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2.2. Ответьте на вопросы

  1. How is Paula now? How is her family?

  2. Was Paula in Mexico this summer? Where was she?

  3. Was it the International School of English? Was it good?

  4. Where were the students from? Were they from China?

  5. What was their teacher`s name? Was he nice? Is he a good teacher?

  6. What is Paula`s new address? Where is she now?

  7. What is Mr Brown`s name? What`s his job? Is his hobby music?

  8. What is Mrs Brown`s name? What`s her job?

  9. Is she an actress? Are Susan`s pictures wonderful?

  10. What`s their son`s name? How old is he? Is he a baby?

  11. What`s their daughter`s name? How old will she be? Is she funny?

  12. Are the Browns friendly?

  13. Is London small? Is it interesting?

  14. Was the weather cold? Was it sunny? Was the weather good?

2.3. Прочитайте диалог и переведите его

S: Hi, Bill! How are you?

B: Hello, Sue! I`m fine, thanks. And you?

S: I`m OK . Were you at Jeff`s party last Sunday?

B: Yes, I was.

S: Was it good?

B: Well, it was not bad.

S: Was Tom at the party?

B: No, he wasn`t.

S: And where was he? Was he at work?

B: No, he wasn`t. He was at home. He was ill. And where were you?

S: Oh… I couldn`t go… I was at Adam`s party! It was brilliant!

2.4. Переведите на русский язык

  1. I was at home yesterday. And where was your brother? Is he OK now?

  2. How are Paula and Robert? Are they in Moscow now? Are they married?

  3. Where will you be tomorrow? Will you be at home?

  4. How old were you in 2001? Were you a student?

  5. All my things are at home now. And where are your things now?

  6. James and Laura will be in Italy on Tuesday. They are married. And they are happy.

  7. I `ll be twenty-one next year. And how old will you be?

  8. Where are you? Are you OK? And where were you yesterday?

  9. Where`s my mobile phone? It`s on the desk.

  10. Where are our tests? They are at home.

  11. Who was your first friend in the school?

  12. Were you born in Moscow? Where were you born?

  13. Last year he was married, and now he is divorced.

  14. Tennis will be very popular here.

  15. It is cold today. It was warm yesterday. Will it be warm tomorrow?

2.5. Переведите на английский язык

  1. Как вы себя чувствуете сегодня? А как поживает ваша мама?

  2. Сколько лет вам было в 1993 г.? Вы были студентом тогда?

  3. Где вы? Мы здесь, дома. Вчера мы были на работе.

  4. Где был его брат вчера? Он был дома? Он был в порядке?

  5. Откуда родом ваши друзья? Они из Британии? Да.

  6. Кто был вашим первым учителем? Татьяна Ивановна была нашей первой учительницей. Ей было 31. Она была очень хорошим педагогом.

  7. Где ты родился? Когда ты родился? А где ты сейчас?

  8. В прошлым году мы были в Мексике. Мексика – замечательная страна.

  9. Где вы будете в следующем году? Вы будете в Вашингтоне?

  10. Сегодня тепло. Вчера было холодно. Сегодня суббота.

Раздел 3 Фразы to be

3.1. Выучите следующие фразы

to be rich in – быть богатым чем-то

to be afraid of – бояться чего-то

to be angry with – злиться на

to be different from – отличаться от

to be famous for – быть знаменитым чем-то

to be fond of – обожать что-то

to be full of – быть наполненным

to be good at – преуспевать в чем-то

to be hungry– быть голодным

to be in a bad (good) mood – быть в плохом (хорошем) настроении

to be interested in – интересоваться чем-то

to be late for – опаздывать

to be like – быть похожим на

to be made of – быть сделанным из чего-то

to be on holiday – быть на каникулах или в отпуске

to be proud of – гордиться чем-то

to be responsible for – быть ответственным за

to be sorry for – сожалеть о

to be thirsty - хотеть пить (испытывать жажду)

to be tired of – быть усталым