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3. Translate the following words and word combinations.

To keep fit; personal initiative; necessary facilities; to provide; a compulsory subject; indoor and outdoor sports; shooting; a major international event; to participate; variety of competitions; to be regarded; the world’s foremost sports competition; to be held every two years; host cities; physical disability; the governing body; the Olympic Movement, the Olympic Charter; evolution; the Paralympic Games; physical disability; the Youth Olympic Games; teenage athletes; pure amateurism; corporate sponsorship; commercialization; cancellation; the decision-making body; the host city; to be contested; to determine; to encompass; rituals and symbols; torch; opening and closing ceremonies; an independent nation; to compete; dissolution of the Soviet Union; top medal-producing sport; the Unified Team; to manage to get; to relax and enjoy; way of recreation; to maintain good health and enjoy life; curriculum; spare time; track-and-field athletics; gymnastics; fencing; wrestling; hiking; skiing; skating; to be outdoors; swimming-pools; spectators; ardent sport fans; liveliness. 

4. Find English equivalents of the words and word combinations given below and make up sentences with them.

Здоровий; підтримувати форму; різноманітні змагання; спортивні уболівальники; церемонії відкриття і закриття; спортсмен-професіонал; спортсмен-аматор; брати участь у змаганнях; парусний спорт; Олімпійські Ігри; легка атлетика; вільний час; фехтування; бокс; лижний спорт; ковзанярський спорт; катання на санках з гори; бути в пошані; полювання; бути популярним серед будь-кого; зимові ігри на свіжому повітрі; ігри в приміщенні; шахи; більярд; художня гімнастика; боротьба; футбол; регбі; гольф; крикет; вудіння; до нашої ери; нашої ери; Національний Олімпійський Комітет; Міжнародний Олімпійський Комітет; об’єднувати; стрільба; надавати чудові можливості для чого-небудь; ; займатись (спортом), захоплюватись чимось; головна міжнародна подія; учбовий план; легка атлетика; найбільша популярність

5. Complete the following sentences filling in appropriate words from the box.

basketball, rugby, play, footballer, bowls (bowling), team, race tracks, outdoor, riding, football, player(s), game(s), spectator, soccer, championship, playground, captain, cricket, sport(s), indoor, opponent(s), match(es), goal, gymnasium

1. The English are fond of … and regard themselves as good sportsmen. This is not surprising since England has been the home of sport for centuries and gave birth to nearly all … wherever they are played, on land or on water.

2. Next to soccer, the chief … sport in English life is horse racing.

3. To some people, … is a boring game, to others, it has the intellectual fascination of chess and dramatic appeal of a five-act … .

4. In recent years … has become a sport for everybody. There are many reasons for interest in the horses.

5. … is a game that has been played in Britain since the 13th century.

6. …is played with an egg-shaped ball which may be carried and thrown (but not forward). Each … has fifteen players, who spend much time lying in the mud or on top of each other.

7. … which began in England spread all over the world. Its fans have become a public threat in Britain, a tradition of violence is common during and after the … .

8. Americans are fond of … and even the smallest village has a … where people do sport.

9. … is played on a grass court. The most famous British … is Wimbledon, played annually during the last week of June and first week of July.

10. During the winter of 1891-1892 James Naismith, a college instructor in Springfield, introduced the game of … . He wanted to give some exercises for students between the end of the football season and the baseball season. He placed fruit baskets on the walls at opposite ends of the … . There have been many changes in the … since the, for example, there are five … in a team now, but the game itself is the same.

11. It is interesting that at first basketball was an … game, and in America it is still played indoors. But almost in all other countries it is an … game.

12. What Europeans call ‘football”, Americans call … .

13. The leader of the team is the … .

14. A man in the … is called a goal-keeper.

15. When you play in a football team you are a … .

16. The players of the other team are the … .