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We were in a very difficult position. We ___________ (not/know) what to do.

I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last _________ (see) him, he _______ (try) to find a Job in London.

I _________ (walk) along the street when suddenly I __________ (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody ________ (follow) me. I was frightened and I

__________ (start) to run.

When I was young, I __________ (want) to be a bus driver.

Exercise 12. Choose a, b, or c.




_____________ Amy today?



a) Did you see


b) Have you seen


c) Has you seen

We ___________ to Germany last year.



a) went

b) have gone

c) were going

They _______________ lunch.



a) already have had

b) have had already

c) have already had

___________ I was cooking dinner, my children were doing their homework.

a) After

b) Before

c) While


When _____________ school?



a) did you finished

b) have you finished

c) did you finish

She ______________ home when he called her.


a) drove

b) was driving

c) drives

She _________ never seen this film.



a) hasn’t

b) has

c) didn’t


What _______________ at 6.30 yesterday?


a) was you doing

b) did you do

c) were you doing

I ____________ a holiday last year.



a) didn’t have

b) haven’t had

c) hadn’t


How many times ______________ to Italy?


a) were you

b) you were

c) have you been


Будущее действие в английском языке, так же как и в русском языке, выражается:

глаголом настоящего времени = Present Simple, Present Continuous

глаголом будущего времени = will + V1

выражением «собираться (делать что-то)» = be going (to do something)



Русское соответствие


















Present Simple


Настоящее время








The train arrives at 19.10.

Поезд прибывает в 1910.


Используется Pr. Simple,

The film starts at 6 p.m.

Фильм начинается в 1800.


когда мы говорим о


What time do you finish

Во сколько ты завтра


расписании, графиках

work tomorrow?

заканчиваешь работу?


(напр. транспорта,









уроков, спектаклей, и т.
























Present Continuous


Настоящее время








I am going to the cinema

Я завтра иду в кино.















He is having dinner with

В пятницу он обедает с


говорим о своих планах

Mary on Friday.









What are you doing

Что ты делаешь сегодня


для осуществления этих

















Be going to






(do something)


(сделать что-то)


going to, когда мы

1. I am going to clean the










windows this week.

окна на этой неделе.





She is going to buy a

Она собирается покупать


ничего не подготовлено

new car.

новую машину.




для осуществления этих












2. There are many black








clouds. It’s going to rain.

туч. Будет дождь.



going to



(=It will rain.)







Simple (will + V1), когда

I feel terrible. I think I

Я чувствую себя ужасно.


мы делаем прогноз или

am going to be sick. (=I

Я думаю, я заболею.





think I’ll be sick.)























Future Simple


Будущее время








1. Oh, I’ve left the door






1. Используется


open. I’ll go and shut it.

открытой. Пойду закрою













решили что-то сделать в








момент речи.




2. The bags look heavy.





2. См. пункт 2 выше


I’ll help you with it.

тяжёлой. Я помогу тебе









с ней.

























Exercise 13. Your friend is planning to go on holiday soon. You ask him/her about her plans. Use the words in brackets to make your questions.

0. (where/go?) Where are you going? – Scotland.

(how long/stay?) _____________________? – Ten days. (when/go?) ________________________? – Next Friday. (go/alone?) _______________________? – No, with a friend. (travel/by car?) ___________________? – No, by train. (where/stay?) ____________________? – In a hotel.

Exercise 14. Have you arranged to do anything at these times? Write true sentences about yourself.

0. (this evening) I'm going out this evening. or I'm not doing anything this evening. or I don't know what I'm doing this evening.

(tomorrow morning) ____________________________. (tomorrow evening) ______________________________. (next Sunday) _________________________________.

(choose another day or time) _______________________________.

Exercise 15. Put the verb into the more suitable form, Present Continuous or Present Simple.

I _______________ (go) to the theatre this evening.

_________________ (the film/begin) at 330 or 430?

We ___________ (have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?

The art exhibition ________ (open) on 3 May and _______ (finish) on 15 July. I ___________ (not/go) out this evening. I __________ (stay) at home. '________ (you/do) anything tomorrow morning?' - 'No, I'm free. Why?'

We __________ (go) to a concert tonight. It __________ (begin) at 730. Excuse me. What time __________ (this train/get) to London?

Ann, I _________ (go) to town. __________ (you/come) with me?

Sue ___________ (come) to see us tomorrow. She ____________ (travel) by train and her train _____________ (arrive) at 1015. I __________ (meet) her at the station.

I ______________ (not/use) the car this evening, so you can have it. 'I'm bored with this programme. When __________ (it/finish)?'

Exercise 16. Answer the questions. You are going to do all these things but you haven't done them yet. Use going to and the word(s) in brackets.


Have you cleaned the car? – Not yet. I'm going to clean it tomorrow (tomorrow). Have you phoned Sally? – Not yet. ____________________ (later).

Have you done the shopping? – Not yet. ________________ (this afternoon). Have you read the paper? – Not yet. _____________________ (after dinner). Have you had dinner? – Not yet. ____________________ (now).

Exercise 17. Write a question with going to for each situation.

0. Your friend has won some money. (what/do with it?) What are you going to do with it?

Your friend is going to a party tonight. (what/wear?) __________________? Your friend has just bought a new table. (where/put it?) ________________? Your friend has decided to have a party. (who/invite?) __________________?

Exercise 18. What is going to happen in these situations? Complete the sentences with going to.

There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It's going to rain.

It is 830. Jack is leaving his house. He has to be at work at 845 but the journey takes 30 minutes. He __________________be late.

The man can't see where he's walking. There is a hole in front of him. He

________________ to fall into the hole.

Emma is driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol station is a long way away. She ______________ to run out of petrol.

Exercise 19. Complete the sentences with I'll + a suitable verb.

I'm too tired to walk home. I think I'll get a taxi.

'It's a bit cold in this room.' - 'Is It? ____________ on the heating then.' 'We haven't got any milk.' - 'Oh, haven't we? __________ and get some.' 'Do you want me to do the washing-up?' - 'No, it's all right. _________ it.' 'I don't know how to use this computer.' 'OK, ___________ you.'

'Would you like tea or coffee? '_________ coffee, please.'

'Goodbye! Have a nice holiday.' 'Thanks. __________ you a postcard.'

Thank you for lending me your camera. ____________ it back to you on Monday, OK?

'Are you coming with us?' 'No, I think _____________ here.'

Exercise 20. Choose a, b, or c.

'Did you phone Ruth?' - 'Oh no, I forgot. I _________ her now.




a) I phone

b) I'll phone

c) I am going to phone

The food looks horrible. __________ it.

a) I don’t eat

b) I am not eating

c) I’m not going to eat

I can't meet you tomorrow afternoon. I _________ tennis.

a) I play

b) I’ll play

c) I am playing

' ___________ you outside the hotel in half an hour, OK?' - 'Yes, that's fine.'

a) I meet

b) I’ll meet

c) I’m meeting

________________ some letters this evening.

a) I write

b) I’ll write

c) I’m going to write

'I need some money.' - 'OK, ___________ you some. How much do you need?'

a) I lend

b) I’ll lend

c) I’m going to lend

________________ a party next Saturday. I hope you can come.

a) I have

b) I’ll have

c) I’m having


_______________ for a new job?



a) Does he look

b) Will he look

c) Is he going to look

What time _____________ tomorrow?



a) does the train leave

b) will the train leave

c) is the train leaving

I think Jane ___________ the job. She has a lot of experience.

a) gets

b) will get

c) is getting



'____________________anything tomorrow evening?' - 'No, I'm free. Why?' a) Do you do b) Will you do c) Are you doing




Вспомним, что такое герундий. Герундий образуется при помощи суффикса –ing, добавляемого к корню глагола: do – doing, write – writing, go – going. Герундий соответствует русскому существительному, образованному от глагола при помощи окончания –ние, которое обозначает процесс: doing – делание, writing – написание, going – хождение, и т.д. На русский язык переводится по-разному (согласно нормам русского языка): существительным, инфинитивом, деепричастием, глаголом-сказуемым, придаточным предложением или отглагольным существительным.


Learning rules without examples is useless. – Заучивание правил без примеров бесполезно.


I hate getting up early. – Терпеть не могу вставать рано.

In the evenings, I usually do my homework before watching telly. – По вечерам я обычно делаю домашнюю работу, перед тем как смотреть телевизор.

I like building fires and cooking on them. – Мне нравиться разжигать костры и готовить пищу на них.

It is good fun sleeping in the tents. – Весело спать в палатках.

I enjoy playing on my computer and skate boarding. – Мне нравится играть на компьютере и кататься на скейтборде.

Как вы заметили из примеров, герундий чаще всего переводится инфинитивом. Резонно возникает вопрос: нельзя ли использовать вместо герундия инфинитив, ведь для русского человека так проще и понятнее. К сожалению нет, нельзя. После определенных слов и словосочетаний можно использовать либо только инфинитив, либо только герундий. После нескольких слов можно употреблять равнозначно и герундий и инфинитив. Вот некоторые из них:

Глагол + герундий

Глагол + инфинитив

Глагол + герундий/





like, love, enjoy, hate,

choose, decide,


begin, start


finish, stop, continue

promise, need, help, hope,




try, want, would





would love





+to cook


+ to cook / cooking



+to walk


+ to walk / walking






Exercise 1. Translate the verbs from the table.

Exercise 2. Put the verb in the correct form: Gerund or Infinitive. Sometimes the both forms are possible.

I enjoy working (work) in a team.

Would you like to have (have) something to eat? It started to rain / raining (rain) while we were out.

I want ____________ (get) this job.

I hope ______________ (earn) some money soon.

When did you begin _____________ (attend) the English course? I finished __________ (write) the letter at seven o’clock.

Some people like ______________ (meet) new people in their job. Don't forget _______________ (post) my letter!


We want _____________ (launch) the project in the spring. I love ______________ (work) under pressure.

She continued ________________ (talk) during the whole meal.

The head of the department is trying _____________ (decide) what equipment to buy.

I’d like ________________ (have) another job.

I enjoy __________ (visit) places I've never been to before. Many people hate ____________ (get up) early in the morning. I decided ______________ (improve) my IT skills.

A filing system helps _________ (locate) records quickly.

Everyone hopes ____________ (enjoy) themselves on holiday, but it isn't always easy.

Exercise 3. Put the verb in the correct form: Gerund or Infinitive. read, drink, relax, lie, have, visit, sunbathe, help, sail, stay

My friend and I had a problem about our holiday last year. I wanted (1) __________ a lazy seaside holiday because I was tired and needed (2) _________________. I love

(3) ____________ in the sun, (4) ___________ ice-cold beer and (5) __________ a good book. But Natalie likes busy, cultural holidays. She likes (6) ____________

museums and galleries. She hates (7) __________ because she always goes red, not brown. The travel agent tried (8) _______________ us and suggested Greece. I said I'd love (9) _________________ to a quiet island, but of course Natalie said she'd like (10) ______________ in Athens. It was easy to decide what to do – we flew to Athens together, Natalie stayed there and I travelled to the island or Kos!

Герундий также употребляется после предложных словосочетаний,

например: to be responsible for, to be in charge of, to be fond of, to be afraid of, to complain of, to succeed in, и многих других.

4.Make similar sentences with gerunds, changing the underlined parts.

1.I am responsible for answering phone calls.

2.He is in charge of opening the incoming mail.

3.She is fond of singing.

4.He succeeded in developing the project.

5.He signed the papers without reading them.





Существительное может служить определением к другому существительному. В этом случае два или более существительных следуют друг за другом, и между ними нет ни предлогов, ни артиклей, ни других связующих элементов. Образуется «цепочка существительных», где последнее существительное – определяемое слово, а предшествующие существительные являются определениями и переводятся на русский язык прилагательными или существительными в одном из косвенных падежей, чаще всего Родительном падеже.

Lunch break – обед + перерыв = обеденный перерыв (перевод слева направо) The Finance Department – финансовый отдел

Wage increase – увеличение зарплаты (перевод справа налево)

A ten-year retention period – десятилетний срок хранения (смешанный перевод)

Многие профессиональные термины имеют такую же структуру, но, как правило, их дословный перевод не соответствует русскому термину. Поэтому перевод терминов нужно сверять со специальным словарём.

File plan – номенклатура дел

Exercise 1. Match the nouns to form the noun + noun phrases. What do they mean?

1.9f – Mission statement. - It’s a short official statement made by an organization about its work and why it does this work.

1. application

a. information


2. classification

b. course


3. contact

c. plan


4. file

d. letter


5. correspondence

e. system




6. job

f. statement


7. negotiation

g. management


8. organization

h. interview


9. mission

i. skills


10. project

j. budget


























Exercise 2. Order the words to restore the names of English and American legislation.

1.Protection / Act / Data

2.Act / Rights / Human

3.Electronic / Act / Communications

4.Management / Information / Guidance

5.Scheme / Local / Classification / Government

6.Act / Records / California / Public

7.Management / State / Act / Records

8.Misuse / Act / Computer




Как и в русском языке, в английском языке сложные предложения делятся на две группы: сложносочинённые и сложноподчинённые. Придаточные предложения присоединяются к главному при помощи различных сочинительных (and, but, or) и подчинительных союзов (that, after, before, while, as, if, и др.), а также наречий (when, where, how, why) и союзных слов (who, whose, what, which, that).

§ 1. Относительные придаточные предложения. Относительные придаточные предложения – это предложения, которые уточняют, какого человека или вещь мы имеем в виду. Когда мы говорим о людях, используем who/that. Когда мы говорим о вещах, используем which/that. На русский язык who/which/that переводятся союзом который/что.

The woman who/that lives next door is a doctor. – Женщина, которая живёт по соседству, врач.

I don't like stories which/that have unhappy endings. – Мне не нравятся истории, которые имеют несчастливый конец.

Exercise 1. Join the two sentences using who/that/which.

e.g. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. – The girl who was injured in the accident is in hospital now.

A man answered the phone. He told me you were away. – The man ________. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient. – The _________.


A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt. – The ________. Some people were arrested. They have now been released. – The _________. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour. – The ___________.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences. Choose the most suitable ending from a-j and make it into a relative clause using who/that/which.

(he) invented the telephone

(it) gives you the meaning of words

(she) runs away from home

(it) won the race

(they) are never on time

(they) stole my car

(they) were on the wall

(it) can support life

(it) makes washing machines

(it) cannot be explained

Barbara works for a company that makes washing machines. The book is about a girl _________________________.

What was the name of the horse _________________________. The police have caught the men _________________________. Alexander Bell was the man _________________________.

What's happened to the pictures _________________________. A mystery is something _________________________.

A dictionary is a book _________________________. I don't like people _________________________.

It seems that Earth is the only planet _________________________.

§ 2. Бессоюзные относительные придаточные предложения (без who/that/which). Когда who/that/which не являются подлежащим придаточного предложения, их можно опустить. В русском языке такое опущение невозможно, поэтому при переводе предложения с отсутствующим who/that/which мы добавляем «который».

The woman who lives next door is a doctor. – Женщина, которая живёт по соседству, врач. (who lives = who – подлежащее, lives – сказуемое; who нельзя опустить в этом предложении)

The woman who I wanted to see was away on holiday. – Женщина, которую я

хотел увидеть, была в отпуске. (I wanted = I – подлежащее, wanted – сказуемое; who можно опустить в этом предложении: The woman I wanted to see was away on holiday. При переводе на русский язык добавляем


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