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«Проверь себя»

I. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки на основании информации текста.

recorded unfortunate malicious romantic unclear martyred customary popular

Valentine's Day is now celebrated in many countries but the traditions often differ. In Japan, for example, it is ____for the woman to send chocolates to the man. In Korea the ____men who received nothing on Valentine's Day gather to eat noodles.

The origins of Valentine's Day are ____. Some historians suggest Valentine was a Roman____in the third century AD. It is said that the first ___Valentine's card with love poems was sent in 1415.

But not always Valentine's cards were used for ___purposes. Police in the UK sent Valentine's cards to criminals who failed to appear in court. In the 21st century Valentine's e-cards are very ____. However, internet security experts urge web users to be wary as ____hackers could use e-cards to spread viruses.

II. Выберите правильный вариант согласно информации текста.

  1. In the UK alone, more than 20 million is spent on flowers, whilst in the

United States *over $1 billion is forked out on chocolates.

  1. Nobody knows exactly who St.Valentine was, although some dukes suggest he was a Roman.

  2. Valentine's Day is now celebrated in many countries around the world but the traditions often differ from place to place.

  3. In Japan, for example, it is customary for the woman to send chocolates to the man.

  4. In Korea April 14th is known as «Black Day».

  5. Internet security experts urge web users to be romantic.

  6. Malicious historians could use e-cards to spread viruses and spyware.

  7. Police in the UK city of Liverpool sent Valentine's cards to hackers who failed to appear in court or have not paid fines.

III. Соедините абзацы a-e с их названиями.




…… Role of technology

……. Introduction

Грамматика для чтения

Задание 1.

1.1. А. Прочтите и определите, какие предложения являются

законченными, а какие нет.

б. Употребите недостающие слова из рамки в незаконченных предложениях, определите, на какие вопросы они отвечают, какое место в предложении занимают и чем выражены.

love poems, nothing, web users, the verse, him, e-cards

  1. The cards contained.

  2. The traditions often differ.

  3. Internet security experts urge.

  4. Hackers could use.

  5. Police arrested.

  6. On Valentine's Day he received.

  7. In 1415 he wrote.

  8. We’ve just eaten.

в. Определите, чем еще может быть выражено в предложении прямое дополнение.

  1. I don’t mind going there.

  2. They suggested that he was a Roman.

  3. Police asked them to pay fines.

  4. I remember sending Valentine’s cards.

  5. How many cards did he receive? He received four.

1.2. Закончите предложения с фразовыми глаголами по образцу. Обратите внимание на место прямого дополнения, выраженного существительным и местоимением.

сущ. мест.

  1. He told me to write down his address, so I wrote it down.

  2. She asked me to write out the check, so I wrote …...

  3. I asked him to give back my letters, so he gave …..

  4. He asked me to give up stop smoking, so I gave …..

  5. They asked me to find out some information about him, so I found …..

Задание 2.

2.1. В каком предложении из пары предложенных дополнение прямое, а в каком- косвенное беспредложное. Определите, на какой вопрос отвечает косвенное беспредложное дополнение, чем оно выражено и какое место занимает в предложении.

  1. I often visit my mother. I show my mother my love by sending flowers.

  2. She asked him to help her. She paid him a parking fine.

  3. Police arrested them. Police sent them Valentine’s cards.

  4. He often visits his wife at hospital. He always shows his wife love poems.