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IV. Reading.

Exercise 7. Read the text without a dictionary and define the main ideas of the text.

The Future of Cybernetics

The new science dealing with the problems of maximum control and governing of processes, know as cybernetics, occupies a leading place among the sciences of the future. The objective of this new science of controlling complicated natural processes and phenomena of society and industry is to increase the efficiency of human labour.

The field of research, which has been taking man’s resources and efforts for many centuries, is our environment of living nature.

Advances in instrument construction, the theory of information, mathematical logics, electronics and cybernetics open up great prospects of accelerating the speed of research in biology and medicine.

The part played by cybernetics in increasing the efficiency of those engaged in planning, finance, supply and other spheres of economic activity will also grow. This field of human endeavour is becoming increasingly important in our rapidly growing economy. We are facing the task of continuous planning and ensuring a well-balanced development of all the branches of the national economy.

The existence of hundreds of computing centers equipped with learning and rapid acting machines, and connected by automatic communication lines with industry, supply centers, transport and organs of finance will fundamentally change national economic management. Controlled by cybernetics, industrial enterprises will operate at their most efficient peak. This, in its turn, will influence the economy of time and resources.

Despite the numerous results of research in cybernetics, opening up breath-taking prospects for science, industry and economics generally, it is still hard to predict the achievements this wonderful science may make in the near future.


to deal with – мати справу з

objective – ціль

efficiency – ефективність

to accelerate – прискорювати

endeavour – змога (попытка)

breath-taking – захоплюючий подих

Exercise 8. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to:

  • wonderful science

  • computing centers

  • increasingly important

  • humanlabour

  • governingofprocesses

  • economic management

Exercise 9. Give the English equivalents to:

  • найближче майбутнє

  • сфера дослідження

  • швидкодіючі машини

  • економічна діяльність

  • середовище життя

  • захоплюючі подих перспективи

  • феномени суспільства

V. Comprehension.

Exercise 10. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

  1. The new science dealing with the problems of maximum control and governing of processes, know as mechanics, occupies a leading place among the sciences of the future.

  2. The field of research, which has been taking man’s resources and efforts for many centuries, is our environment of living nature.

  3. We are facing the task of continuous planning and ensuring a well-balanced development of an only branch of the national economy that is of cooperation.

  4. Controlled by cybernetics, industrial enterprises will not be able to operate at their most efficient peak.

  5. It is still hard to predict the achievements that cybernetics may make in the near future.

Exercise 11. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is cybernetics as a science?

  2. What is its objective?

  3. What will help to accelerate the speed of research in biology and medicine?

  4. Why will the enterprises operate better soon?

  5. Can we predict the achievements of cybernetics?