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10. Parenthood: Bringing up children.

Each of us is born with a certain amount of intelligence. That’s the nature part. If we nurture that intelligence, we can help it develop. There is a limit to how much we can develop it. We may not be able to turn every child into a gifted child, but we can certainly challenge each child so that he or she achieves a maximum potential.

I believe that the answer to this question lies in both nature and nurture. A person can be born a genius/intelligent but if that is never nurtured, it will be a skill that is essentially lost. However, a person could also be born of average intellect and work hard and be exposed to varied things throughout life and become super intelligent. Environment cannot be ignored in human development.

famous American pediatrician, who wrote 'Your baby is born to be a reasonable friendly human being'. Today's parents are not sure this is enough.

The Better Baby Institute

Doman claims that up until the age of six, when brain growth slows, a child's intellectual and physical abilities will increase in direct proportion to stimulation. Thus any child, given the proper stimuli, can become the next Leonardo.

So the question is now one of technique. How can par­ents create the kind of brain growth that leads to expertise in reading, math, gymnastics, and the like? Say you want to teach your six-month-old how to read. Write down a series of short, familiar words in large, clear letters on flashcards.

Show the cards to your infant five or six times a day, simul­taneously reciting the word written on each one. With his extraordinary retentive powers he'll soon be learning hundreds of words, then phrases. The idea is to try to treat the baby's mind as a sponge by the age of three, Doman guar­antees, your child will be entertaining himself and amazing your friends by reading 'everything in sight'. In like manner he can learn to perform staggering mathematical stunts, or to distinguish and thoughtfully analyze the works of the Great Masters or the classical composers.

It’s a popular myth that great prodigies spring up out of nowhere as if touched by divine finger. But what sort of parental stimulationshould it be:hot-housing,supportiveorstimulating?Hot-housingchildren are constantly under parental pressure and this results in burn out rather than in giftedness.Supportiveparents are those who will go out of their way to help their children follow their pet interests and praise whatever level of achievement results. Generally such parents create a harmonious home governed by clear rules. But the children in this case are not very intense in their concentration and achieve not very high results.Stimulatingparents are more actively involved in what their children do and push them to work hard, often acting as tutors. But the children in this case, though working for long hours, are constantly on alert and less happy than those from a stable balanced family environments.

11.Ways of learning

Do gender difference manifest in mental activity?

Boys and girls play differently,speak differently,interested in different things. Male and female thought processes are different. Even before birth,the brains of men and women operate different.

More men than women are left handed.This reflect the dominance of the brain’s right hemisphere.More women listen equally with boyh ears while men listen mainly with the right ear. Men are better at reading a map without having to rotate it.Woman are better at reading the emotions of people. The corpus callosum is larger in women than in men. This might explain the mystery of female intuition, which is supposed to give women greater ability to read and understand emotional clues.

The average man brain weighs about 1.3 kilogramms, while the average female brain weighs 10% less. The brain consists of grey matter(that helps us think)and white matter(that helps us transfer information). While men have more white matter, the amount of thinking brain is the same in both sexes. The 2 sides of the brain is better connected in women.This means that women can absorb all sort of information from different sources at the same time, making tthem more adept at multi-tasking(cooking dinner,talking on the phone, wathing tv at a time).Men are better at taking one job at a time.

It is men who have the stronger emotional response to other people’s feelings. .Scientists have come to conclusion that men are more decisive, aggressive and driven by money and status than women. They believe they tend to be more mechanically minded, better at targeting objects and better at activities which require reasoning(rubic cubes).

Do people learn through the same way of learning?

The way people learn and process new information is one of the many factors that makes each individual person unique. While some people learn quickly by performing a task for themselves, others learn better by watching someone do the task or by simply hearing the task explained. For teachers and parents, understanding your child's learning style can be the key to unlocking their full potential.

There are three major learning styles: auditory, visual, and tactile.

The Auditory Learning Style

Auditory learners gain the most knowledge from what they hear. Therefore, they should be encouraged to read aloud, to summarize orally what they have read after they have read it. songs and poems spoken aloud can help auditory learners remember dates and events of importance.Videotapes and audio tapes may also help auditory learners to gain the necessary knowledge. Study groups where topics can be discussed and debated aloud can also help auditory learners grasp the information they are learning. It is believed that 20% of the population are Auditory learners. They do very well in lecture situations and oral testing.

The Visual Learning Style

Visual learners retain knowledge best by what they see. These types of learners should use notes that they can read and review later on. They should color main information so it is more visually appealing and easier to read. Flash cards are also a great source of learning for visual style learners. Maps, charts, diagrams, graphic organizers, patterns and shapes—these are some of the best tools for visual learners. This category also includes learners who prefer learning through reading and writing. They prefer to see what they are learning and might close their eyes in order to visualize or remember something. Visual learners also benefit from illustrations.

The Tactile Learning Style

Tactile learners retain knowledge the best when they learn through hands on activities and move around while learning. Therefore, it is more difficult for the tactile learner to retain knowledge by reading a textbook, they should be encouraged to get up and move around the room while reading. Computer usage can also help tactile learners by allowing them to use their sense of touch. they can listen to while they move around.

Environmental Factors Can Affect Learning

Environmental factors can play an important role in all learning styles. For instance, some learners, learn better when it is bright while others are bothered by excessive light. Other learners learn better when it is extremely quiet while noise and activity are essential for some students.

Some learners may prefer to sit quietly, while others prefer to be allowed to move around freely. four learning styles:

Activist (enjoys the experience itself),

Reflector (spends a great deal of time and effort reflecting)

Theorist (good at making connections and abstracting ideas from experience)

Pragmatist (enjoys the planning stage)

Most people combine the styles of learning

There is a difference between surface-level learning and deeper-level learning.The surface-level learning is absorbing and retaining detail and being able to reproduce it later, deeper-level learning involves engaging with fundamentals principles and adjusting your own beliefs accordingly. Deeper-level student do well both in coursework and exams and surface-level student could do well in exams if they were good at cue spotting.

12. War and Peace

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