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III. Language.

Exercise 7. Match words and word-combinations in column A with those in column B.

smart папка

to enhance клацання

are shipped випробовувати

to consume розумний

click випускати

to release постачаються

advancement здатність

on top of DOS спільний

capability вдосконалювати

file на основі DOS

to undergo прогрес

compatible споживати

Exercise 8. Insert the words given below:

  1. Like NT ... is DOS compatible and provides a graphical user interface that lets you run programmes with a click of a mouse.

  2. ... is the most commonly used PC operating system.

  3. ... is a multi-user operating system that allows multiple users to access the system.

  4. ... is an operating system developed by Microsoft, an enhanced version of the popular Microsoft Windows programmes.

  5. The usage of ... is so simple that even little kids learn how to use it very quickly.


b) DOS

c) NT

d) OS/2

e) Windows 95

Exercise 9. Complete the sentences using information from the text:

  1. Operating systems control and ...

  2. Windows NT is ...

  3. New series of operating systems are ...

  4. In the 1940's and 50's every programme had to ...

  5. Windows 95 and 98 are ...

  6. The advantage of using NT is ...

Exercise 10. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Prove your answer using the text.

  1. When computers were first introduced in 40's and 50's programmers had to write programmes to instruct CD-ROMs, laser printers and scanners.

  2. The operation system controls and manages the use of the hardware and the memory.

  3. There are no commands available in operating systems, they are only in word processor.

  4. Microsoft developed MS-DOS to compete with IBM's PC DOS.

  5. NT requires computers with 486 CPU and 16 MB RAM.

  6. OS/2 is DOS compatible because it was developed by Microsoft.

  7. Traditionally, UNIX was run by many users simultaneously.

  8. Windows 95 and 98 are DOS compatible and have very «friendly» and convenient interface.

Exercise 11.

What do the abbreviations DOS, RAM, NT, PC, MS, OS mean?

IV. Oral practice.

Exercise 12. Discussion points.

  1. Bill Gates, President of Microsoft Company is one of the richest people on the Earth.

  2. Advantages and disadvantages of operation systems Windows 95 and Windows 98.

V. Reading and Comprehension.

Exercise 13. Read text «Windows 98» for 5 min. without a dictionary and render it in Ukrainian or Russian.

Exercise 14. Reread the text B and find the English equivalents to the following word-combinations:

  • ... проблеми, пов'язані з пам'яттю;

  • ... інструменти робочого столу;

  • ... видалені файли;

  • …«фірмові» програми;

  • …могутня зброя;

  • …користувачі портативних комп'ютерів;

  • …функція пошуку;

  • …запускати програми ДОС;

  • …функція «вмикай-та-грайся»;

  • …поліпшена версія;

  • …часто використовувані файли;

  • …перевіряти зміст файлів миттєво.