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(F) with numerals

Ехercise 55 p. 121 Translate the following.

  1. Hall Two is on the second floor.

  2. Take Bus Five, get off at the fourth stop.

1. — Где сейчас четырнадцатая группа? — У них обычно в это время лекция по истории во втором зале. 2. — Где будет завтра собрание? – В 405-й аудитории. 3. – На какой странице третий урок? – На пятьдесят восьмой. 4. – Скажите, пожалуйста, где находятся картины Репина? – В пятом зале, на втором этаже. – Спасибо. 5. На нашем курсе около десяти групп; самая маленькая – восьмая, в ней только три студента. 6. Вот десятый автобус, ваша остановка пятая (отсюда). 7. Дом номер девять – четвертый от угла.

(G) with parts of the body

Exercise 41 p. 147 Study the patterns.

She has a weak heart.

The heart of the patient needs an operation.

When the heart stops, the man dies.

Don't take the news close to heart.

Exercise 42 p.147-148 Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets with an appropriate article (where necessary).

1. (i) You can hear — of this announcer every day on the radio. (ii) She speaks in — pleasant — with a slight accent. (voice) 2. (i) The student must always keep a dictionary close at — . (ii) We shook —. __ she gave me was dry and cold. It was — small — for an athletic-looking person. (hand) 3. (i) — of the woman looks familiar to me. (ii) A boy with — sunburnt — , a rucksack on his back, stood in front of me. (face) 4. (i) The child had big blue eyes and — turned up — . (ii) __ of the elephant is called the trunk. (nose) 5. (i) He had __ of a thinker (ii). The boy has __ good ___ on his shoulders. (iii) Who is at __ of the expedition? (head) 6. (i) You don’t have to learn the text by __, just retell it in your own words. (ii) She has __ good __ for a woman her age. (heart)

Exercise 43 p. 148 Make up sentences of your own on the chart with the nouns 'mouth’, 'eye', 'ear', 'foot'.

Exercise 44 p. 148 Fill in the blanks with the definite article or a possessive pronoun.

1. The old man put — hand on — shoulder of his grandson and they slowly walked away. 2. The doctor took the sick man by — hand and felt __ pulse. 3. Take the child by — hand when crossing the street. 4. I was watching — face of the man, — face was red with anger. 5. The boatman pulled the man out of the water by — hair. 6. — hair is golden, like her mother's. 7. I looked at the man sitting in front of me. __ neck was strong, it was — neck of a boxer. 8. She liked —face; it was — face of a man who knew his mind. 9. He gave the door a hard push with — shoulder. 10. The singer was famous not only for __ voice, he was a fine actor as well. 11. — voice behind the closed door asked us what we wanted. 12. He put — foot in the door and it wouldn't close.

(H) with proper names

Exercise 48 p. 173 Watch the use of the article with proper names. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Mr Brown called while you were out. 2. The local museum has a Cezanne and several Van Goghs. 3. There are two Marys in the family, mother and daughter. 4. The Browns are our next-door neighbours now. 5. Who is the Lobachevsky of our times? 6. He is no longer the argumentative John he used to be. 7. He drives a Bentley. 8. This writer has the style of a Dickens.

Exercise 49 p. 173 Insert articles.

1. He felt like — Columbus on his way to an unknown land. 2. I don't know anybody who could afford to buy — Repin. 3. The young writer has the humour of — J. K. Jerome. 4. Are you — Anne Bolton whose picture is in today's paper? 5. She is not exactly — Cleopatra, yet a very beautiful girl. 6. He had just enough money to buy — second-hand Ford. 7. I know as much about him as you do; he is — Mr. Kingsley. 8. Now she no longer looks like — Jane you used to go to school with. 9. This promising scientist is — Lomonosov of our times.

Exercise 50 p. 173 Translate the following into English.

1. У них “Волга”. 2. Тебя спрашивал какой-то Иванов. 3. О нем много говорят, как о новом Чайковском. 4. Интересно, сколько сейчас стоит картина Пикассо? 5. Москва сегодня сильно отличается от Москвы, какой она была даже 30 лет тому назад. 6. Мне надо навестить Петровых, пока они не уехали на дачу. 7. Вы упомянули какого-то Степанова. Это не тот Степанов, который собирается присоединиться к нашей туристской группе? 8. У него прекрасный стиль, он, можно сказать, современный Тургенев. 9. Кого из наших поэтов вы назовете Маяковским наших дней?

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