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Текст 12 Thai restaurants

Прочитайте текст. Согласитесь или не согласитесь:

  1. They sometimes sit on the floor when they eat.

  2. They often use chopsticks.

  3. They don't use their fingers.

  4. They can't drink alcohol in public.

  5. Smoking is common.

  6. They don't put salt on the table.

  7. They eat early in the evening.

  8. Restaurants are very formal.

Найдите в тексте, что является:

informal eating habits


crowded, noisy and hot


Еating habits are very informal. You sit at a table or in a circle on the floor around the food. All the food is put out on different plates at the start of the meal. You take what you want. Most people eat with a spoon and a fork. You can use your fingers to make rice balls which you dip in various sauces. Chopsticks are only common with the Chinese population in Thailand. There isn't usually any salt because they use fish sauce.

Thais can eat and drink anything. There are no social taboos. Drinking alcohol is a normal social activity for men. Smoking is common among men and women.

Thais eat early in the evening. They usually have their evening meal at about six o'clock. Most traditional Thai restaurants close at about eight o'clock. So if you go early, it is crowded, noisy and hot and if you go late there is no food left! These restaurants are very relaxed. You can even take your own drink into a Thai restaurant!

Текст 13. Rice


Rice is life for millions of people around the world. It is the most important food for 50% of the world's population. Almost every country has rice in their diet. Europeans don't eat much rice, perhaps three kilograms per year. But in Myanmar, for example, each person eats half a kilogram of rice every day. Rice and fish is a popular combination in many Asian countries; rice and vegetables are important dishes in the Middle East and Southern Europe; and rice and beans is very popular in Latin America (in Colombia it is the national food).


Every year the world produces more than 500 million tonnes of rice. Rice is a popular food because it grows almost everywhere. You can grow rice on wet land and dry land, in tropical rainforests and in deserts. Scientists think that there are more than 140,000 different types of rice in the world. Rice also has lots of uses. You can make paper, wine, bread, beer, sweets, cosmetics and even toothpaste with rice.


Rice is in danger in many parts of the world, because of wars, environmental problems and pollution. Many of the poorest people in the world need rice to survive. For these reasons, the United Nations declared 2004 the International Year of Rice and started many development projects connected to rice production and distribution. These programmes continue today.

Ответьте на вопросы:

  • Do you like rice?

  • Did you eat any rice this week?

  • What do you eat rice with?

Соотнесите параграфы 1-3 с названиями a-d. Одно название лишнее.

a Rice in danger

b Rice - an important food

с Why I like rice

d Why is rice so popular?

Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. How much rice do Europeans eat every year?

  2. How much rice does a person in Myanmar eat every day?

  3. How much rice does the world produce every year?

  4. Where can you grow rice?

  5. How many different types of rice are there?

  6. What can you make with rice?

  7. Why is rice important for poor people?