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(I) in close and loose apposition

Exercise 37, p. 197: Study the chart.

Close apposition



Meet Professor Jones (Captain Smith, etc).

The writer (worker, student, composer, etc) Smirnov lives next door.

Loose apposition



Speak to Ivanov, head of the expedition.

Yesterday I met Pavlov, a student of group 3.

Exercise 38 p. 197 Insert the article where necessary.

1. Fomin, — scientist, is known for his Arctic expeditions. 2. I'd like to speak to Matveyev, — engineer at your plant. 3. — Professor Mikhailov hopes he will get your paper before — conference starts. 4. I can recommend — very good doctor, — Doctor Vetrova. — doctor called on me every day when I was down with pneumonia. 5. — composer Petrov is well-known to — cinema-goers for his music to many films. 6. Meet — Captain Trent, he is our new colleague. 8. — writer Gardner will always remember — day he walked into — publishing house with his first manuscript under his arm.

(J) with nouns used predicatively

Exercise 39 p. 198 Study the patterns:

She was chairman at the meeting.

Ivanov was a president of this Association. He was president since 1980 to 1982.

Exercise 40 p.198 Insert the article where necessary.

1. George Washington was — president of the USA; he was — president from 1789 to 1797. 2. He studied nights to become — algebra teacher and finally rose to be — headmaster of a high school. 3. She is — head librarian at our local public library. 4. — Doctor Smith is president of — Medical Association. 5. "Who will be — chairman of Monday’s conference?" "— student Stepanov agreed to be — chairman."

Exercise 41 p.198 Translate the following.

1. О. Ю. Шмидт был руководителем экспедиции на легендарном “Челюскине”. 2. И. Д. Папанин был начальником первой экспедиции на Северный полюс. 3. Отец Д. И. Менделеева был директором гимназии в Тобольске. 4. Авраам Линкольн был президентом США с 1861 по 1865 год. 5. Вы когда-нибудь слышали о новом методе профессора Николаева? 6. Смирнов, староста нашего факультета просил передать вам, что конференция состоится в среду. 7. Вам может помочь мой друг Кузьмин, студент института иностранных языков. 8. Где я могу найти инженера Петрова? 9. Форд, капитан корабля, был на мостике, когда пароход входил в порт. 10. За доктором Крюковым уже послали, он будет через полчаса.

(K) with names of sciences

Exercise 30 pp. 220-221 Insert the articles where necessary.

1. We shall have lectures on — English literature this term. 2. Poets write about stars so often, but it doesn't mean that they are interested in — astronomy. 3. He will take up — Law when he leaves school. 4. — phonetics is the science of sounds. 5. Everybody is equal before — law. 6. He is an expert on — History of the Middle Ages. 7. — ancient history takes up events up to 476 (when the Roman Empire was destroyed), — medieval history up to 1453 (the fall of Constantinople), and — modern history since 1453. 8. What books can you recommend on — history of Scotland? 9. When at school, she read a lot, especially in — modern literature. 10. When a boy he didn’t take great interest in any subject in particular; now he is one of our leading scientists in — biology.

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