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2010 пособие для ФИТТ1.doc
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The homecity of mesm [1]

Task 1. Read and translate the text:

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

At first it was a model of a Big Electronic Computing Machine (BECM). Later there appeared the evident expediency of transforming BESM in a small computer. In the process of a creation it was a Model of a Small Big Electronic Computing Machine (MECM). For that reason there were added: input-output devices, magnetic drum storage, register capacity. The author of a creation was S.A. Lebedev, who was proposed to head the Institute of Energetics in Kiev. Later the Institute wild divided into two departments: the electronical one and the department of heat-and-power engineering. Lebedev became the director of the first one. He also added his laboratory of analogue computerization to the already existing ones of the electronical type. At once he began to work on computer science instead of the usual, routine researches in the field of engineering means of stabilization and structures of automated devices. Since autumn 1948 he had been directing his laboratory towards creating MESM. The most difficult part of the work was the practical creation of MESM. It might be a lot of experiences of the researches that allowed the scientist to fulfill the task perfectly. In autumn 1951 the machine executed a complex program rather stabile. S.A. Lebedev was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

Task 2. Answer the following questions:

Задание 2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Who was proposed to head the Institute of Energetics in Kiev?

  2. When did Lebedev direct his laboratory towards creating of MESM?

  3. Was MESM created by S.A. Lebedev?

  4. What machine did in autumn 1951 execute?

  5. What is BESM?

  6. When did Lebedev become the director of one of the departments?

  7. What prize was Lebedev awarded?

  8. What is the most difficult part of the work?

  9. How many departments was the Institute of Energetics divided?

Task 3. Find the sentences with the words and word - combinations given below in the text:

Задание 3. Найдите в тексте предложения, содержащие нижеследующие слова и выражения:

• a model

• a Big Electronic Computing Machine

• a small computer

• input-output devices

• an electronic type

• a computer science

• a practical creation

Task 5. Complete the following sentences corresponding to the contents of the text:

Задание 6. Закончите предложения:

  1. ... in the process of a creation ... .

  2. He also added his ... to the already existing ones of the electronical type.

  3. Since autumn 1948 Lebedev ... .

  4. ... of the work was the practical creation of MESM.

  5. ... the machine executed a complex program rather stabile.

Task 6. Say whether the statements given below are true or false:

Задание 6. Определите истинность или ложность следующих предложений:

1. S.A. Lebedev was proposed to head the Institute of Energetics in Novgorod.

2. At first it was call the Model of the BECM, but, later in the process of its creation there appeared the evident expediency of transforming it in a big computer.

3. Since autumn 1948 Lebedev had been directing his laboratory towards creation of MESM.

4. In autumn 1951 the machine executed a complex program rather stabile.

5. For that reason there were added: the imput — output devices, magnetic register storage, and the drum capacity.

Task 7.Translate from Russian into English:

Задание 7. Переведите с русского языка на английский:

1. МЭВМ была задумана С. А. Лебедевым и являлась моделью Большой Электронной Вычислительной Машины.

2. В процессе ее создания была проявлена очевидная целесообразность преобразования ее в маленький компьютер.

3. С. А. Лебедеву было предложено стать директором Института Энергетики в Киеве.

4. С осени 1948 Лебедев руководил своей лабораторией по направлению создания МЭВМ.

5. С осени 1951 машина выполняла комплекс программ.

Task 8. Make up your own sentences:

Задание 8. Составьте свои предложения со следующими словосочетаниями:

• a small computer

• a model of a Big Electronic Computing Machine

• a department of heat-and-power engineering

• a computer science.

• automated devices

• a practical creation

• a complex program


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