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Chapter III Criminal Law.doc
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3. Explain the words and word combinations and comment on them.

Violation, victim, threat, judicial proceeding, felony, cruel, sufficient, punishment, penalty, omission, a wrong against society, victimless.

  1. Give a brief summary of the criminal offenses described in Units 2 and 3.

  1. Complete the following statements with phrases of your own.

  1. Possession of controlled substances and drugs can be punished by…

  2. …is a crime in most jurisdictions.

  3. A criminal intent to steal or to commit some crime at the time of breaking and entering is an essential element of…

  4. If a homicide is not murder, it ordinarily constitutes…

  5. Murder is generally defined as the killing of one human being by…

  6. An essential element of the crime of bigamy is an existing…

  7. …is the unlawful touching or striking of a person.

  1. Present your arguments for and against the way adultery and bigamy are treated under American statutes.

  1. Analyze the pros and cons of dividing homicides into three degrees.

You may begin with: “Under some statutes, homicides fall into three classes…”


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