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of the thesis submitted to confer the scholarly degree “Candidate of Philological Sciences”

with specialization 10.02.20-the comparative and historic, typological and contrastive linguistics

Agabekova Balzhan Nurtazayevna National and cultural aspect of phraseological comparisons in English and Kazakh languages

The issue of language and culture correlation is the central one in contemporary linguistics, being characterized by the idea of anthropocentrism. Formation of this paradigm has resulted in the raising interest of the problem towards man and his role in culture. From the angle of anthropocentric paradigm, man cognizes the world through cognizing himself, his creative and subject-matter activity. In the light of anthropocentric paradigm in linguistics, the study of lingvo-cultural issues acquires a specific importance in contemporary linguistics.

The thesis has been conducted within lingvo-cultural and lingvo-cognitive approaches. The national and cultural nature of phraseological comparisons in English and Kazakh is seen in the aspect of national and cultural specificity of the nation-bearer of the investigated languages and cultures from contrastive viewpoint.

Topicality of the research is conditioned by considerable extension of linguistic researches on modern stage. Applying new methods and investigation ways of contemporary linguistics, such as lingvo-cultural and lingvo-cognitive analyses of phraseological comparisons in two non-related languages from contrastive angle, to reveal similarities and differences, to explain lingvo-cultural factors influencing their specificity, to single out types of concepts and to give the analysis of their cognitive meanings in English and Kazakh – all these determines the topicality of the scientific work.

The object of the research is phraseological comparisons in English and Kazakh.

The subject of the research is contrastive lingvo-cultural and conceptual analyses of phraseological comparisons possessing national-cultural component in two non-related languages.

The aim of the thesis is to investigate contrastive lingvo-cultural and lingvo-cognitive nature of phraseological comparisons for defining similarities and differences in their semantics, role of culture influencing on a nation in formation of phraseological meaning and therefore in formation of various concepts in the languages.

The scientific novelty of the research is concluded in that there is firstly considered phraseological comparisons in English and Kazakh from contrastive angle within lingvo-cultural and lingvo-cognitive aspects.

● there are defined motives, etymology of phraseological comparisons in two languages, relying on inner forms of phraseologisms/idioms;

● phraseological comparisons relating to macro-concept “Man” are investigated in micro-concepts “positive” – “negative” and there are defined peculiarities in formation of phraseological meanings in the studied languages;

● there is analyzed main cognitive concepts that are reflected in national comprehension of English and Kazakh nations, in phraseological comparisons from lingvo-cultural aspect;

● there is conducted conceptual analysis aiming at defining national and cultural peculiarities in semantics of phraseological comparisons;

● there are singled out thematic groups of phraseological comparisons possessing national-cultural component in two languages, there are revealed their similarities and differences.

The theoretical importance of the research is defined by that the material for investigation, theoretical provisions and conclusions of the research considerably completes and deepens contrastive phraseology, contributes to the development of comparative typology, contrastive linguistics, comparative and contrastive lingvoculturology and cognitive linguistics. The results of the investigation gives an opportunity to comprehend and estimate culture of own nation and that of others and it also opens doors to further profound study.

The practical value of the research is concluded in possibility to apply the material and the results of the thesis in lecturing on comparative typology, contrastive linguistics, translation studies, lingvoculturology, also in practical teaching of elective courses in contrastive phraseology, lexicology, translation. The results of the conducted research may be taken as a basis for collaboration of bilingual, explanatory etymological dictionaries, also as supplementary material for practical lessons of English.

The structure of the thesis is subjected to its aim, is conditioned by the concrete tasks. The thesis is written on 122 pages and comprises introduction, two parts with conclusions, concluding part, list of applied sources and appendix.

In introduction are grounded the choice of the theme, its topicality, the scientific novelty, are defined the aim and tasks of investigation, are revealed the theoretical importance and the practical value of the thesis, are dwelled main provisions for the defense, are characterized sources and methods of investigation.

The first part of the thesis “Theoretical and methodological bases for investigation” is devoted to linguistic analysis and review of scientific-theoretical literature, touching the issue of language and culture correlation, contrastive investigation of German and Kazakh phraseology, evolution and development of comparative phraseology as a branch of general comparative linguistics, new trends in contemporary linguitics. Works of famous civil and foreign linguists comprises theoretical and methodological basis for the thesis.

In the second part “Conceptual structure and connotative meanings of phraseological comparisons in English and Kazakh” are considered from contrastive aspect the following issues:

● a comparison as logical-philosophic and linguistic category;

● the basis for semantic formation of phraseological comparisons in English and Kazakh and their semantic groups;

● conceptual structure of phraseological comparisons in two languages, types of concepts and their connotative semantics.

In the conclusion there are concluded the main results of the research.

In the course of its historical development any nation accumulates a rich experience of previous generations which is fixed in language. Being one of vivid forms of expressing ethnical cognition, mentality, developed national-cultural peculiarities of a language of any nation are reflected in phraseologisms/idioms, first of all, in phraseological comparisons where especially are vividly reflected features peculiar to a definite ethnos. During cognitive-reflective activity a man formulates not only conceptual, but also national and culturally marked picture of the world. National-cultural specificity of idioms is explained by reflection variety of conceptual world picture. Expressively reflecting the specificity of ethnical mentality, phraseological comparisons conceptualize considerable volume of human knowledge about the surrounding environment. Conceptualization of the world is conducted by every linguistic community by its own. The study of various concepts in different languages allows to receive a true information about universal and unique peculiarities of world vision of any ethnos, to recreate image world picture of a national language. Every ethnos possesses a specific, only peculiar to it, system of idioethnic idioms that are conditioned by its history, culture, mentality, and way of life.