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М.С.Алёхина. Английский язык для металлургов.doc
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Task 2 Comprehension Check

Exercise 1. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

  1. London was founded by the Normans about 1000 years ago.

  2. The City is the commercial heart of London and it is an autonomous district.

  3. The Houses of Parliament were burnt down in the fire of 1834.

  4. St.Paul’s Cathedral wasn’t touched by the Fire of London.

  5. One cannot say that London is a green city.

  6. The National Portrait Gallery is situated in Chelsea and exhibits the portraits of many well-known British people as well as foreigners.

Exercise 2. From the choices given choose one word or phrase which

could be substituted for the underlined word or phrase

without changing its meaning.

1. Moscow grew up around the Kremlin.

a) developed b) enlarged

2. The famous Coventry Cathedral was badly destroyed during World

War II.

a) damaged b) ruined

3. The British Museum has an incredible collection of old books and manuscripts.

a) wonderful b) true

4. The Tretyakov Art Gallery contains a unique collection of Russian painting.

a)comprises b) constitutes

5. The variety of museums make London a real attraction for tourists.

a) kind b) diversity

6. In our days all parks of London are opened to everybody.

a) recently b) nowadays

7. The space of the Kew Gardens is huge.

a) accomodation b) area

Exercise 3. Using additional material make up a report on some

places of interest of London.

Exercise 4. Arrange the jumbled text into the right order.


1. An important building programme was undertaken shortly after the Norman Conquest (1066). The famous Lincoln Cathedral and the Castle were built in 1068 - 1072. The city still has several fine examples of Norman buildings, including the famous Jew’s House in Steep Hill, one of Britain’s best known 12th-century houses.

2. Lincoln is a city of great historical interest and importance. Even before the Romans came to Lincoln and set up a military garrison in AD 48 the site of the city was occupied and known as Lindon - hill fort by the pool.

3. During the Middle Ages Lincoln’s prosperity was based on the wool trade. The development of Lincoln as an industrial centre began in the mid-nineteenth century. The local products are many and varied and include excavators, cranes and drills, diesel engines for all applications, turbines, boilers and pumping equipment, electronic components, etc.

4. The Romans made Lincoln one of the finest cities in Britain. Their elaborate stone-built sewerage system was unique. After the Romans left, the Anglo-Saxons robbed their buildings, and the development of the city started only with the Viking invasion in the 8the century when Lincoln became an important trading centre.

Exercise 5. Listen to the lecture on London Art Galleries and

answer the questions.

Oral Practice

Asking the way


Questions Answers

1. Excuse me, can you tell me the 1. Certainly, . . .

way to . . .?

2. Sorry, can you tell me how 2. Sure, . . .

to get to . . .?

3. Excuse me, can you tell me 3. With pleasure/ Yes, of course.

where . . . is?

4. Sorry, I’m afraid, I’ve lost 4. - Sorry, I don’t know.

my way. Can/Could you - I have no idea, I’m afraid.

help me? I need to get to . . . - I’m a stranger here myself.