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Текст 2

10. Выучите следующие выражения:

  1. useful subject – полезный, нужный предмет

  2. to be good/bad at sth – быть способным/неспособным к чему-то

  3. widespread –

  4. a lot of advantages

  5. to do one’s best to do sth – делать все от себя зависящее

  6. to have a successful career – иметь успешную карьеру

Прочитайте, что Анна думает о роли английского языка в ее жизни и будущей профессии. Ответьте на вопросы после текста.

English in my future life

I am studying English at medical academy. I am not bad at it because I studied it at school but I want to know it much better. I understand that it is a very useful subject for me.

Firstly, English is the most widespread language in the world. It’s the language of international communication, the language of business, medicine, science, sport, music, computers and the Internet.

Secondly, if you know English well, it gives you a lot of advantages. You can read all the latest books and articles in the original; you can enjoy foreign films and music. Besides, when you travel in different countries, you can communicate a lot better if you understand people and people understand you. In short, good knowledge of English is a must for a 21st century professional no matter what job they have.

Lastly, knowledge of English will give me a chance to take part in various students’ exchange programmes which will help me in my studies and research.

That is why I am going to do my best to learn it because in the end it will get me a better job, a better salary and more respect from my colleagues.

I hope that if I work hard, I will know English well and will have a successful career.

  • Why is she good at English?

  • Why is English useful for her?

  • How can good knowledge of English help people?

  • Why is she doing her best to learn it?

Over to you

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  • Are you good at English?

  • Do you think English is important for you? Why? Why not?

  • Why is English called “a global language”?

  • What are the advantages of speaking English?

  • Do you think English will help you to have a successful career? Why? Why not?

Подготовьте небольшое сообщение (12-15 фраз) на тему «Роль английского языка в моей будущей профессии».

11. Повторение и закрепление грамматического материала Present Continuous и Present Simple для выражения будущего, to be going to, will +V.

1) Ann is in hospital. – I know. I ……..her tomorrow.

a) will visit b) am going to visit c) visit

2) What …….you …tonight? – I …….do nothing.

a) are going to do / will b) are you going to / am going to

3) I think he……..us next week.

a) will visit b) is going to visit c) is visiting

4) Do you know her e-mail address? – Yes, I …….. it to you.

a) am going to give b) will give c) am giving

5) The lecture ……..at 3 p.m. Don’t be late!

a) will start b) starts c) is going to start

6) Don’t worry. I…….. anyone about it.

a) won’t tell b) am not going to tell c) am not telling

7) You promised to wash up! ……….do it?

a) Are you going to b) Will you c) Do you

8)We ……….to the cinema. …… with us?

a) are going / will you come b) will go/ will you come

9) I think he ……….late.

a) is going to be b) will be

10) Look at the skies! It ……………snow.

a) will snow b) is going to c) going to

11) I ……… what you did for me.

a) will never forget b) am not going to forget c) don’t forget

12) I hope he……….recognize me.

a) is not going to b) doesn’t c) won’t

13) What time ………..the concert ……..?

a) will/start b) does/start c) is/starting

14) Your room is in a mess! When …….clean it?

a) will you b) are you going to c) you are going to

15) I can’t make it on Sunday. I ….to the cinema with Alex.

a) go b) will go c) am going

  • Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский язык:

  1. Что ты делаешь сегодня вечером?

  2. Этот текст очень трудный. – Не волнуйся, я помогу тебе его перевести.

  3. Я думаю, что он опоздает.

  4. Она собирается поехать в Москву в ноябре.

  5. Я надеюсь, что буду получать хорошее жалование.

  6. Когда начинаются занятия?

  7. Они приезжают в воскресение.

  8. Очень холодно. Будет снег.

  9. Последний автобус отходит в 6 вечера.

10) Я просто умираю с голода. – Я приготовлю что-нибудь перекусить.

12. Письмо другу. Ваш друг по переписке хочет знать о ваших планах на будущее. Напишите ему ответ (100 -140 слов) в котором расскажите, кем вы хотите быть и почему, что вы собираетесь делать после окончания академии, о своих личных планах и какие страны вы бы хотели посетить. Не забудьте правильно оформить письмо.

13. Работа в парах. Изучите разговорные фразы:

 Согласие/несогласие


  • Yes, I agree with you, and …..

  • I think you are right

  • You can say that again

  • I couldn’t agree more


  • I am not sure I agree with you

  • I can’t agree with you there

  • I don’t think you are right

  • That may be true but…

Выразите согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями, руководствуясь вашими взглядами.

  • All students should get grants (стипендии).

  • People can smoke in public places.

  • Young people use mobile phones too often.

  • Girls use too much make-up.

  • Boys are untidy (неопрятны) and lazy.

  • TV commercials (рекламные ролики) are very interesting.

  • Computers are bad for children.

  • English is easy to learn.

  • Health (здоровье) is more important than money.

  • Women are better drivers.

  • Boys are cleverer than girls.

  • Girls are cleverer that boys.


Выберите из предложенных вариантов ответа один правильный:

1) I hope it …. raining soon.

a) is going to stop b) will stop c) stops

2) She …. you if you need anything.

a) will help b) is going to help c) helps

3) Do you have any plans for tonight? – Well, I ….to the cinema.

a) go b) will go c) am going to go

4) What a nice bag! I think I …….it.

a) will buy b) am going to buy c) am buying

5) Why did you bring this dictionary? – I ……translate this text.

a) am going to b) will translate c) translate

6) The bus is so slow! I hope we …..late for the classes.

a) won’t be b) aren’t going to be c) aren’t

7) I’m starving! – Me too. I ……..some sandwiches.

a) am going to make b) will make c) going to make

8) I am not ready for my Anatomy class. The teacher …….angry.

a) is going to be b) will be c) is

9) What …….tonight? – I ………..out with friends.

a) do you do/am going b) are you doing/am going

10) It’s a short trip. I …….back soon. I promise.

a) will be b) am c) be

11) I can’t come to the party. I ……..my cousin at 7p.m.

a) am meeting b) will meet c) going to meet

12) I think the weather …….fine tomorrow.

a) will be b) is going to be c) is


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