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11. Giving a summary

Finally, I would like to say that …

В заключение мне бы хотелось сказать, что …

Summing up / To sum up …

Подводя итог …

In conclusion …

В заключение …

To put it in a nutshell …

Говоря кратко / в двух словах …

To cut a long story short …

Короче говоря …

On the whole …

В целом …

All in all …

В общем …

After all …

В конце концов …

All things considered …

В результате рассмотрения вопроса …

In the long run …

В конечном счёте …

That explains it.

Тогда понятно.

That’s about all there is to it.

Пожалуй, это всё.

II. Reading for information and analyses

Complete the tasks:

Task 1. Read the text.

Task 2. Look through the text and write out:

a) international words;

b) geographical names;

c) names of mentioned state bodies;

d) words denoting people and their jobs;

e) the verbs that describe the actions of people;

f) economic and legal terms;

Task 3. Find irregular verbs in the text and give the three forms of these verbs.

Task 4. Find the words in the text that can be used as a Verb and a Noun without the change in the form.

Task 5. Copy out five adjectives and give their synonyms /opposites.

Task 6. Look through the text for figures, which are important for understanding. Copy them out and note what they refer to.

Task 7. Which word is most often used in the text? Explain the meaning of the word in English.

Task 8. Write 10 what / when / where - questions.

Task 9. Write 10 why – questions.

Task 10. Note three things in the text that are new to you.

* * *

Task 11. What is the problem presented in the text?

Task 12. Where is it found?

Task 13. When does it occur?

Task 14. Why does it occur?

Task 15. How does it occur?

Task 16. Who is affected by the problem?

Task 17. Who (what) can help to find the solution / improve the situation?

a) technology

b) administrative ways

c) creative ideas

d) law enforcement actions

e) legal acts

f) other ways

Task 18. What factors can help to achieve the desired result?

a) people

b) equipment

c) money

d) other

Task 19. Summarize the text.

Task 20. Comment on the problem. Give your reasons. Support your arguments with some facts from the text.



Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-12 sentences). State the main problem discussed in the article and mark off the passages of the article and the sentences that seem important to you. Point out the facts that turned out to be new for you. State what information in the article contradicts your views. Speak on the conclusion the author comes to. Express your own point of view on the problem discussed.

The title of the article

The article is headlined …

The headline of the article I have read is …

The author of the article;

where and when the article was published

The author of the article is …

The article is written by …

It is (was) published in …

The main idea of the article

The article is about …

The article is devoted to …

The article deals with …

The article touches upon …

The article focuses on …

The main/central idea of the article is …

The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on …

The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material (data) on …

The contents of the article

(facts, names, figures, etc.)

The author starts by telling the reader

(about, that …)

The article describes …

According to the text …

The author writes/ states/stresses/points out

that …

Further the author reports (says) that …

In conclusion …

The author comes to the conclusion that …

Your opinion of the article

To my mind …

In my opinion …

If you ask me …

I found the article interesting/ important/ informative/ dull/ of no value/ too hard to understand

Text 1


(by Carl Schreck)

For years travelers have faced a limit on the amount of foreign currency they can take out of Russia, but a new law now gives travelers a fresh currency to reckon with: the ruble.

Under the change, which came into effect already, rubles will now be counted among the $10,000 that travelers are legally entitled to take out of the country.

More than $10,000 can be taken out if the traveler presents documentation from customs officials that he declared the money upon entering the country – allowing him to leave the country with that sum on top of the $10,000, Federal Customs Service spokeswoman said.

The new law closes a loophole that allowed travelers to take unlimited rubles abroad and exchange them there. However, it is difficult to exchange rubles in many countries.

As before, travelers are allowed to take up to $3,000 out of the country without declaring it, though under the new law, rubles now count toward that amount as well. Rubles are calculated using the Central Bank exchange rate on the day of departure.

Rubles will also now be included in the amount of cash the traveler must declare when entering the country. A traveler can bring as much money into Russia as he wishes, but must declare any sum equal to $10,000 or more in any combination of foreign currencies, rubles, promissory notes and travelers checks.

Incidentally, the Federal Customs Service said travelers could take out as much money as they wanted out as it was in travelers checks. The law states that travelers must declare travelers checks only if they total more than $10,000, not counting the rubles or foreign currencies they are carrying.

Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service’s currency control department, told reporters that the change was aimed at strengthening the ruble and its recognition as a convertible currency.

A CIS bank analyst at Standard & Poor’s, said, however, that the new regulation would have no effect on the rubles convertibility. “Convertibility depends on macroeconomic stability, foreign trade, political and economic stability. It requires more than just an administrative measure,” he said.

A traveler who unwittingly showed up at customs with more than $10,000 would be asked to leave the excess amount with customs. He will be issued the receipt and claim money upon returning to Russia.

If a traveler did not plan to return to Russia, a better option than cash would be to carry credit or debit cards, which do not fall under the new law.


Text 2

(by Carol Sotilli)


New airport security rules that went into effect around the world as a result of terrorism threat may be temporary, but flying will clearly be even less fun than usual in the foreseeable future. Here are some tips for making the journey as painless as possible.

- Know the rules. The latest rules for international and domestic flights in the United States and Britain prohibited carry-on beverages and liquids, including shampoo, creams, toothpaste and hair gel.

Exceptions to the no-beverage rule were being made for baby formula and prescription drugs and insulin (make sure they’re properly labeled in your name).

- Pack wisely. The items being banned from carry-ons are generally allowed in checked luggage. Liquids, however, may leak during changes in air pressure, so it’s a good idea to place them in sealed plastic bags or specially made sacks. Leave room at the top of each bottle for expansion.

- Weight rules and fees vary by airline. Check with your carrier before you fly, and weigh your bags at home to avoid extra fees.

- Give yourself extra time at airports. The U.S. Transportation Security Administration were recommending that all passengers flying domestically and internationally get to the airport three hours ahead of flight time.

- Check refund policies with your carrier. If you have paid for air ticket but would rather stay home, many airlines have eased flight change and refund restrictions.

Stay current. Get the latest updates about your local airports. For info on carriers, check the airports’ web sites, which offer links to carriers operating flights from their area.


Text 3


The Interior Ministry reports that the Police have seized more than 1.2 million bottles of counterfeit perfume and eau de toilette worth $5.7 million that apparently were imported from Poland.

Last week the police searched the premises of a Russian firm that had been importing and selling fake perfume, a spokesman for the ministry’s Economic Security Department said. The ministry didn’t identify the firm, saying only that it was located on Rostovskaya Naberezhnaya in Moscow.

The toiletries with “obvious signs of counterfeiting” were found in the firm’s warehouse, the spokesman said. More than 60,000 units of fake perfume products were also found.

Judging by the fact that it was ready when it was imported, the perfume was probably made in Poland. The ministry said it had found evidence of sales of the fake goods bearing trademarks of “famous domestic and foreign cosmetics companies” in more than 30 of the country’s regions.

The police have also seized 33 fake stamps that counterfeiters attested came from the Economic Development and Trade Ministry, the Moscow city government’s education department, a Procter & Gamble representative, and from Russian, British, French, Belgian, German and Ukrainian transportation and trading companies, among others.


Text 4


(by Stuart Baird)

A couple who led a champagne lifestyle on the proceeds of cocaine smuggling were jailed for 15 years at Manchester Crown Court.

Ronald and Sylvia Benn, both aged 40, had been found guilty of conspiracy to smuggle class “A” drugs following an extensive investigation by the North West National Investigation Service. Judge Anthony Hammond ordered Ronald Benn to serve nine years in jail and Sylvia six.

Outbound Customs at Hull prompted the investigation after stopping the Benns and finding £62,000 in their car, money which the couple could not show was legally theirs.

NIS investigation, conducted under case officer Ian Gallagher, revealed that despite the couple being heavily in debt in 1993, they had seen a remarkable upturn in their fortunes. All their debts were cleared, they bought BMW and Mercedes cars with cash, hired a butler, enjoyed holidays abroad and turned their home into a "palace", complete with underground garage.

But forensic evidence showed that cash found in the home and their cars was heavily impreg­nated with cocaine, and the dust bag in their vacuum cleaner con­tained significant amounts of the drug.

The lawyer, representing Sylvia Benn in court, said the case was a tragedy for her as she would be separated from her two teenage daughters, one of whom had a disability. The other had become ill through stress duу to the case.

Judge Hammond told the cou­ple: “Serious offences call for serious sentences and this is a very serious offence indeed. It involved substantial and numer­ous importations of cocaine, although there was no actual drug seizure. You were involved in a plot to import cocaine. You exported the currency to purchase drugs in Holland and, I have no doubt, bought drugs there." He added that they were involved in a "substantial" drugs operation which could have net­ted over £500,000 for those involved.

Case officer Ian Gallagher told the reporters: "This was an excellent result not only for the NIS but also those officers who made the original seizure in Hull, con­ducted the search of the house and the Manchester airport team who conducted the forensic tests."

A confiscation order against the Benns' property and cash is still being processed and the cou­ple will appear in court again next month.


Text 5


(by Garl Schreck)

Drag police have arrested a Moscow region man on suspicion of growing co­pious amounts of cannabis in his apart­ment and selling it to the teenage

pa­trons of a dance club that he operates nearby. Officers from the regional branch of the Federal Drug Control Service arrested the man in his apart­ment in the city of Voskresensk after receiving a tip that he was cultivating large amounts of cannabis, Drug Control spokeswoman said.

Upon searching the apartment, the po­lice discovered indoor growing equip­ment — including heat lamps and auto­matic watering devices — and learned that the suspect had tapped an outdoor power line in an apparent attempt to save money on his electricity bill.

Police confiscated 84 cannabis plants along with 190 grams of marijuana and a stash of hashish. Police also confiscated several packages of dif­ferent sorts of hemp seeds — a verita­ble starter's kit for growing marijuana — that the suspect had apparently re­ceived in the mail from abroad.

The suspect, who is reported to be 35 years old, has been charged with possession of a large amount of an illegal substance. A con­viction carries up to 10 years in prison. Police were preparing to also charge the suspect with selling the marijuana and hashish to teenagers who frequented a dance club that he ran in Voskresensk. They declined to identify the club and to comment on the tip that led the police to the suspect. "We are still trying to establish the entire network of dealers before we charge him with dealing," the official said. "There was too much in the apartment for him to sell all by himself."

Cannabis gardeners were rare but not unheard of in the Moscow region. The police have had about five such cases in the last six months. Separately, drug police on the same day detained a Moscow region teacher on suspicion of selling drugs to his students. The 35-year-old man was carrying 1.6 kilograms of opiates when he was ar­rested.


Text 6


(by Anna Malpas)

Following a series of drunken brawls and hijack attempts by airline passen­gers, a senior Interior Ministry official called for a complete ban of alcohol on flights.

Head of the ministry's transport security depart­ment said the ban would be consistent with existing laws banning alcohol con­sumption in public places and should be implemented on domestic and interna­tional flights.

All of the arguments and aggressive behavior of passengers are linked to the use of alcohol. Drunken passengers are involved in hundreds of onboard incidents each year on Russian airlines, many of which do not result in police intervention.

Transport police registered 50 cases of aggressive be­havior by passengers aboard planes last year. Transport police are already stop­ping visibly intoxicated passengers from boarding planes.

In October, a drunken passenger on a Turkish Airlines flight to St. Peters­burg tried to hijack the plane, claim­ing he was carrying a bomb. Passengers overpowered him after he handed over a note with his demands.

Aeroflot does not support an alco­hol ban aboard its planes, calling instead for tougher punishments for inebriated passengers, airline spokeswoman said. The airline wants to increase fines for onboard drunkenness and hooligan­ism and introduce the possibility of jail time for unruly passengers, as in other countries. Drunken passengers who disobey flight staff now pay a "ridiculous" fine of 1,000 rubles ($29).

Passengers are not allowed to drink alcohol purchased in duty-free stores on board, a rule frequently disregarded by travelers on Russian airlines. Flight staff can only warn them of this rule verbally and hand them over to police at the end of the flight if they fail to comply.

While most drunken incidents on Russian flights are sparked by passen­gers, there have been cases of flight at­tendants overindulging. In one incident in July 2004, passen­gers on an Aeroflot flight from Moscow to the west Siberian town of Nizhnevar­tovsk said three male flight attendants got drunk and beat up a passenger who complained about poor service.

Aeroflot passengers on a Moscow-New York flight in late December re­fused to let the plane leave the airport after becoming concerned that the pilot was drunk when he had trouble making the welcome-aboard announcement. Aeroflot, which replaced the pilot af­ter an hour long standoff with the pas­sengers, says subsequent tests showed that the pilot was not drunk but might have suffered a stroke shortly before the flight.


Text 7