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HAL I2S Generic Driver





Function Description

DeInitializes the I2S peripheral.



hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module

Return values


HAL status


Function Name

void HAL_I2S_MspInit (I2S_HandleTypeDef * hi2s)

Function Description

I2S MSP Init.



hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module

Return values




Function Name

void HAL_I2S_MspDeInit (I2S_HandleTypeDef * hi2s)

Function Description

I2S MSP DeInit.



hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module

Return values




Function Name

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Transmit (I2S_HandleTypeDef *


hi2s, uint16_t * pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)

Function Description

Transmit an amount of data in blocking mode.



hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module



pData: a 16-bit pointer to data buffer.



Size: number of data sample to be sent:



Timeout: Timeout duration

Return values


HAL status



When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended is



selected during the I2S configuration phase, the Size



parameter means the number of 16-bit data length in the



transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data



frame is selected the Size parameter means the number of



16-bit data length.



The I2S is kept enabled at the end of transaction to avoid the



clock de-synchronization between Master and Slave(example:



audio streaming).


Function Name

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Receive (I2S_HandleTypeDef *


hi2s, uint16_t * pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)


DOCID025834 Rev 2



HAL I2S Generic Driver

Function Description

Receive an amount of data in blocking mode.



hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module



pData: a 16-bit pointer to data buffer.



Size: number of data sample to be sent:



Timeout: Timeout duration

Return values


HAL status



When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended is



selected during the I2S configuration phase, the Size



parameter means the number of 16-bit data length in the

transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data frame is selected the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length.

The I2S is kept enabled at the end of transaction to avoid the clock de-synchronization between Master and Slave(example: audio streaming).

In I2S Master Receiver mode, just after enabling the peripheral the clock will be generate in continuous way and as the I2S is not disabled at the end of the I2S transaction.


Function Name

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Transmit_IT


(I2S_HandleTypeDef * hi2s, uint16_t * pData, uint16_t Size)

Function Description

Transmit an amount of data in non-blocking mode with Interrupt.



hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module


pData: a 16-bit pointer to data buffer.



Size: number of data sample to be sent:

Return values


HAL status



When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended is



selected during the I2S configuration phase, the Size



parameter means the number of 16-bit data length in the



transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data

frame is selected the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length.

The I2S is kept enabled at the end of transaction to avoid the clock de-synchronization between Master and Slave(example: audio streaming).


Function Name

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Receive_IT



(I2S_HandleTypeDef * hi2s, uint16_t * pData, uint16_t Size)

Function Description

Receive an amount of data in non-blocking mode with Interrupt.



hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module




pData: a 16-bit pointer to the Receive data buffer.




Size: number of data sample to be sent:




DOCID025834 Rev 2


HAL I2S Generic Driver


Return values

HAL status


When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended is


selected during the I2S configuration phase, the Size


parameter means the number of 16-bit data length in the


transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data


frame is selected the Size parameter means the number of


16-bit data length.

The I2S is kept enabled at the end of transaction to avoid the clock de-synchronization between Master and Slave(example: audio streaming).

It is recommended to use DMA for the I2S receiver to avoid de-synchronisation between Master and Slave otherwise the I2S interrupt should be optimized.


Function Name

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Transmit_DMA


(I2S_HandleTypeDef * hi2s, uint16_t * pData, uint16_t Size)

Function Description

Transmit an amount of data in non-blocking mode with DMA.



hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module



pData: a 16-bit pointer to the Transmit data buffer.



Size: number of data sample to be sent:

Return values


HAL status



When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended is



selected during the I2S configuration phase, the Size

parameter means the number of 16-bit data length in the transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data frame is selected the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length.

The I2S is kept enabled at the end of transaction to avoid the clock de-synchronization between Master and Slave(example: audio streaming).


Function Name

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_Receive_DMA


(I2S_HandleTypeDef * hi2s, uint16_t * pData, uint16_t Size)

Function Description

Receive an amount of data in non-blocking mode with DMA.



hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module



pData: a 16-bit pointer to the Receive data buffer.



Size: number of data sample to be sent:

Return values


HAL status



When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended is



selected during the I2S configuration phase, the Size



parameter means the number of 16-bit data length in the



transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data



frame is selected the Size parameter means the number of



16-bit data length.



DOCID025834 Rev 2


HAL I2S Generic Driver

The I2S is kept enabled at the end of transaction to avoid the clock de-synchronization between Master and Slave(example: audio streaming).


Function Name

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_DMAPause


(I2S_HandleTypeDef * hi2s)

Function Description

Pauses the audio stream playing from the Media.



hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module

Return values


HAL status


Function Name

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_DMAResume


(I2S_HandleTypeDef * hi2s)

Function Description

Resumes the audio stream playing from the Media.



hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module

Return values


HAL status


Function Name

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2S_DMAStop (I2S_HandleTypeDef


* hi2s)

Function Description

Resumes the audio stream playing from the Media.



hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module

Return values


HAL status


Function Name

void HAL_I2S_IRQHandler (I2S_HandleTypeDef * hi2s)

Function Description

This function handles I2S interrupt request.



hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module

Return values




Function Name

void HAL_I2S_TxHalfCpltCallback (I2S_HandleTypeDef * hi2s)

Function Description

Tx Transfer Half completed callbacks.




hi2s: pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains



the configuration information for I2S module


Return values






DOCID025834 Rev 2


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