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I’ll miss you.

Moishe had been single (был холост) for a long time (долгое время). One day, he excitedly tells his mother (он возбужденно сообщает своей матери) that he's fallen in love at last (что он влюбился наконец) and he is going to get married (и собирается жениться). She is obviously overjoyed (она очевидно переполнена радостью; joy – радость).

Moishe then tells his mother, "Just for fun (просто, только ради шутки), Mum, I'm going to bring over 3 women (я приведу сюда трех женщин) and you try and guess (постарайся угадать) which one I'm going to marry (на которой я собираюсь жениться)."

His mother agrees (соглашается).

The next day (на следующий день), Moishe brings 3 beautiful women into the house (приводит в дом трех красивых женщин) and sits them down on the couch (и усаживает их на диван) and they all chat for a while (и все они болтают какое-то время; a whileпромежуток времени). Then Moishe turns (поворачивается) to his mother and says, "Okay, Mum. Guess which one I'm going to marry?"

She immediately (сразу) replies, "The redhead in the middle (рыжая в середине)."

"That's amazing (удивительно) Mum. You're right (ты права = угадала»). How did you know? (как ты узнала)"

"I don't like her (она мне не нравится)."

Moishe had been single for a long time. One day, he excitedly tells his mother that he's fallen in love at last and he is going to get married. She is obviously overjoyed.

Moishe then tells his mother, "Just for fun, Mum, I'm going to bring over 3 women and you try and guess which one I'm going to marry."

His mother agrees.

The next day, Moishe brings 3 beautiful women into the house and sits them down on the couch and they all chat for a while. Then Moishe turns to his mother and says, "Okay, Mum. Guess which one I'm going to marry?"

She immediately replies, "The redhead in the middle."

"That's amazing, Mum. You're right. How did you know?"

"I don't like her."

Just for fun.

That's amazing!

Benjamin rushes (бросается) to his doctor.

"Doctor, you’ve got to give me something (вы должны дать мне что-нибудь) to make me young again (чтобы сделать меня снова молодым). I’ve got a date (у меня свидание) with this beautiful young girl tonight (с этой красивой молодой девушкой сегодня вечером)."

His doctor said, "Hold on a second (подождите, остановитесь /на/ секундочку; to hold – держать), you’re 70 years old (вам 70 лет), there’s really not a lot I can do for you (я действительно не много для вас могу сделать; a lot – множество, много)."

Benjamin replies, "But doctor, my friend Tony is much older than I am (мой друг Тони намного старше меня: «чем я») and he says he has sex three times a week (а он говорит, что занимается любовью три раза в неделю)."

"OK," says the doctor, "so you say it too! (и вы тоже так говорите)"

Benjamin rushes to his doctor.

"Doctor, you’ve got to give me something to make me young again. I’ve got a date with this beautiful young girl tonight."

His doctor said, "Hold on a second, you’re 70 years old, there’s really not a lot I can do for you."

Benjamin replies, "But doctor, my friend Tony is much older than I am and he says he has sex three times a week."

"OK," says the doctor, "so you say it too!"

Hold on a second.

There’s really not a lot I can do for you.

Beckie was dying (умирала) and on her deathbed (и у своего смертного одра), she gave final instructions (она дала последние указания) to her husband (своему супругу) Tony.

"Tony, you’ve been so good to me all these years (ты был так добр ко мне все эти годы). I know you never even thought (я знаю, ты никогда даже не думал /to think-thought-thought/) about another woman (о другой женщине). But now that I’m going (но теперь, когда я ухожу), I want you to marry again (я хочу, чтобы ты женился снова) as soon as possible (как можно скорее) and I want you to give your new wife (чтобы ты отдал твоей новой жене) all my expensive clothes (всю мою дорогую одежду)."

"I can’t do that, darling (я не могу сделать этого, дорогая)," Tony said. "You’re a size (у тебя размер) 16 and she’s only (а у нее только) a 10."

Beckie was dying and on her deathbed, she gave final instructions to her husband Tony.

"Tony, you’ve been so good to me all these years. I know you never even thought about another woman. But now that I’m going, I want you to marry again as soon as possible and I want you to give your new wife all my expensive clothes."

"I can’t do that, darling," Tony said. "You’re a size 16 and she’s only a 10."

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