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Розовая книга: Соколовская, Лещева.doc
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9.4. Put in one, either, neither, other, others, the other or some. Retell the story. Halt!

The (1) ... day the Prime Minister appointed a new Minister of Transport. (2) ... ministers like to travel everywhere by car; (3) ... prefer to use public transport. (4) ... of these means of transport is fine, but the new minister is (5) ... of those who goes everywhere by bicycle. When he arrived at the House of Commons yesterday, he was stopped by two security guards. (6) ... of them was sure he had seen him before. «I know you, don’t I?» asked one of the guards. «You’re (7) ... of these messengers, aren’t you?» «Well, no, actually,» the minister replied. «I’m (8) ... of the ministers.» «I knew you were (9) ... or (10) ...!» the guard replied.

Progress Test

1. Make a correct choice.

  1. Despite her parents’ complaints, she decided to live by ___ in New York City.

  1. her; b) herself;

  1. I don't care ___ takes responsibility for this accident, but somebody should.

  1. whoever; b) who;

  1. I lent him “The Old Man and the Sea”, ___ is really easy to read.

  1. which; b) that;

  1. He should be ashamed of ___ .

  1. himself; b) him;

  1. Mary was worried about the children, so she convinced ___ husband not to accept the job abroad.

  1. his; b) her;

  1. We came across a friend of ___ at the mall yesterday.

  1. ours; b) us;

  1. I can't find ___ pencil. Can I use ___ , Mary?

  1. my, yours; b) mine, your;

  1. I cut ___ when I was peeling the potatoes.

  1. me; b) myself;

  1. Neither Teresa nor _____ am responsible for this mess.

  1. I; b) me;

  1. Each plan has ___ merits.

  1. it; b) its;

  1. … us is going to do the washing up?

  1. Which of; b) Who of;

  1. I do my work and they do ___ .

  1. their; b) theirs;

  1. Give it back to ___ . It's ___.

  1. me, mine; b) me, my;

  1. We’ve got white and brown bread. __ will you have?

  1. Which; b) What;

  1. - ___? – She is a doctor.

  1. What is she? b) Which is she?

  1. I’m not opening the door, ___ you are.

  1. whoever; b) whatever;

  1. The politician from the third district tried to make a good impression on ________ was still sitting in the auditorium.

  1. whomever; b) whichever;

  1. I have two packs of cards. One is on the table, ___ is in my drawer.

a) another; b) the other;

  1. ___ of my parents could be there.

  1. Neither; b) None.

2. Choose the suitable pronoun.

  1. I’ve got (no, not, neither) money at all.

  2. Some people like the sea, (other, others, no) prefer the mountains.

  3. Only (few, a few, the few) people are perfectly bilingual.

  4. I invited them both but (none, no one, neither) agreed to come.

  5. I opened the door but I couldn’t see (nobody, somebody, anybody).

  6. (Nobody, any, someone) can do it but you.

  7. I think rock music is just (a lot, many, much) of noise.

  8. There’s hardly (some, any, no) tea left.

  9. Yesterday we had supper with the neighbours of (our, us, ours).

  10. He washed and dressed (him, himself).

  11. She left the house without saying (something, anything, nothing) to (somebody, nobody, anybody).

  12. His worried look met (mine, my, myself).

  13. (None, no, not) of the people I met there were English.

  14. You can do it without (mine, my, me) help but not without (they, their, theirs).

  15. (Both, all) the Earth and the Moon go round the sun.

  16. The cinema was almost empty. There were very (few, little) people there.

  17. He always puts (much, many) salt on his food.

  18. We’ll be staying with Adrian, (which, whose) brother is my closest friend.

  19. This secret will be between you and (I, me, myself).

  20. (None, some, any) people don’t like to spend their time outdoors.

  21. We couldn’t go to a restaurant because (neither, both) of us had money.

  22. I can’t lend you the money. (all, the whole) I’ve got is a pound and I need that.

  23. Would you like (something, nothing, anything) to drink?

  24. There’s (any, some, no) good juice in the fridge.