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Chapter III Criminal Law.doc
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6. Match the words on the right with the suitable attributes on the left:

  1. human

  1. responsibility

  1. felonious

  1. quarrel

  1. corpus

  1. person

  1. homicide

  1. officer

  1. criminal

  1. murder

  1. slain

  1. life

  1. criminal

  1. injury

  1. punishable

  1. guard

  1. malice

  1. design

  1. dangerous

  1. offense

  1. premeditated

  1. necessity

  1. police

  1. delicti

  1. prison

  1. crime

  1. first degree

  1. case

  1. bodily

  1. individual

  1. sudden

  1. homicide

  1. atrocious

  1. agency

  1. absolute

  1. period

  1. private

  1. aforethought

  1. brief

  1. mind

  1. depraved

  1. act

7. Complete the sentences using proper words in the box.

absolute, premedi­tation, death, forcible crime, manslaughter, murder, substance

  1. The unique characteristic of first degree murder is …, a design to take life.

  2. The term "body of the offense," means the … of the crime.

  3. The right to kill in definite circumstances is strictly limited to cases of … necessity.

  4. … is defined as the killing of one human being by another with malice aforethought.

  5. Killing a person to prevent the … is always considered justifiable.

  6. If a homicide is not murder, it ordinarily constitutes … .

  7. Criminal responsibility for murder is not imposed unless the accused's actions were the cause of ….

8. Match the synonyms:

  1. police officer

  1. malice

  1. homicide

  1. give rise

  1. commit

  1. force

  1. unique

  1. threat

  1. quarrel

  1. row

  1. danger

  1. personal

  1. slayer

  1. perform

  1. violence

  1. particular

  1. private

  1. murder

  1. provoke

  1. cop

  1. evil

  1. effect

  1. accord

  1. give

  1. design

  1. intent

  1. several

  1. killer

  1. cause

  1. some

  1. depraved

  1. evil

9. Match the antonyms:

  1. punishment

  1. unique

  1. absence

  1. dangerous

  1. death

  1. assault

  1. safe

  1. apparent

  1. common

  1. bodily

  1. defense

  1. innocent

  1. general

  1. reward

  1. atrocious

  1. long

  1. sudden

  1. mortal

  1. appear

  1. most

  1. real

  1. the same

  1. least

  1. presence

  1. brief

  1. premeditated

  1. varying

  1. particular

  1. immortal

  1. life

  1. mental

  1. human

  1. guilty

  1. disappear

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