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Учебник английский язык.doc
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Страдательный залог





am, is, are + Ved, Vз

English is spoken in many countries.

Во многих странах говорят на английском языке.

English is not spoken in many countries.

Во многих странах не говорят на английском.

Is English spoken in many countries?

На английском говорят во многих странах?

am, is, are + being + Ved, Vз

These problems are being discussed in the press now.

Эти проблемы обсуждается сейчас в прессе.

These problems are not being discussed in the press now.

Эти проблемы не обсуждается сейчас в прессе.

Are these problems being discussed in the press now?

Эти проблемы обсуждаются сейчас в прессе?

have, has + been + Ved, Vз

The witness has been interrogated already.

Свидетеля уже допросили.

The witness hasn’t been interrogated yet.

Свидетеля ещё не допросили.

Has the witness been asked already?

Свидетеля уже допросили?


was, were + Ved, Vз

He was asked at the English lesson.

Его спрашивали на уроке английского языка.

He wasn’t asked at the English lesson.

Его не спрашивали на уроке английского языка.

Was he asked at the English lessons?

Его спрашивали на уроке английского языка?

was, were + being + Ved, Vз

The case was being heard for several hours.

Слушание дела длилось несколько часов.

The case wasn’t being heard for several hours.

Дело не рассматривалось несколько часов.

Was the case being heard for several hours?

Дело рассматривалось в течении нескольких часов

had + been + Ved, Vз

When all important issues had been debated the conference adopted a number of resolutions.

Когда все важные вопросы были обсуждены, конференция приняла ряд резолюций.

When all important issues hadn’t been debated the conference couldn’t adopt a resolution.

Конференция не смогла принять резолюцию, пока все важные вопросы не были обсуждены.


shall be, will be + Ved, Vз

The exhibition will be opened next Sunday.

Выставка откроется в следующее воскресенье.

The exhibition won’t be opened next Sunday.

Выставка не будет открыта в следующее воскресенье.

Will the exhibition be opened next Sunday?

Выставка будет открыта в следующее воскресенье?

shall have, will have + been + Ved, Vз

The plan of research will have been carried out by the end of the term.

План исследовательской работы будет выполнен к концу семестра.

The plan of research won’t have been carried out by the end of the term.

План исследовательской работы не будет выполнен к концу семестра.

Will the plan of research have been carried out by the end of the term.

План исследовательской работы будет выполнен к концу семестра?

Задание 31. Выберите правильную форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

  1. Russia (washes; is washed) by seas and oceans in the North and in the South.

  2. The case (has investigated; has been investigated) successfully.

  3. At our Institute the students (teach; are taught) English, German or French.

  4. The University (founded; was founded) in 1755.

  5. My friend (has finished; has been finished) the translation of his exercise.

  6. I am sure the exams (will pass; will be passed) successfully.

  7. This event (is reported; is being reported) about in all newspapers.

  8. Our English lab (equips; is equipped) well. It’s interesting to work here.

  9. (Did write; was written) his test without mistakes?

  10. English (speaks; is spoken) at our English tutorials.

  11. A very interesting competition (has organized, has been organized) by the chair of foreign languages.

  12. Specialists of high qualification (train; are trained) at the Moscow Law Institute.

Задание 32. Измените форму глагола действительного залога на страдательный:


A Federal Court of Appeals serves each judicial circuit.

Each judicial circuit is served by a Federal Court of Appeals.

  1. The executive, legislative and judicial branches of power compose the government of the USA.

  2. Two members from each state elected for a term of six years compose a Senate.

  3. So-called “Lobbyists” play an important role in the American legislation.

  4. The district courts try most of the criminal and civil cases.

  5. Electors from each state elect the President of the US for a term of 4 years.

  6. The President recommends much of the legislation to the Congress.

  7. The President appoints Federal Judges, ambassadors to other countries.

  8. During the election campaign Reagan and his party spent much money in order to become the President of the USA.

Задание 33. Переделайте предложения используя страдательный залог:

Например: In December 1791, the Congress adopted ten amendments to the Constitution. Ten amendments to the Constitution were adopted by the Congress in December, 1791.

  1. They said nothing about the elementary bourgeois-democratic freedoms in the Constitution 1787.

  2. The Constitution of 1787 bases the form of the US government.

  3. The judicial and law-enforcement practice sometimes violate the bill of rights.

  4. They proposed the Constitution first in 1787.

  5. Most historians regard the US Constitution as an essentially conservative document.

  6. The privileged class made the Constitution for themselves.

  7. The ruling class aimed their constitution at preserving their interests.

  8. The lawyers do not separate in time the three phases of investigation.

  9. The witnesses have identified the criminal as the perpetrator of the criminal acts.

  10. Some circumstantial evidence and the eyewitness testimony discovered the identity of the criminal.

  11. By the beginning of the trial the investigating officers have gathered sufficient evidence for court.

  12. The investigation obtained some additional evidence which helped to locate and identify the perpetrator.

  13. Police traced the fugitive who was hiding and apprehended him.

  14. The court established the fact of the existence of the crime.

  15. The witnesses were competent. They presented sufficient physical evidence which showed the connection of the criminal with the offence.

§19. Sequence of Tenses