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Grammar in Use Conditional Sentences Type III

5. Look and learn.


Main clause


Unreal past

If +Past perfect

Would/could/might + have + past participle

Imaginary situation in the past; it is used to express criticism and regrets

If I had known that you were coming I would have met you at the station.

If we had left on time, we would not have been late for the meeting.

I wish I hadn’t missed such an important meeting.

6. Fill in the correct tense.

1. If I (not/lie) to my boss, he (not/fire) me.

2. I wish you (follow) her advice. If you (do) what she had told you to do, you (not/lose) your money.

3. If she (finish) work earlier yesterday, she (can/go) to the cinema with her friends.

4. If he (be paid) on time, he (can/pay) his bills.

5. If I (study) hard, I (not/fail) my exams.

6. If you (follow) my directions, you (find) the office at once.

7. If he (meet) specific requirements, he (receive) a loan from a bank.

8. If we (not/be) hard up that time, we (not apply) to the bank for a loan.

7. Continue the sentences.

1. If I had had enough money, … .

2. If I had worked more, … .

3. If I had had a map, … .

4. I wish my grandparents … .

5. If I had won the lottery last week, … .

6. If it had not been so cold yesterday, … .

7. If I had talked to the boss yesterday, … .

8. If they had sent me on business to London last year, … .

8. Translate into English.

1. Если бы она вчера была более внимательна, она бы не сделала ошибку в отчете.

2. Банк выдал бы фирме кредит, если бы она удовлетворяла всем требованиям.

3. Я бы не искал тогда другую работу, если бы у меня была бы хорошая зарплата.

4. Если бы мы заключили сделку с этой компанией в прошлом году, мы бы потеряли наши деньги.

5. Если бы я открыл тогда счет в банке, я бы получил хороший доход.

6. Если бы он одолжил мне денег, я бы открыл свою собственную фирму.

7. Мы бы обратились в банк, если бы процентная ставка была бы высокая.

8. Жаль, что он не захотел со мной встречаться.

Speaking Task

9. Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner the activities of different types of banks. What are the aims of banks?


10. Read the text carefully and write the summary. Use the comments and useful phrases from Chapter II, Unit I, ex.9.

International Financial Reporting Standards – IFRS is a set of international accounting standards stating how particular types of transactions and other events should be reported in financial statements. IFRS are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. IFRS are sometimes confused with International Accounting Standards (IAS), which are the older standards that IFRS replaced.

The goal of IFRS is to provide a global framework for how public companies prepare and disclose their financial statements, to make international comparisons as easy as possible. This is difficult because, to a large extent, each country has its own set of rules. IFRS provides general guidance for the preparation of financial statements, rather than setting rules for industry-specific reporting.

Having an international standard is especially important for large companies that have subsidiaries in different countries. Adopting a single set of world-wide standards will simplify accounting procedures by allowing a company to use one reporting language throughout. A single standard will also provide investors and auditors with a cohesive view of finances. Currently, over 100 countries permit or require IFRS for public companies, with more countries expected to transition to IFRS by 2015.

International Financial Reporting Standards comprise:

- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)—standards issued after 2001;

- International Accounting Standards (IAS)—standards issued before 2001;

- Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC)—issued before 2001;

- Conceptual Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (2010).

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