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13 Courts and trial

Become a criminalReasons. Many people steal things they couldn't obtain. Others, such as drug addicts, steal to get money to buy drugs or other things they need. Some shoplifters steal for excitement, but others do because they are poor. Many car thieves take cars for joy riding.To meet some personal needs.The motives .A robber may kill the victim to avoid detection. Some gangsters blackmail people to obtain money. A man may beat his wife in a fit of rage during a quarrel.

2 Common criminal and civil offences. "Crime" is an offence against the state or individuals. The 1st group is crimes against people or property. Crimes against people include assault kidnapping, murder, manslaughter, and rape.Crimes against property include arson, car theft, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, fraud, trespassing and vandalism. The 2nd group is crimes against public order and morality. They include disorderly behaviour, gambling, prostitution, public drunkenness. The 3rd group is organized crimes - activities of groups of gangsters or racketeers. They specialize in gambling, blackmail, prostitution, drug peddling and some others.The 4th group is called "white-collar crimes". These are fraud, cheating in the payment of taxes, petty thefts by employees. One of the most common "white-collar" crimes today is a computer crime. The last group is political crimes. It includes acts of terrorism and assassinations of political figures, airplane hijacking, assassinations, bombing and the taking of hostages have become more frequent.

5 Capital punishmentIn the USA, 85% of the population approve of the death penalty. in Britain, people are against the use of capital punishment. The use of the death penalty should be only available for murder and serious violent crimes. The pro-hanging lobby uses four main arguments .First there is thedeterrence theory( potential murderers would think twice before committing the act). The idea ofretribution(before committing a crime, a murder should accept the consequences.) The arguments against the death penalty. If the deterrence theory were correct, the rate should have fallen. A matter of individual conscience and belief. Innocent people are sometimes wrongly convicted. Capital punishment is carried out by hanging; electrocution, gassing or lethal injection, beheading or stoning, shooting . It deters others from committing such crimes. Opponents argue that execution is cruel and uncivilized.

6 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY There are two kinds of juvenile delinquents. One is the status offender. This is a young person who has been truant, has run away from home, has not abided by parents' rules. The second kind of juvenile delinquent is one who has done something like robbery, rape, or murder. Punishment is usually more lenient. Boys are much more likely than girls to get into trou­ble with the law. Children who get into trouble early in life are more likely to get into deeper trouble later on. Stealing, lying, truancy, and poor achievement

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