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Розовая книга: Соколовская, Лещева.doc
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8.8. Put in about, of or to.

  1. I had to remind him about the money that he owed me.

  2. The interviewer asked the novelist ….. his latest book.

  3. The manager would like to inform the clients ….. a number of improvements in the service.

  4. There is a sign warning the drivers ….. the danger.

  5. I’m just writing a letter ….. my mother.

  6. The man explained ….. the court that he had some personal problems.

  7. That girl over there reminds me ….. someone I knew.

  8. They have told the police ….. people making a noise at night.

8.9. Complete these short conversations. Use verb + object + preposition. Write your own conversations and act them out.

  1. I’ve bought a lot of books. I’ve spent $100. – What! You’ve spent $100 on books!?

  2. The team won a victory, but no one congratulated them. – …..

  3. It’s my cousin’s wedding today, but he didn’t invite me. – …..

  4. We had no towels. The hotel didn’t provide them. – …..

  5. The police say it’s murder. They’re accusing the headmaster. – …..

  6. I gave my sister the present, but she didn’t thank me. – …..

  7. Have you heard about the accident? Well, everyone’s blaming me. – …..

  8. I don’t like brandy. I prefer beer. – …..

8.10. Complete the sports commentator’s words. Put in the correct prepositions.

“So Australia’s Mark Breadley wins the gold medal ahead of Germany’s Klaus Schliemann. We are just congratulating him (1) ….. his victory. Breadley’s speed over the first kilometre split the runners (2) ….. two groups and in the end it was a race between the two leaders. Everybody regards Breadley as a great athlete. Some people compare him (3) ….. the great Emil Kristo himself. There’s no doubt now that Breadley will be invited (4) ….. Japan for next year’s World Championship. So the Australian runner adds another medal (5) ….. his collection. And Australia are doing really well in the medals table. In fact, they share fourth place (6) ….. the United States..."

Review exercises

(Verb + preposition / verb + object + preposition)

8.1. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.


  1. The bus went out of control and crashed ….. the back of a car.

  2. I called the doctor because my son was complaining ..... a pain in his stomach.

  3. I searched through my bag ….. a pen.

  4. She dreamt ….. her grandmother last night.

  5. She dreams ….. being an actress one day.

  6. A lot of people don’t believe ….. horoscopes.

  7. Thank you for looking ….. my granny while she was ill.

  8. Excuse me. I’m looking ….. the sports centre. Could you tell me how to get there?

  9. Do you know a disco called “The Zap Club”? – No, I’ve never heard ….. it!

  10. Look ..... Tom. Who does he remind you ..... ?

  11. I am a vegetarian. I prefer vegetables ..... meat.

  12. I’ve written ….. the company and applied ….. the job.

  13. I won’t tell anyone what happened. You can rely ….. me.

  14. She complained ….. the children ….. the mess they’d made.

  15. Selfish people only care ….. themselves.

  16. When my boss gets angry he always starts shouting ….. everyone.


  1. Everybody blamed me ..... the accident.

  2. My friend accused me ..... being selfish.

  3. I congratulated them ..... the engagement.

  4. I remember his face, but I can’t think ….. his name.

  5. Barry is thinking ….. changing his job.

  6. She’s alone all day . She never talks ….. anybody.

  7. Don’t forget to ring up ….. your mother this evening.

  8. We waited ….. John until 3 o’clock but he didn’t come.

  9. Please listen ….. me. I have something very important to tell you.

  10. Do you like going to museums? – It depends ….. the museum.

  11. They asked the waiter ….. coffee but he brought them tea.

  12. Did you hear ….. our experiment at the Quick Burger Cafe?

  13. What happened ….. John last night? Why didn’t he come to the party?

  14. Hello, can I speak ….. the manager, please?

  15. This is not my house. It belongs ….. a friend of mine.

  16. Thank you very much ….. your help.