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1.1.2. Содержанию данного текста соответствует предложение:

В – Our country does not have any resources for tourist development.

B – Tourism in Russia is developing slowly.

B + Different types of hotels are being constructed everywhere in Russia.

B – Russia can not take up many foreign tourists.

1.1.3. Заполните пропуск в предложении согласно тексту.

«Many researchers in the Tourist world mark growing tourist … in the Russian Federation» (сущ.,ед.ч.)


1.1.4. Ответом на вопрос: «How many foreign tourists may Russia take up annually?» согласно данному тексту является… (Число запишите цифрами)


1.1.5. Закончите предложение согласно тексту «The tourist activity is under reform and development in Russia … ».

B+ nowadays

1.1.6 Используйте глагол в соответствующей форме страдательного залога “Existing tourism resources … … fully (to utilize) in Russia.”


1.1.7. Слово demandв данном тексте может быть переведено как …(ед.ч., им.п.)

B+ спрос

2.1.1. Заголовком данного текста является…

Latin America is the cradle of ecotourism. First touted as a development strategy to preserve the wilderness and develop employment in Celestún, Mexico by Hector Ceballos-Lascurain in 1983, ecotourism was adopted by many countries including Costa Rica and Ecuador as a viable way to promote rural tourism and environmental awareness.

Global tourism has matured in the past decade to offer new options for travelers wishing their journeys to be as eco-friendly, people-friendly and place-friendly as possible. Call it ecotourism, call it responsible travel, call it whatever you'd like—there is no standard definition used by locals and visitors alike. Many travelers now simply wish to experience an enjoyable trip that causes no harm to hosts and the host environment. A growing number of travelers want their journeys to be less invasive and more beneficial to the communities they visit. Such travelers wish to better understand the culture of the places they visit. Responsible travel fundamentally comes down to treating others the way they wish to be treated.

Responsible tourism is based on ethics and human rights. It also means support for community-based travelers' programs—homestays, guest cottages, ethno-museums, and educational programs that bring tourist dollars directly into communities. Central America is known as a prime destination for those who enjoy nature travel. Travelers wishing to visit rural communities, parks, and protected areas are advised to do plenty of research ahead of time via guidebooks and Web searches. Much of the ecotourism movement first took root in this region of the world. Central American tourism providers offer some of the most comprehensive and best organized eco tours in the world.

B+ Ecotourism development

B-Tourist destinations

B-Promotion of rural tourism

B-Responsible tourism ruins everything

2.1.2. Содержанию данного текста соответствует предложение …

B- We must clean the beaches

B-You should book tickets in advance

B-Inbound tourism is of great importance nowadays

B+The local environment is to be strengthened by ecotourism