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Уч. пособие Грамматика для чтения.doc
13.23 Mб

1.3. Употребите в придаточных дополнительных предложениях местоимение what или союз that.

  1. Tell me what you want and I’ll try to help you.(What do you want?)

  2. I’ll do the best that I can.

  3. All __you really need is a surfboard.

  4. I won’t tell anyone ___happened.

  5. Did you hear ____I said?

  6. Why do you disagree with everything ____I say?

  7. I don’t agree with ____you’ve just said.

Задание 2.

2.1. Выделите придаточное определительное в составе сложноподчиненного предложения. Определите, на какой вопрос оно отвечает и какой член предложения(подлежащее или дополнение) определяет.


  1. The man who repaired my car yesterday is a real expert.


  1. Somewhere I’ve got a photo of the mountain that we climbed.

  2. The man who is paying for the suit is my friend.

  3. The story that upset everyone was untrue.

  4. Is this the newspaper in which you were interested?

  5. He’s the man whom I gave my parachute to.

  6. He is the man who(m) I met in Norway two years ago.

  7. That's the skateboard which I bought yesterday.

2.2. Соедините части предложений (1-7) с (a-g) при помощи who(that) или which(that).

  1. he/she jumps from an aircraft

  2. they arrived yesterday

  3. he/she works underwater

  4. they ride waves standing on lightweight boards

  5. they help me swim more quickly

  6. it protects me

  7. it fits his body closely

одушевл.сущ. he/she jumps from an aircraft.

  1. He is the parachutist who jumps from an aircraft.

неодушевл.сущ. they arrived yesterday.

  1. They're the postcards which arrived yesterday.

  2. They're the flippers................

  3. That is his wetsuit...............

  4. They are the surfers.............

  5. It is my helmet..............

  6. He is the diver..............

2. 3. Соедините части предложений (1-7) с (a-g). Обратите внимание, что возможны два способа (a,b): при помощи местоимений who(m), which и без них.

a) I met him in Australia.

b) I sent them from Australia.

c) divers breathe it underwater.

d) I got back it yesterday.

e) we saw him at the show.

f) you recommended them.

g) we bought them last week.

  1. met him in Australia

a. He is the diver who(m) I met in Australia.

b. He is the diver I met in Australia.

  1. I sent them from Australia.

a. They're the postcards which I sent from Australia.

b. They're the postcards I sent from Australia.

  1. They are the men...............

  2. He is the rider.................

  3. It's the surfboard................

  4. That's special mixture................

  5. They are the helmets..............

2.4. Соедините предложения. Обратите внимание, что возможны три способа (a,b,c): предлог перед местоимением, предлог в конце предложения с употреблением местоимения и без него. *Перед местоимением that не может стоять предлог.

  1. He's the man. I gave my helmet to him.

a. He's the man to whom (нельзя заменить мест. that) I gave my helmet.

b. He's the man who(m) (можно заменять that)I gave my helmet to.

c. He's the man I gave my helmet to.

  1. That's my skateboard. I can stand on it safely.

a. That's my skateboard on which (нельзя заменить мест. that) I can stand safely.

b. That's my skateboard which (можно заменять that) I can stand safely on.

c. That's my skateboard I can stand safely on .

  1. They're the shops. I got these suits from them.

  2. They're the parachutists. I told you about them.

  3. He is the person. We got this equipment from him.

  4. It's the place. We are going to it.

  5. They're the people. I travelled with them.