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6.3. Расскажите о себе и о своем друге, используя следующие фразы

in the morning: get up at seven o`clock

have a shower

have breakfast

in the afternoon: have lunch at…

read newspapers

leave the house get to work by…

check the email

in the evening: go home by…

watch television

at the weekend: clean the room

listen to music write letters to friends

go to bed at… play tennis

go to the cinema go out with friends

6.4. Прочитайте следующие высказывания и определите, нравятся ли говорящим компьютеры или нет.

  1. On my computer, I can play games with my friends at home and I can play chess with my cousin in America. I can check the football results and listen to a CD at the same time. Oh, and I can do my English homework, if I have time.

  2. What can a computer do? It can write letters. A typewriter can write letters. A typewriter is cheap.

  3. I can`t imagine life without a computer. I can get information from all over the world on the Internet.

  4. Computers are expensive toys.

  5. A computer is essential for students. You can study alone and you can get information.

  6. If you can use a computer, you can get a job.

  7. Why are the insructions on my computer in English? Why aren`t they in my language? I get angry when I use a computer.

6.5. Прочитайте и переведите текст


The names of the months in English come from the Romans. The name of the first month, January, comes from Janus (the Roman god of doorways and bridges!). Janus has two faces, because he looks back at the old year and forward to the new year. The second month, February, is the month of Februa, a special festival. The third month, March, (the first month in the Roman calendar) is the month of Mars, the god of war.

The fourth month, April, comes from the Latin word aperire (opening), and the fifth month, May, comes from Maia, the goddess of plants and animals. Juno, the goddess of marriage and birth, gives us the name of the sixth month, June.

The names September, October, November and December come from the Latin numbers for seven, eight, nine and ten, but in fact they are the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth months of the year. The seventh and eighth months are, of course, July and August. They take their names from the Romans rulers Julius Caesar (the dictator) and Augustus Caesar (the first emperor of Rome).

6.6. Определите, являются ли следующие высказывания правдивыми или ложными.

  1. The god of doorways and bridges gives us the name of the first month of the year.

  2. The name of the second month comes from the name of the god of war.

  3. The fourth month comes from the Latin word for plants.

  4. The goddess of marriage and birth gives us the name of the sixth and seventh months.

  5. The name of the eighth month comes from the name of the first Roman emperor.

  6. The Latin number for eight gives us the name of the tenth month.

Раздел 7

Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple
