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Часть 2.

9. Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country, isn’t it?

10. What does the British industry produce?

11. What industrial cities are there in Great Britain?

12. What outstanding people of Great Britain do you know?

13. Are there any big education establishments in Great Britain?

14. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy, isn’t it?

15. What is the name of the Queen of Great Britain?

16. Is her power limited by Parliament?

17. How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of? What are


18. What are the main political parties in Great Britain?

*VI. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Британские острова расположены на континентальном шельфе (shelf). 2. Пролив Ла-Манш отделяет Великобританию от континента. 3. Пролив неширокий, не более 32 километров. 4. Великобритания – одна из наиболее густонаселенных стран мира. 5. Считается, что Шотландия такая же красивая, как и Швейцария. 6. Туристы со всего мира приезжают в эти страны, чтобы полюбоваться красотой пейзажа. 7. Уэльс – один из крупнейших шахтерских районов страны. 8. Великобритания получила большую прибыль (gain profit) от эксплуатации своих колоний. 9. Северная Ирландия была первой колонией Англии. 10. Сегодня Великобритания - крупный производитель железа и стали, электронного и магнитного оборудования, текстиля.

**VII. Составьте рассказ о других англоязычных странах, используя словарь к тексту «Великобритания» и данные из Википедии (США, Австралия, Новая Зеландия, Канада).

English – speaking Countries


Some short information about five English-speaking countries:

1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. The United States of America

3. Canada

4. The Commonwealth of Australia

5. New Zealand

These countries have different histories, cultures, traditions, governments and geography.

1) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the islands in the northwest of Europe. The Atlantic Ocean is on the north of it and the North See to the east. The English Channel (21 miles) separates it from the continent. Great Britain is the largest island. The three main parts of it are Scotland, England and Wales. Northern Ireland is situated on the island called Ireland. The population of the United Kingdom is about 60 million and its capital is London. The United Kingdom is highly developed country. Its main cities are London, Birmingham, Manchester, and Glasgow.

2. The United States of America (USA) is located in North America. It is one of the largest countries in the world. The population of the USA is about 250 million people. The USA has 50 states. Its capital is Washington D.C. (the District of Columbia). Its main cities are New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Boston. It is highly developed country. People of very many nationalities live in the USA.

3. Canada is situated in North America. Three oceans surround it: the Atlantic, the Arctic and the Pacific. The capital of the country is Ottawa. About 30 million people live in Canada. It is a great industrial country. Its main cities are Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.

4. The Commonwealth of Australia occupies the continent of Australia and a number of islands (the main one of which is Tasmania). It includes 6 states and 2 territories with a population of about 20 million of people. Its capital is Canberra and the main cities are Sidney and Melbourne.

5) New Zealand consists of several large and many smaller islands. Its population is about 4 million people. The capital is Wellington. The chief cities are Auckland, Dunedin and Nelson. It is a highly developed agricultural country.