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My family

My family is not large. There are four of us: my mother, my father, my elder sister and me. My father is a man of 45, tall, handsome with short dark hair and brown eyes. He looks strong, young and full of energy. He is a doctor. He is generous, gifted and hard-working. He also has a very good sense of humour. He is fond of sport and computers.

My mother is a pleasant-looking woman with fair hair and big blue eyes. She is 41. She is a teacher. She is kind-hearted, creative and optimistic. She enjoys listening to classical music and gardening. She often gives me good advice. For me she is the best mother one can imagine.

My sister is 20. She has brown hair and green eyes. She is a student. She wants to be a designer. She is talented, creative but sometimes very stubborn and bossy. We have a lot in common (у нас много общего) and we are very good friends as well.

We have many relatives: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces (племянницы) and nephews (племянники). We get on well together (Мы хорошо ладим).

  • What does her father do?

  • What does he look like?

  • What is he like?

  • What does her mother do?

  • What does she look like?

  • What is she like?

  • What does her sister do?

  • What does she look like?

  • What is she like?

  1. Работа в парах. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, используя лексику из текста и упражнения 6.

  • Is your family large?

  • What do you parents do?

  • What does you father look like?

  • What is he like?

  • What does you mother look like?

  • What is she like?

  • What does your sister/brother look like?

  • What is your sister/brother like?

  • What relatives do you have?

9 . Как вы проводите свое время? Сопоставьте фразу из столбика А с фразой из столбика В, противоположной ей по значению.

    1. I (absolutely) love…

    2. I’m really into…

    3. I’m very interested in…

    4. I really enjoy…

    5. I spend a lot of time…

    6. I know quite a lot about…

    7. I’m quite good at…

        1. I’m not very good at..

        2. I don’t know anything about…

        3. I don’t really like…

        4. I’m not very interested in…

        5. I (absolutely) hate…

        6. I don’t have enough time for…

        7. I’m not into…

10. Работа в парах. Что вам нравится или не нравится делать? Используйте выражения из таблиц и дополните следующие предложения. Обменяйтесь информацией с партнером.

  1. I spend a lot of time driving.

  2. ………………………………cooking.

  3. ………………………………meeting new people.

  4. ………………………………gardening.

  5. …………………………….. doing housework.

  6. …………………………….. going to clubs.

  7. …………………………….. looking after children.

  8. ………………………………chatting on the phone.

  9. ……………………………. reading.

  10. ……………………………. doing exercises.

  11. ……………………………..relaxing and doing nothing.

  12. ……………………………. (your ideas).

11. Повторите следующий грамматический материал:



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Притяжательные местоимения выполняют функцию определения и употребляются перед определяемым существительным или самостоятельно:

I lost my mobile phone. Can I use yours?

— Yes, use mine!

— Я потерял свой телефон. Можно, я воспользуюсь твоим?

— Да, возьми мой!

Не путайте форму притяжательного местоимения its и сокращенную форму it’s (=it is).


Поставьте местоимение в скобках в правильую форму.

    1. It’s ……(I) book. It’s ……(I)

    2. This is …(we) …teacher.

    3. It’s ……..house. (they) It’s ……(they).

    4. In …… (he) spare time he usually reads.

    5. ……sister is tall and slim. (she)

    6. Is it …(you)..cat? Is it ……..? (you)

    7. What’s ……(I) is …….(I).

    8. What’s ……(you) is …..(you).

    9. She took ….(she) bag and left.

    10. It’t not ….(you) umbrella. It’s ….(I)!

Present Simple

Positive statement

Negative statements


I/you/we/they work.

He/she/it works.

I do not (don’t) work.

She does not (doesn’t) work.

Where do you work?

Where does your sister work?

Yes/No questions

Positive short answers

Negative short answers

Do you work?

Does she work?

Yes, I do.

Yes, she does.

No, I don’t.

No, she doesn’t.

The Present Simple используется для выражения:

  1. повторяющихся действий в настоящем времени:

I often wash my hair in the morning.

б) ситуаций в настоящем, которые долгое время остаются неизменными:

My grandmother lives in the countryside.

Показателями этого времени могут служить такие слова, как usually, every day, always.

*В специальном вопросе, начинающемся с вопросительного слова who, обычно сохраняется прямой порядок слов (who — подлежащее):

Who lives there?

Но если who является дополнением, добавляется вспомогательный глагол, и вопрос строится по правилам вопросительных предложений (предлог в таком предложении идет в конце).

Who do you live with?


Окончание -es добавляется к основе в третьем лице единственного числа (he, she, it), если глагол заканчивается -ss, -sh, -ch, -x or -o:

Miss — misses; push — pushes; go — goes.

Если основа слова заканчивается согласной + y (напр., study), то в третьем лице единственного числа на конце слова ставится -ies:

Study — studies; fly — flies.

Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильую форму.

1)Where ….she .....( to study) medicine?

2) Mike ……(to enjoy) listening to hard rock.

3) He …( to like) playing football.

4) …..you ( to live) with your parents?

5) …..they ….(to spend) a lot of time reading?

6) She ……(not/to know) anything about it.

7) …she....(to clean) the room every day?

8) Why …he ……(not/to watch) TV in the evening?

9) My sister ….(to like) being bossy.

10) She often …..(go) clubbing.

Past Simple

Positive statements

Negative statements


Regular verbs

I/you/he/she/it/we/they watched

Irregular verbs

I/you etc. went/ate/had

I did not (didn’t) watch.

I did not (didn’t) go.

Where did you watch the film?

Where did you go?

Yes/No questions

Positive short answers

Negative short answers

Did you watch it?

Did you go home then?

Yes, I did.

No, I didn’t.

Мы используем the Past Simple, говоря о событии, имевшем место в прошлом. Мы всегда воспринимаем эти события как завершенные:

Ann went to Moscow last week.

I finished school and entered the academy.

The Past simple часто используется с такими указателями времени как следующие слова: ago, last Sunday, on Tuesday, when I was a child.


В односложных глаголах с одной гласной и одной согласной согласная удваивается:

stop — stopped

В двусложных глаголах согласная удваивается, если ударение падает на второй слог:

prefer — preferred

Если глагол оканчивается согласной + y, то на конце слова ставится -ied:

try — tried


Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильую форму.

1) Yesterday we ….(to see) a good film.

2) Why….he ….(not/to enjoy) going to the party last night?

3) Where…..you (to go) last Sunday?

4) She ….(not/to go) to the gym yesterday.

5) ….he (to have) many fiends at school?

6) She …(not/to clean) the room last Saturday.

7) I …(to get) up early on Monday.

8) We ….(to eat) a lot of good food when we were in France.

9)What ……she (to cook) for dinner yeasterday?

10) I …..(to send) you an-e-mail two days ago.

Неправильный глагол to be

Present Simple

Positive statements

Negative statements


I’m (I am) a student.

You/we’re (are) very friendly.

He/she/it’s (is) nice.

I’m not (am not) a teacher.

You/we/they aren’t friendly.

He/she/it isn’t nice.

Who are you?

What is it?

Yes/No questions

Positive short answers

Negative short answers

Are you sure?

Are they at work

Is he OK?

Yes, I am.

Yes, you/we/they are.

Yes, he/she/it is.

No, I’m not.

No, you/we/they aren’t.

No, he/she/it isn’t.

Past Simple

Positive statements

Negative statements


I /he/she/it was OK.

You/we/they were very friendly.

I/he/she/it wasn’t (was not) OK.

You/we/they weren’t (were not) friendly.

Where were you last time?

What was it?

Yes/No questions

Positive short answers

Negative short answers

Were you happy?

Was he at work yesterday?

Yes, I/he/she/it was.

Yes, you/we/they were.

Yes, he/she/it is.

No, I/he/she/it wasn’t.

No, you/we/they weren’t.


Поставьте глагол to be в правильую форму.

1) Her name … Kate.

2) My mother …..a doctor.

3) They ….my friends.

4) …..you busy now?

5) They ……not students at present.

6) I ….at school last year.

7) Why not …..you at the party yesterday?

8) They …..not a closely-knit family.

9) Why …..she late yesterday?

10) What ….you busy with now?

12. Повторение и закрепление грамматического материала.

  • Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильую форму. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) I ……(to spend) a lot of money yesterday. I …..(to buy) a new laptop.

2) He usually …..(to go) to the gym on Saturdays.

3) ……you (to like) going clubbing?

4) She ……(to take) after her father.

5) They …..(not/get) on well.

6) We ….(to take) part in a scientific conference last month.

7) He never …..(to eat) out because he …..(not/want) to run out of money.

8) Yesterday I …..(to feel) like going to the cinema.

9) She ….(to be) modest and never ….(to show) off.

10) ……he (to keep) up with his studies?

  • Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

  1. У нее есть чувство юмора.

  2. Мне нравится ходить по магазинам и «глазеть» на людей.

  3. Вчера я не убирала свою комнату, потому что была очень усталой.

  4. У него способности к языкам.

  5. У вас много общего?

  6. Когда ты ходила в кино?

  7. Она не любит рисоваться.

  8. Мне нравятся творческие и щедрые люди.

  9. Она похожа на маму.

  10. Он был очень занят вчера.

  • Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

Например: He is a student. – Is he a student?

He isn’t a student

He likes hip hop. - Does he like hip hop?

He doesn’t like hip hop.

    1. She is good at English.

    2. You take after your mother.

    3. They went clubbing yesterday. (When)

    4. I spend a lot of money on Sundays. (Why)

    5. She cleaned the room in the morning.

    6. They are fond of animals.

13. Существует много способов описать характер человека. Догадайтесь о значении следующих образных выражений (если необходимо, используйте словарь) и вставьте их в соответствующие предложения ниже:

  1. a bit of an old woman

  2. a wet blanket

  3. pain in the neck

  4. the life and the soul of the party

  5. a slowcoach

  6. a show-off

  7. bore

  8. a chatterbox

  9. a layabout

  1. a snob

  1. He is such…………! It’s impossible to make him shut up.

  2. Come on, hurry up! You’re such……….!

  3. James always worries about his health, what he eats and a million of other things. He really is………………..

  4. Simon talks only about his studies and boasts about his excellent marks. I find him a real………………….

  5. Don’t invite her to the party. Usually she just sits in the corner looking miserable. She is such………

  6. Mike loves flashing his Rolex around and his latest BMW. He is a………….

  7. When I listened to her I nearly fell asleep. She is such a crushing………..

  8. Brenda dislikes people of a lower social class. She is…………..

  9. John misses his classes and doesn’t do his home tasks — he’s such……….

  10. Things are always more interesting when Patricia arrives. She is…………….

14. Словообразование. Суффикс -er, -or используется, когда мы хотим сказать о человеке, который задействован в какой-то деятельности. Используя этот суффикс, образуйте из глаголов ниже новые слова, дайте определение деятельности, которой занимается этот человек, и напишите пример.

Example: write — a writer is a person who writes books (novels, stories). The writer I love most is Leo Tolstoy.

Design, teach, clean, read, speak, translate, use, build, invent

15. Некоторые студенты, изучающие иностранный язык, ведут дневник о своих успехах в английском языке. Прочитайте этот дневник. Напишите рядом с соответствующей строчкой слово «right», если глагол стоит в правильной форме; если в неправильной — исправьте.

We had an English lesson this morning on the past simple.


It didnt was too difficult, we (1) read about some children


and how they spent their pocket money, and then

(2) studied the grammar. My problem was the irregular verbs

— I (3) didn’t knew that there were so many of them,

and I just (4) didn’t remember all the past forms.

I (5) fell silly once or twice when I (6) was wrong. I also

(7) didn’t realise that you need to put a verb in the past

even when you say the time something happens, like “yesterday”.

After the lesson I went shopping, and (8) bought

some clothes, which (9) costed more than I meant to spend!

I didn’t even have enough money left to catch the train

home, so I walked, and it (10) taked me nearly an hour.

16. А умеете ли вы уточнять информацию? Составьте вопросы к следующим предложениям, используя слова в скобках.

  1. Somebody phoned me last night. (who?)

  2. My mother gets up at 6 a.m. (when?)

  3. My group mate failed the exam. (why?)

  4. They met at a party. (how?)

  5. I know Anatomy very well. (what?)

17. В английском языке много фразовых глаголов, состоящих из двух (иногда трех) частей, которые переводятся как одно целое. Выберите правильную вторую часть (предлог) для глаголов в следующих предложениях и переведите их. Вы уже встречали эти глаголы в тексте выше:

1) My parents wanted to go to Egypt, so they saved… — they needed a lot of money.

      1. up

      2. in

      3. about

      4. for

  1. My fridge is empty, but I am so hungry. Let’s eat … .

a) with

b) over


d) up

  1. At the beginning of the term I got ill, so afterwards I had to make an effort to keep … … the rest of my group.

a) up with

b) up in

c) on about

d) away with

4) I asked my parents to lend me some money — I always run … … it by the end of the month.

      1. on with

      2. out of

      3. down with

      4. out in

5) They like showing……..trying to attract everybody’s attention.

  1. of

  2. in

  3. off

  4. up

18. Неофициальное письмо. Изучите структуру письма другу:

5th August

Hello Tania,

I read your advertisement on the pen pals site and decided to write you a letter.

I’m 17 years old and I attend the secondary school here in Gdansk. My family isn’t big. I have a sister — she is younger than me and I spend quite a lot of time helping with her home tasks. My parents work a lot. My father is a business man and my mother is a doctor. We have a dog called Barry and two cats — Laura and Bobby. You imagine what a fuss we have every day with such a company! And what about you? Do you have pets?

I love reading fantasy books like Harry Potter series and “The Lord of the Rings” by J. Tolkien. Do you like this kind of literature?

Well, hope to hear from you soon and to know you better.

Best wishes


19. Посмотрите на фразы 1-11 из неофициального письма и сопоставьте их с целью, которой они служат в письме — A-K.

  1. By the way, that reminds me...

  2. Why don't we...

  3. I'd better get going/Bye for now...

  4. Thanks for your letter/It was great to get your letter...

  5. Please let me know...

  6. I'm sorry for not writing for so long...

  7. Love/Best wishes

  8. Could you do something for me?

  9. Write soon/Hope to hear from you soon,...

  10. Did you know that..

  1. to finish the letter

  2. to apologize

  3. to thank the person for writing

  4. to change the subject

  5. to ask for a favour

  6. before signing the letter

  7. to suggest or invite

  8. to ask for a reply

  9. to ask for a response

  10. to share some information

20. Попробуйте написать ответ (100-140 слов) на одно из объявлений с сайта поиска друзей по переписке. Расскажите о себе (возраст, учеба, семья, интересы и хобби), и спросите обо всем, что хотели бы узнать о вашем новом знакомом.

  • I really want a penpal that will write and email me. I am really easy to talk to and love heaps of stuff, for example hip hop dancing. If you want to talk, email me for my address. Alex, 20.Waimate, New Zealand.

  • Hi, I'm Shanna, 17 years old from Netherlands. I like reading, writing, hanging out with friends and just taking a walk. Also I like everything connected with fantasy and vampires. Want to know more or just talk? Let me know!

  • Hi, my name Sora from Korea and I'm 18 years old. I want to find a bestie (best friend) who likes the same things as I do. I like emo, Japanese rock, reading manga and watching anime. Don’t wait too long to write me!

  • Hi everybody, I’m Nick from London. I spend time using the internet, cooking for my family always with the TV going in the background! I'm quiet, I enjoy listening to others. Any race, background, religion can reply, it's what's on the inside counts.

21. Подготовьте монолог о себе и семье. Составьте план и не забудьте упомянуть о следующем:

  1. your age, studies, appearance, hobbies, likes and dislikes (music, sport, literature, TV shows, computer games etc.);

  2. the age of your family members, their occupation (where they work or study);

  3. the place where you live.

22. Выучите разговорные фразы и подготовьте собственный короткий диалог на тему «Первое знакомство».


  • Hi/Hello/ Cheers (informal)

  • Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.

  • How are you?/How are you doing?

  • - Fine. How about you? – Okay. Thanks.

  • - (It’s) nice to meet you. – Nice to meet you too.

Introducing oneself:

  • My name’s Peter. What’s your name?

  • I’m from Seattle. Where are you from?

Closing a conversation:

  • Nice talking to you.

  • (I’m sorry, but) I have to go now.

  • Good-bye/Bye/See you later/ See you tomorrow!/See ya (informal)/Catch you later

  • Have a nice day/evening/weekend!

23. Работа в парах

Студент 1: Вы журналист. Подготовьте список вопросов для знаменитости (известный певец/актер или актриса/писатель/политик). Не забудьте о приветствии; представьтесь сами и скажите, из какой вы газеты или журнала и в конце поблагодарите за интервью.

Студент 2 играет роль знаменитости.


Проверьте себя. Выберите из предложенных вариантов ответа один правильный:

  1. Mag and her sister … live in Rome.

    1. aren’t

    2. doesn’t

    3. don’t

2) Pat’s mother … a teacher.

  1. isn’t

  2. doesn’t

  3. don’t

3) It was a boring weekend. … anything.

  1. I didn’t

  2. I don’t do

  3. I didn’t do

4) Everybody in our family (help) Mummy about the house. Dad (walk) the dog, I (water) the flowers and my brothers (clean) the rooms.

  1. help, walks, water, clean

  2. helps, walks, water, clean

  3. help, walks, water, cleans

5) Mary usually (phone) me on Fridays but she (not/phone) last Friday.

  1. phone, doesn’t phone

  2. phoned, didn’t phone

  3. phone, phoned

  4. phones, didn’t phone

6) tell/didn’t/me/you/the truth/why?

  1. Why you didn’t tell me the truth?

  2. Why didn’t you tell me the truth?

  3. Why didn’t you tell the truth me?

7) Do you study in the medical academy? — Yes, …

  1. I am

  2. I did

  3. I do

8) Where … she … (live)?

  1. does, live

  2. do, live

  3. lives

  1. This is John Adams.

  2. What do you do?

  3. Have a nice weekend

  4. Goodbye

      1. I’m an architect

      2. Cheers. See you!

      3. Pleased to meet you.

      4. Thanks, you too.

9)Match the expressions of everyday English in the first column with the responses in the second column:

10) 10) She is mad about … car.

  1. him

  2. hers

  3. her

11) I know these students well. They are friends of …

  1. my

  2. mine

  3. our

  1. This textbook is … — she bought it last year.

  1. His

  2. her

  3. hers

  1. Wake …! You are late for your classes!

  1. on

  2. up

  3. in

14) Who is the … of the telephone?

  1. invent

  2. invention

  3. inventor

  4. inventing

15) I enjoy listening …….music.

a) for

b) to

c) ---

16) She is good ……Biology.

a) at

b) with

c) to

17) He is interested ……..medicine.

a) ----

b) in

c) for

18) Hurry up! The class … in five minutes.

  1. start

  2. started

  3. starts

19) Who … you (meet) yesterday at the party?

  1. did you meet

  2. you met

  3. do you meet

  4. you meets

20) When you want to find some information, you … the Internet.

  1. go in

  2. walk in

  3. surf

  4. fly

21) A closely-knit family means a … family.

  1. kind

  2. rich

  3. friendly and united

  4. friendly and funny

22) You are too realistic and … . You don’t believe in miracles.

  1. bossy

  2. down-to-earth

  3. thick-skinned

23) Don’t be such a … — you talk all the time!

  1. bore

  2. chattebox

  3. snob

  4. layabout

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