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2. Change the following into the Past Continuous Tense.

  1. The man is standing near the door. 2. Tom told a story. 3. The children swam in the river. 4. Is Mary wearing a white dress? 5. She went to the cinema.

6. They did not work in the garden. 7. We are not sitting by the window. 8. The workers built a bridge. 9. The girl tried on a dress. 10. The old man spoke in a low voice.

3. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense (Past Simple or Past Continuous).

1. Last year I (to decide) to go to England for my holidays.

2. When I left Kiev it (to rain), but when I (to arrive) in London it (to clear up).

3. A cold wind (to blow) from the sea.

4. I (to go) to my hotel by bus. As soon as I (to sign in) I (to see) a friend of mine

from Ukraine.

5. She (to stay) at the same hotel.

6. In the afternoon we (to go) shopping.

7. Street traders (to sell) souvenirs.

8. We (to listen) to their chatter trying to understand them.

4. TranslateintoEnglish.

1. Он позвонил мне, когда мы обедали. 2. Что вы делали, когда он пришёл к вам? 3. Я читал газету, а моя жена писала письмо своей сестре. 4. Вчера вечером шёл дождь, поэтому я остался дома и играл в шахматы со своим приятелем, который пришёл навестить нас. 5. В прошлое воскресенье мы ездили к моему брату. 6. Вы ездили туда на автомобиле или на автобусе? 7. Поскольку мы не хотели опаздывать к обеду, мы ехали в автомобиле очень быстро. 8. Когда вы ходили туда в последний раз? 9. Они гуляли по саду, а я сидел в комнате брата и слушал радио. 10. Тычитал, когдаяпришёлвчера.

Topic 10. At the Museum

- Good morning. One ticket for the Modern Art Exhibition, please. Thank you. Oh, hello Kate! How are you? What are you doing here?

- The same thing as you: I’m going to see this art exhibition. I’ve heard it’s very interesting.

- Let’s go there together then. I’m glad I’ve met you. I don’t like visiting such places alone.

- Nor do I, Peter.

- Which art movements do you like?

- I love impressionistic paintings and realistic, classical art as well. And you?

- I’m interested in abstract art like, for example, Pablo Picasso’s cubist paintings. Who is your favourite painter?

- I think van Gogh, or maybe Gauguin. But I also admire Rembrandt…I couldn’t say who I like most.

- That’s true. It’s very difficult to classify them if each of them was genius. Oh, look there’s my favourite Picasso painting!

- Which one?

- The one on the left.

- I see. What’s the title?

- “A Child with a Dove. Look at the colours and form. Picasso uses varying shades of blue and green.

- Oh I love it! In fact it is full of emotion. I wonder who this painting belongs to.

- It probably comes from a private collection. These days most famous pictures are in the hands of private collectors.

- Well, I love this exhibition. There are plenty of modern art works: impressionistic and abstract painting. You can find something for yourself and I can admire styles of art that I like. Let’s go to the next room.
