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Vocabulary notes

to sound pompous лунати пишномовно

to lack in smth мати потребу в чомусь

a nursery дитячі ясла

Thank Goodness слава Богу!

anyhow так чи інакше

to ill-treat погано обходитися

І guess я вважаю

to have trouble learning мати труднощі при вивченні

to be curious by nature бути допитливим від природи

to express gratitude висловлювати подяку

a primary school початкова школа

an impatient kid нетерпляча дитина

self-disciplined дисциплінований

a well established habit звичка, що укорінилася

fascinating чарівний

to get interested in smth зацікавитися чимось

to gulp down ковтати, поглинати

by dozens (екв.) десятками

senior старший

to take to smth починати зайнятися чимось

to attend відвідувати, бути присутнім

to go in for sports займатися спортом

noble надзвичайний, видатний

an amateur любитель

to make up one's mind вирішити

a department відділення

extra-mural заочний

a course курс (навчання)

to be staffed with бути укомплектованим

an academic degree науковий ступень

to provide забезпечувати, надавати

up-to-date сучасний

equipment обладнання

to have smth at smb's disposal мати щось у своєму розпорядженні

a graduate випускник

a joint venture спільне підприємство

considerable значний

1. Underline all international words in the text. Give their Ukrainian equivalents.

2. Find in the text the following words and word combinations and translate the sentences in which they are used.

to sound pompous, spent the whole of my childhood, got their education, to be a housewife, to be taken to a nursery, hated going to the nursery, to be taken away from his mother, had any trouble, was always fond of reading, to be curious by nature, I lack words to express my gratitude to my teacher, to get interested in smth, to attend a sport club, higher educational establishment, day-time department, workers and employees, The course of study, special subjects, dealing with, to carry out, to have smth at smb's disposal, highly-qualified specialists, to do one’s best.

3. Find English equivalents of the words and word combinations given below and make up sentences with them.

Знайомитися, проводити час, працювати на заводі, домогосподарка, можливість, дитячий садок, занадто рано, висловлювати вдячність, підбадьорювати, невдачі, невеликий словниковий запас, улюблені письменники і поети, вільний час, відвідувати спортивний клуб, спеціальні предмети, висококваліфіковані викладачі, бібліотека, кабінети, аудиторії, виконувати, вчений ступінь, випускники, спільне підприємство.

4. Complete the following sentences filling in appropriate words from the box.

going, age, failures, curious, to connect, importance, functioning, gulped, education, habit, encouraged, to speak, extra-mural, potential, helped, lasts, up-to-date, an idea

1. It sounds rather pompous for a girl of my … .

2. My mother got her … at Kiev Polytechnical University.

3. I can remember quite well how much I hated … to the nursery in the morning when I was three or four.

4. I learned reading before I was five and that … me greatly when I entered school.

5. I was always fond of reading and … by nature.

6. She turned disorganized and impatient kids into self-disciplined learners, … our first little victories and softened sharp pricks of … .

7. As I grew older, working hard became a well-established … with me.

8. It seemed great to be able … a foreign language even with so small a vocabulary I had at that time.

9. I enjoyed reading and … down books by dozens.

10. I had nothing against Natural Sciences and Mathimatics, but somehow they seemed of less … .

11. I made up my mind … my future career with modern economy.

12. For you to have … of our Institute I would like to tell some words about it.

13. First it started … in 1977.

14. At the … department workers and employees can get their education without leaving their jobs.

15. The course of study … five years at all the departments.

16. There are many lecture-halls, classrooms, studies, laboratories provided with … equipment where the students carry out various experiments.

17. Present-day Ukraine has a considerable … to become one of the richest countries in the world.