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2. Answer the following questions on the text.

1) What kind of job is advertised in the first ad?

2) What does it entail?

3) What professional and human qualities are required for it?

4) How is the second advertised job different from the first one?

5) Which of the two jobs looks more challenging to you? Why do you think so?

3. Read the following phrases from the job advertisements and choose the correct meaning of the words in italics.

1) The position would involve ... reporting to insurance and legal clients.

A. … being responsible to insurance and legal clients.

B. … telling insurance and legal clients about what has been happening.

2) UAV Test Engineer reports to UAS Test Engineering Manager.

A. He is managed by UAS Test Engineering Manager.

B. He gives UAS Test Engineering Manager information about recent events.

3) … other property related failures.

Have a minimum of 5 years related engineering experience.

… investigating the technical aspects of insurance or legal related losses.

A … connected in some way

B … connected by a family relationship

4) … please forward a CV and cover letter to …

Send your CV and cover letter to …

A. A paper that is put on top of something else to protect it.

B. A letter that you send with documents or a package that gives information about its contents.

5) Bachelor's degree from an accredited school…

A… sent to another country to officially represent somebody

B … an officially approved school.

4. Read the definitions and find words in the text that mean:

1) fully grown and developed,

2) relating to the scientific methods used for finding out about a crime,

3) to try to find out the truth about or the cause of an accident,

4) something that tests strength, skill, or ability,

5) a case that establishes a particular principle, that is then used as a standard.

5. Read the following e-mail application letter written in response to the first job ad. Is this message formal or informal? Justify your answer.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for the post of forensic engineer at your company, as advertised in sintraeng.com. As you will see from my attached CV, I am a university graduate and possess all the necessary qualities required for the job.

I can send you a picture of myself, copies of my degrees, and reference letters.

I would very much like the opportunity to discuss the post with you. I am available to begin work as soon as needed. I look forward to hearing from you. I am grateful to you for taking the time to view my application.

Yours sincerely,

Alan Murphy

Respond to the second job ad by writing a short e-mail application letter.

Unit III


Section I. Let’s speak about…

A. Special Events

1. Answer these questions about yourself and your family.

1) What’s your first name/surname?

2) Is that a common name in your country?

3) Are you an only child?

4) How would you describe yourself (your face, hair, height, build, character)?

5) What do your parents do?

6) Who is the head of your family?

7) Do you have any traditions in your family?

8) How do you spend your holidays?

2. Read these emails from the English family to their friends in Russia. Choose a subject for each of the emails.

a) A special birthday

b) Christmas holiday

c) Summer events

Email 1

Hello to you all - and thanks for your Christmas email.

We were on holiday in Lanzarote before Christmas, arriving home at night on Christmas Eve. It was a good time to go away because there was much snow and ice in England but in Lanzarote the temperature reached 25 degrees! We had a lovely holiday and have also enjoyed a nice Christmas at home.

Although it is still a holiday I have called in at work to check that everything is ok.

We hope you have a lovely New Year and that 2011 is a good year for you all.

Best wishes from Andrew, Margaret and Olivia.


Email 2


I'm so glad the email reached you safely.

Thanks for your birthday greetings.

I had a very special birthday this year. Margaret and Olivia took me away to a secret location. It turned out to be a town called Darlington - just along the coast from Scarborough and Robin Hood's Bay - where I went to college many years ago. I showed them the house I lived in, the pubs I used to visit and also the college! We stayed in a hotel there for two nights.

How is Volgograd? Has it been a cold winter? On TV this week was a major documentary about the Battle of Stalingrad and it also showed lots of images of Volgograd today.

Well, must go as I have to meet someone in Chesterfield.

Andrew xxx (and Margaret, Olivia).

Email 3


How are you?

Olivia is growing up very quickly. We received her first school report yesterday and the teacher had lots of excellent things to say about her and how she is learning. This week she is performing in a dancing show. She is doing three different dances including ballet, tap and freestyle and has three beautiful (but expensive) costumes to wear.  

We spent a few days in Germany at the end of June for a street festival in a town called Sindelfingen. The town is 'twinned' with Dronfield and we were invited by the town's Mayor to visit it. The street festival itself was amazing with hundreds of stalls lining the streets of Sindelfingen selling food, beer, jewellery, sweets and many more things. 

At the end of August we’ll be travelling by car to France. A friend of ours has a house at place called Descartes in the Loire Valley. We’ll cross the Channel by ferry and we’ll take Olivia to Disneyland Paris for three days before driving down to the house.

Do you have any travel plans this year or are you going to spend lots of time at your beautiful summer house? And how was the birthday party?

Well, I must get some more work done. Please pass on our fondest regards to everyone over there. 

Lots of love

Margaret xxx

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