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ВРЕМЕНА ГРУППЫ Continuous Active be + смысл.гл.-ing

Действие происходит в определенный момент или отрезок времени в настоящем, прошлом или будущем (процесс совершения действия).

Present Continuous Active

- Действие происходит в настоящий момент или отрезок времени;

- обстоятельства времени: now, at the present moment, while I'm reading;

- утверждение:

I am asking.

He,she,it is asking.

We,you,they are asking.

- вопрос:

Am I asking?

Is he,she,it asking?

Are we,you,they asking?

- отрицание:




I am not asking.

He,she,it is not asking.

We,you,they are not asking.

- переводится глаголом настоящего времени несовершенного вида.

Past Continuous Active

- Действие происходило в определенный момент или отрезок времени;

- обстоятельства времени: yesterday at 3, when I came, while I was reading, all the evening, from 10 to 12, etc.;

- утверждение:

I,he,she,it was asking.

We,you,they were asking.

- вопрос:

Was I,he,she,it asking?

Were we,you,they asking?

- отрицание:



I,he,she,it was not asking.

We,you,they were not asking.

- переводится глаголом прошедшего времени несовершенного вида.

Future Continuous Active

-Действие будет происходить в определенный момент или отрезок времени;

-обстоятельства времени: tomorrow at 3, when I come, while I am reading, the whole day, for two hours, etc.;

-утверждение: I,we,you,they,he,she,it will be asking.

-вопрос: Will I,we,you,they,he,she,it be asking?

-отрицание: I,we,you,they,he,she,it will not be asking.

-переводится глаголом будущего времени несовершенного вида.

ВРЕМЕНА ГРУППЫ Continuous Passive be + being + Participle II (3-я форма гл.)

Страдательный залог указывает на , что предмет или лицо, являющееся подлежащим, подвергается действию.

Pete was reading the text. - The text was being read by Pete.


Present Continuous Passive

- утверждение:


I am being asked.

He,she,it is being

We,you,they are being







- вопрос:






Am I being asked?

Is he,she,it being

Are we,you,they being







- отрицание:






I am not being

He,she,it is not being

We,you,they are not being
















Past Continuous Passive



- утверждение:




I,he,she,it was being asked.

We,you,they were being asked.

- вопрос:




Was I,he,she,it being asked?

Were we,you,they being asked?

- отрицание:





I,he,she,it was not being asked.

We,you,they were not being asked.


Future Continuous Passive - не употребляется.

Exercise 1. Определите время сказуемого и переведите предложения.

1.At this moment they are testing a new device. 2. I was working all day yesterday.

3.She is singing a popular song now. 4. We will be listening to the concert this time tomorrow. 5. They were going to the University when I met them. 6. She will be translating the article from 9 to 11 tomorrow. 7. Listen to him. He is telling interesting things. 8. She was having her dinner when her friend came. 9. At this moment my parents are watching TV. 10. I will be making my report for 20 minutes.

Exercise 2. Выберите глаголы в соответствующем времени.

1. When I came home he (was sleeping, slept). 2. They (made, were making) the experiment at 6 o'clock yesterday. 3. At present the automation of industrial processes (was playing, is playing) a very important role. 4. I (waited, will be waiting) for you from 9 till 10 tomorrow. 5. The lecturer (demonstrates, will be demonstrating) an experiment for an hour at the next lesson.

Exercise 3. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужном времени.

1. It is evening. They (to listen) to the latest news. 2. He (to do) his homework for two hours yesterday. 3. She (to translate) the text when you come. 4. I (to make) my report at the lecture that time yesterday. 5. We (to listen) to the concert over the radio at 5 o'clock tomorrow.


Exercise 4. Вставьте нужную форму глагола в страдательном залоге.

1. The exercise ... written now. 2. The device ... used at the present moment. 3. The texts ... analyzed the whole lesson yesterday. 4. The experiment ... carried out from 8 till 10 two days ago. 5. What articles ... translated by the students now? 6. The industrial processes ... studied by us for two weeks. 7. The plan ... discussed now. 8. He ... told this story the whole night.

Exercise 5. Переведите предложения в страдательном залоге.

1. New organic materials are being widely introduced. 2. The motor was being tested when the chief engineer came. 3. A new school is being built in our street. 4. A new article is being read by the students now. 5. I am being asked now by the teacher. 6. The first-year students were being examined in physics from 9 till 12. 7. The object is being acted upon by two forces. 8. The experiments were still being made in some laboratories when the new term began. 9. Many questions are being considered by a commission. 10. A new tunnel was being built in London for 3 months.

Exercise 6. Переведите, обращая внимание на залог и время.

1. The use of Continuous Tenses is being explained now. 2. We will be discussing this tense the whole lesson tomorrow. 3. The motor will be tested next week. 4. The new equipment is always looked at with pleasure. 5. We were asked to show a new device. 6. This building was being built for 8 months last year. 7. He was showing them the latest devices. 8. Many new programs are being created in our lab. 9. This text is being read by the students now. 10. I was listening to the news when you came.

Exercise 7. Скажите, о каких видах работы над текстом идет речь.

1. The text is being discussed. 2. The text is being analyzed. 3. The text is being listened to. 4. The text is being translated. 5. The text is being written down. 6. The text is being summarized. 7. The text is being divided into parts. 8. The text is being rendered into Russian. 9. The text is being read. 10. The text is being retold.

Exercise 8. Переведите, начиная с предлога.

1. This project is being referred to now. 2. The news was being much spoken about yesterday the whole evening. 3. All the questions were being answered from 10 till 12 yesterday. 4. He is being listened to attentively now. 5. The plan was being carefully worked at when I came. 6. The reaction was being influenced for two hours.



основа гл. + -able/-ible = прил.: возможность совершения действия -less = прил.: невозможность совершения действия

to count (считать) – countable (исчислимый), countless (неисчислимый)

to permit (позволять) - permissible, to reproduce (воспроизводить) - reproducible, to adjust (регулировать) - adjustable, to rely (надеяться) - reliable, to solve (решать) - solvable, to drink (пить) - drinkable, to accept (принимать) - acceptable

to imagine (воображать) - imaginable, imagineless; to resist (сопротивляться) - resistible, resistless

основа сущ. + - ful = прил.: наличие качества

- less = прил.: отсутствие качества

use (польза) - useful (полезный), useless (бесполезный)

thankful, thankless; hopeful, hopeless; harmful, harmless; tasteful, tasteless; heartful, heartless; meaningful, meaningless

основа сущ. + -y = прил. noise (шум) – noisy (шумный) stormy, silvery, frosty, thirsty, hungry, dirty, lucky, dusty


There are


books on the table.


Are there


books on the table?


There are not any books on the table. \


There are


books on the table. /


something что-то

someone/body кто-то

somewhere где-то

anything что-либо

anyone/body кто-либо

anywhere где-либо

nothing ничто

no one/body никто

nowhere нигде

everything все

everyone/body все

everywhere везде

somehow как-нибудь

someway каким-либо образом

anyhow как-либо

anyway во всяком случае

no-how никак

no-way ни в коем случае

Exercise 9. Переведите предложения.

1. Something important took place there. 2. Nobody failed in this examination yesterday. 3. I wasn't shown any interesting photographs. 4. Have you got any questions? 5. Can anybody show me the way to the station? 6. He didn't try to do anything. 7. The commission has found nothing wrong. 8. They made no changes in the


working plan. 9. Nothing interesting happened while I was away. 10. No traffic was allowed along the street because of the accident. 11. He could think of nothing really interesting. 12. Some new safety rules were considered by the committee. 13. I couldn't understand anything from his letter. 14. The old man didn't get any education. 15. Everything was fine.










глас.+ r + глас.: care, cure

a -[Fq]

hare, dare, compare, prepare, various, area, snare, fare, square

e -[iq]

series, period, sincere, sere, periodic, serious

i,y -[aiq]

Byron, satire, tyrant, miry, aspire, admire, siren

u -[juq]

purity, furious, curious, lure, pure, burin, durability

o -[L]

ore, shore, bore, tore, pore, more, snore, adore, boring










every day.






каждый день






every day, do not I?

альтерн.вопрос: Do I read

English or French books

every day?



I do not read English


every day.

краткий ответ:

Yes, I do.

No, I do not.




Ask if





every day. - к предложению


Ask what





every day. (books) - к дополнению



who reads



every day. (I) - к подлежащему

Exercise 10. Задайте вопросы к предложениям.

1. He is often asked at the English lessons. 2. Such questions are not usually discussed at our meeting. 3. He was given an American magazine yesterday. 4. I was offered some interesting work at a new lab. 5. They showed him the modern equipment of their lab. 6. They spoke much about the research work at the conference. 7. The article will be discussed tomorrow. 8. Some important research work was carried out by a group of students last year. 9. When something is difficult for students they are helped by the teacher. 10. Many people visit our library.

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