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Тесты по англ для шк.олимп.doc
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IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I must ... this work today.

a) make, b) do, c) be making, d) be doing.

2. How ... times did you call me?

a) much, b) many, c) little, d) few.

3. It's quiet today, ... no wind.

a) it is, b) there is, c) it was, d) there was.

4. This test is ... difficult for me to do.

a) too, b) enough, c) even, d) still.

5. Shall I give you ... more tea?

a) some, b) any, c) no, d) much.

6. He was ... injured in the accident.

a) bad, b) badly, c) very, d) strongly.

7.What did he ... ?

a) speak, b) talk, c) say, d) tell.

8. Do you remember when you went to the theatre ... ?

a) last, b) last time, c) at last, d) for the last time.

9. Mary doesn't leam Spanish, ... ?

a) does it, b) doesn't it, c) doesn't she, d) does she.

10. Can you tell me what time ... ?

a) is it, b) it is, c) is there, d) there is.

11. The more you do now, the ... will be left for tomorrow.

a) more, b)-much, c) less, d) little.

12. Why ... I ask anybody for help, I can do it myself.

a) can, b) could, c) have, d) should.

13. By the end of the next week they ... all the exams.

a) have passed, b) had passed, c) will have passed, d) will pass.

14. Everybody ... the film is interesting.

a) say, b) says, c) said, d) have said.

15. We were sorry we ... the bus.

a) miss, b) missed, c) have missed, d) had missed.

16. We have not decided yet when we ... into the new flat.

a) move, b) moved, c) shall move, d) would move.

17. Ted suggested ... the party at his place.

a) holding, b) to hold, c) having held, d) being held.

18. There are heavy clouds in the sky, it ... to rain soon.

a) is unlikely, b) is sure, c) is possible, d) seems.

19. All the books ... .

a) have sold, b) sold, c) have been sold, d) had been.

20. I'd like him ... a success.

a) to be, b) to have been, c) being, d) will be.

V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. — Что ты читаешь? — Я читаю интересную статью в се­годняшней газете.

2. В нашей школе французкий не преподают.

3. Я тебе звонил сегодня несколько раз.

4. В какой институт ты собираешься поступать?

5. Когда я была маленькой, я думала, что хлеб растет на де­ревьях.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. The Quakers are ... .

a) a religious movement, b) a pop group, c) the title of a book, d) the title of a film.

2. What great historical event happened in 1066?

a) the Roman invasion, b) a bourgeois revolution, c) the battle of Hastings, d) the Danish invasion.

3. The printing press was invented by ... .

a) Oliver Cromwell, b) William Caxton, e) William the Conqueror, d) Alexander Bell.

4. Secondary education in Britain is ... .

a) compulsive, b) compulsory, c) optional, d) voluntary.

5. The size of the house in Britain is determined by the number of....

a) sitting rooms, b) kitchens, c) bedrooms, d) floors.

Test 13

I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Two men were boasting to each other about how rich their families were. One said, "My father's farm is so big that when my mother goes off to milk the cows on Monday morning she gets back only on Saturday evening." — "Really?" said the other. "Well, I think that's a pretty big farm but it would look like a small garden if compared with my father's farm." — "How big is your father's farm?" asked the first man. "Well, when my father sends a young married couple to milk the cows their grandchildren bring the milk back home."


1. How long does it take the first man's mother to get the milk home?

2. Which of the two men was more boastful?