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5. Write a cover letter for the job advertisement for a mail clerk position from ex. 9 on page 21. Follow the rules for writing a good cover letter.


6. a) Match the columns. What are the tenses? How are they used?

I always…

…had this car for five years.

He is…

…drive to work.

They have…

…driving home now.

b) Revise the tenses. Read Module Three § 1 and do exercises 1-5 in the Grammar Bank.

7.Discuss the questions with your partner.

Have you ever had a job? What kind of job was it? How did you find the job?

Did you have an interview for the job?

Do you like reading job advertisements? Why (not)?

Do you ever discuss with your family your future career plans?

8.Discuss the questions as a class.

Is a job interview important for a candidate? Why? Should a candidate prepare for an interview?

Is it important to dress properly for a job interview? What are the best ‘job interview’ clothes for a woman? For a man?

9. Read these tips for a job interview and place them into two columns. Compare with your partner. Which do you find the most helpful for you? Why? Can you add your own tip(s) to this list?

Before the interview

At the interview



Don't give one-word answers or say you don't care what you do.

Find out what you can about the firm.

Be polite.

Find out how long it will take to get there.


Don't look bored.

Dress to look clean and tidy.

Arrive early. Phone if you're held up. Find out where the interview is.

Try to smile.

Show interest in the job and ask questions.

Find out the interviewer's name and telephone number. Make sure you know what the job involves.

Don't panic, even if faced by more than one person. Don't smoke or chew.

10. Here are some tricky questions you can be asked in a job interview. Think them over and say how you would answer them if you were offered a records management position?

What are your strengths?

What are your weaknesses?

Why do you want the job?

11. a) Watch a video where Liz Banks is giving some helpful tips on how to do well in a job interview. What interview questions are discussed in the video? Write them down.





b) What interview questions (1-4) does each piece of advice go to? Watch the video again to check your answers.



Find out about the company’s values, mission statement, development


plans, products.


Begin with an overview of your highest qualifications, then run


through the job you have held so far in your career.


Study the job description to find out what they are looking for.


State your biggest achievement and the benefit it made to the






If it is your first job focus on the areas of study you most enjoyed.


Pick something that you have made a positive step to redress.


c) Tick the answers you shouldn’t give in an interview. Check as a class.

I don’t have any weaknesses.


I have a tendency to work hard.


My IT ability is not to the level but I am taking a computer course to


improve it.


I have a unique combination of strong technical skills and the ability


to build long-term customer relationship.


Given the opportunity I could bring this success to your company.


I just need a job.



12. a) Match the columns. What are the tenses? How are they used?

I have just…

… talk to him yesterday.

We didn’t…

…when I saw him.

He was talking on the phone…

…talked to James.

b) Revise the tenses. Read Module Three § 2 and do exercises 6-12 in the Grammar Bank.

13. Watch a video where a job seeker (Jill) is practicing her job interview with a job coach (Marion). Answer the questions:

Why did Jill do this interview?

Why was she nervous about tomorrow?

What did they start the mark (practice) interview with?

Did Jill smile during the interview?

Did the coach encourage Jill during the interview? How?

Did they maintain eye contact?

Did Jill sound confident and convincing? Why (not)?


Was Jill sitting still during the interview or did she use body language? Does body language produce any additional impression about an interviewee? Does it help the interviewer to understand the personality of the interviewee? What can you say about Jill’s personality?

What feedback did she get from Marion? Were there any drawbacks? Do you think she did well in the mark interview?

14.As homework prepare for a job interview for an entry-level records management position. Follow Liz Banks’ tips. Think of an organization you would like to work for. Find out information about this organization. Write down your answers to the questions from ex. 11 (a) and practice them out loud. Make sure you sound confident and convincing. Use body language.

15.a) Roleplay a practice interview with your partner. Remember about: the beginning and the end of the interview, handshake, smile, eye contact, voice, body language.

You are an interviewee. Use your answers from ex. 14.

You are an interviewer. Be encouraging. Give feedback on the interviewee’s performance.

b) Change the roles.


16.Read the sentences. Which of them refer to the future? What are the tenses?

Jill is looking for a new job.

She is having a job interview next Monday. ‘Where are you going?’ – ‘To the supermarket’.

We are going to the cinema tonight. The film starts at 7 p.m. We are going to have a party next Friday.

I think he’ll get the job.

17.Revise the tenses. Read Module Three § 3 and do exercises 13-20 in the Grammar Bank.

18.a) Match the sentences and question words.

a. Where


…did you graduate?

b. How long


…are you going to have the job interview?




c. When


…do you work?

d. Why


…have you worked there?

e. When


…are you seeking a new job?

b) Complete the answers for the questions in 12 (a) with a verb. What are the tenses?

I _____________ for a small firm.

I _________________ there for three years. I ________________ three years ago.

I _________________ a new job because I want to develop my professional skills further.

I ______________ to have the interview on Monday.

19. Discuss with your partner.

Should a candidate ask questions in a job interview?

What 3 questions from the list would you ask the interviewer? Compare with a partner.

The job itself? Hours? Conditions? Salary?

Benefits (perks)?15 Training? Prospects? Further education?

20. Order the words to make questions. job does what involve the? working what hours are the? the what holidays are?

there restaurant is a?

any there training is? it is what?

get I qualifications any will? I my see can workplace? is salary what the?

for prospects the what promotion are?

15 benefits – надбавки, прибавки, дополнительные льготы (= perks, informal)


is pension there a? there perks are any?

21. Read the blog. What questions did Monica Crocker answer in her first blog? Make up the questions with your partner, then roleplay the dialogue.

Records Management, or:

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Information Management

By Monica Crocker, Corporate Records Manager at Land O'Lakes, Inc.

July 13, 20XX - 5:36 PM

My first blog... I'm nervous and excited. I have many ideas for topics in my head, but I think the most appropriate topic for my first blog will be a sort of introduction. So, how do I describe my role as a Records Manager? Many of those conversations go something like this:

I manage all the information held by the organization.

Well, I set certain rules about how it's managed.

... Yep, all of it.

... Yep, also electronic. And not just documents; data, too. Everything.

... Yes, I have to put stuff in the shredder.

… No, I can't fall in it like you saw in that movie.

... Um, I have no staff.


1.Can you say this in English? Can you…

…say what your weaknesses are? …say what your strengths are?

…advise your friend how to behave in a job interview? …advise your friend how to prepare for a job interview?

2.Can you write this in English? Can you…

…write a cover letter?

3.Revise the Wordlist for Module Three for a test. (See the Appendix)

4.Revise the tenses for a test. (See the Grammar Bank for Module Three)




1.Records management is an interesting and rewarding occupation. If you want to join this field, you will need certain skills. See the list of skills and discuss why a records manager needs them.

strong oral and written communication skills

confidence to liaise16 with a range of staff at all levels within an organisation negotiation skills and the ability to persuade colleagues

problem-solving and analytical skills

project management and organisational skills

the ability to gain a clear overview of an organisation and its activities being comfortable with new technology and adapting rapidly to new trends

a high level of awareness of information management principles and familiarity with information systems and archives

flexibility and adaptability

2.Match the skills with a records manager’s responsibilities:

recording, storing, and analyzing data of the organization

developing organisational policies and strategies for records management creating records retention schedules, which act as guides on the length of time

records should be kept carrying out a record-keeping audit

monitoring for material that should be transferred to the archives ensuring that the records meet the legal and administrative requirements monitoring the legal and regulatory environment affecting record keeping

devising new record-keeping systems and filing plans to improve records management

coordinates, approves, and monitors the release of information and records to authorized departments

training supervisor staff

liaising and working with related departments, including computing services and special collections and archives

researches and responds to requests for information managing electronic records

16 liaise [liˈeɪz] – поддерживать связь




3. Match the word and the definition.


File plan

a) the process of reviewing, verifying, evaluating and reporting on



an organisation, system, process, project or product



b) a detailed list of the individual files or file categories within a



classification scheme



c) a document identifying the records of an organisation or



administrative unit and specifying which records should be



preserved permanently as archives and which can be destroyed



after a certain period


4.a) Complete the sentences with a verb from ex. 2.

1.A records manager is responsible for __________ organisational policies and strategies for records management.

2.A records manager is in charge of ___________ the legal and regulatory environment affecting record keeping.

3.The job involves ___________ new record-keeping systems and filing plans to improve records management

4.A records manager is involved in _________________ records retention schedules.

b)Answer the grammar question.

1.What form are the verbs? (Infinitive? Gerund?)

2.Which of the verbs are followed by a gerund: like, hope, decide, want, finish, enjoy?

c)Read Module Four and do exercises 1-4 in the Grammar Bank.

5.Change the sentences as shown in the model.

1.A records manager must locate records. – An RM is responsible for locating records.

2.A records manager must keep files stored in a safe place. – An RM is in charge of ______________ .

3.A records manager must get the records back into storage after their circulation. An RM is in charge of ______________ .

4.An RM must develop a records management programme. – An RM is involved in _____________.


5.An RM must deliver training programmes. – An RM is in charge of _______ .

6.An RM must transfer records into storage. – An RM is responsible for ______.

7.An RM must dispose of records. – The job involves ______________.

6.Think of a profession and describe it to the class. Your classmates are going to guess what profession it is. Use the following:

The work involves ………..

The person is responsible for / is in charge of / is involved in ……………..

7.Answer the questions.

Do you find the records management career exciting and challenging? Why (not)? Do you think it will be difficult to get a job? Why (not)?

Is it a well-paid job?

8.Watch a video about careers in records and information management. How do people in the video answer the questions from ex. 5? Do you agree with them?

9.Mark the sentences true or false. Watch the video again to check your answers. Correct the false statements.

1.Information is one of the most vital assets of any organization.

2.Purchase accounts, customer information, product orders, etc. provide evidence of business.

3.A records and information management professional makes decisions in the organization.

4.It’s an interactive job as an RM works with different clients.

5.Nowadays we are moving to electronic records management.

6.The skills the employers are seeking for electronic records management are hard to find.

7.A records manager was traditionally a secretary.

8.Records management can help you start your own business.

9.You can choose this career if you love science or law.

10.The starting salary is fifty thousand per year.

11.There are three levels of education for Records and Information Management: secondary, vocational, and tertiary.

12.Flexibility, adaptability, critical thinking are important skills in this career.


10. Read the story of Ian Meldon’s career. He now works as a records management analyst for the United Nations. Copy out new words and check their meaning with a dictionary.

‘I have a BA Hons in History and Archaeology from the University of Leicester. After working for sixteen years in a range of jobs in areas as diverse as archaeology and retail I was ready for a change, so I chose to study for the Archives and Records Management at the University of Liverpool. Due to competition for places, I was required to demonstrate commitment to the profession through appropriate voluntary work and visits to archives, alongside with independent research and reading about the profession. It was great to be studying with new people with similar interests, yet difficult to write essays after so many years.’

‘I started looking for work while still on the course. I sent my CV for a job posted on a professional mailing list seeking records management analysts for a project at the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations in Rome. I was shortlisted for a phone interview that was mostly a discussion of current trends in records management, which were still fresh in my mind from studying. One week later, I was offered an initial six-month contract.’

‘On my first day, I found a diverse team of co-workers, including records managers and archivists from all over the world with career histories similar to my own. I have now been here 18 months and during this time we have been preparing and rolling out the new records management system. For the remainder of my contract we will fully deploy and test the new system. The job is challenging, although satisfying, and there is no typical day. On some days I am at my desk writing papers or analysing folder structures, and on others I am in meetings, giving presentations or training staff.’

‘All my skills are being stretched and honed, and I am also gaining a broader view of the issues and challenges archivists and records managers face than I would have if I had taken a job in the UK. I would like to build upon this experience, hopefully through working for other international organisations where I can broaden my expertise into neighbouring professions such as information and knowledge management.’

‘For students who want a career in archives and records management, I recommend trying to get the best understanding of the profession before beginning to study. I also think it is important to realise that job opportunities are worldwide, especially if you are flexible and adaptable. Finally, never think a job advertisement is not applicable to you - take a chance and apply, you never know where you might end up.’

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