases, while greases are used to lubricate all other critical parts.

The choice of lubricating oil may seriously affect the life and service of a tractor. There are many factors that should be considered in making a choice. Engine lubricating oil should be of well refined oil, free from water, sediment, acid, or any substance not derived from petroleum. Oil should not corrode any metal used in engine construction.

Learn some new words:

To specify – уточнять

To reduce – уменьшать

To transfer – переносить, передавать, перемещать

To seal – уплотнять

To tend – иметь тенденцию

Sufficient – достаточный

To dump – удалять, извлекать, сбрасывать, разгружать

To derive – извлекать

To corrode – разъедать, ржаветь

Practice 1. Reread the text and answer the questions:

1. Where is engine oil used?

2. What types of lubricant are used in tractor?

3. What does the lubricant system consist of?

4. What should we consider in making a choice of lubricant oil?

5. What are greases used for?

6. What is engine oil used for?

7. How often should engine oil be renewed?

Practice 2. Give the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

Масло хорошего качества

Твердая смазка

Жидкая смазка


Состав масла

Достаточное количество

Заменять через каждые 100 рабочих часов

Хорошо очищенное масло

Осадок и окись

Practice 3. Match up the words on the left with the definitions on the right:

  1. compression

  1. compression ratio

  1. inch

  1. crankshaft

  1. gap

  1. power

  1. machinery

Practice 4. Complete the sentences using the words from the box:

Formed; critical parts; renewed; crankcase; corroded; lubricants; sediment.

  1. This metal can be … by water.

  2. Oil shouldn’t contain … .

  3. There are two types of … .

  4. … are lubricated with greases.

  5. Lubricating oil should often be … .

  6. Dangerous products can be … in the lubricant.

  7. We use oil to lubricate in the … .

Practice 5. Complete the table:










Fuel System. The fuel system includes air cleaner, carburetor and governor. Of these, the air cleaner is undoubtedly the most important. If it becomes clogged (1), it will cause bad starting and lack of power, if it is incorrectly serviced and allows dirty air to enter the engine, cylinder piston and crankshaft wear increase alarmingly.

Each internal combustion engine being designed to burn a certain kind of fuel, and to do most efficient performance, the proper fuel should always be used in an engine. If a fuel that is not correct for the engine is used continually, many difficulties are likely to be experienced: lack of power, overheating, excessive fuel consumption, knocking, rapid wear, and other troubles. Some engines are designed to use two kinds of fuel, under certain specified cified conditions. Two-fuel engines are ordinarily started and warmed up on gasoline, and operated at work on a heavier fuel, such as distillate or tractor fuel.

Liquid fuels may be generally divided into light and heavy. Gasoline, bensol are light fuels while distillate, tractor fuel, fuel oil are heavy fuels.

Storing fuel. We know fuel that is not stored properly to deteriorate rapidly. The chief factors causing deterioration of fuel in storage are heat and moisture. Gasoline, in particular, should be stored out of direct sunshine (2) if at all possible, and where there is relatively little change in temperature.

Much motor fuel is stored in steel barrels. These are sometimes stored out of doors and under trees. A better arrangement is to have them in a special shed far re-moved from other buildings. Sometimes storage tanks are buried in the ground; in this case pumps are attached to the tanks that will deliver the fuel directly to the tank of a tractor. Underground storage is found to provide relatively stable temperature. The result is that little fuel is lost from evaporation, and relatively little condensation of moisture from the air occurs.


(1) becomes clogged - загрязняется

(2) out of direct sunshine – защищенным от солнечных лучей (зд.)

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